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This blog contains responses to blog prompts, & thoughts on spiritual or religious themes |
Istijlál (Majesty), 13 ‘Alá’ (Loftiness) 175 B.E. - Thursday, March 14, 2019
PROMPT: March 14th - Are you good at saving money? What was the last thing you saved up for? Am I good at saving money? No. I have a saving account, which is attached to my checking account. I have the keep the change thingy that transfers a certain amount of money when I use my debit card in a purchase. Once a month there is an automatic transfer from my checking to my savings account. I'm still not good at saving money. What am I saving for? I am saving money so that I can transfer money from my savings account to my checking account when my checking account gets overdrawn. I believe a wrote a poem a few years ago about an overdrawn checking account. To you, my bank account, and no other I complain, because you are overdrawn! I am sad because you were a lover Who has now betrayed me and let me down, You were true to my every desire; But you have ignited debts undying fire: You must be full again or my plight is dire! Today is the day for you to fill up, So that I again have money to spend, Don't set there like an empty coffee cup, I want you to again become my friend. You who were my love and my one desire, You have gotten me stuck in debt's deep mire: You must be full again or my plight is dire! Now bank account, you were my life's one light, And my salvation, keeping me without fears, Please fill up and assist me with your might, Since you're overdrawn I have been in tears. Without you to fulfill my heart's desire; I am poor and deep in debt's swampy mire: You must be full again or my plight is dire! O conqueror of my soul's seduction, Please hear and answer my expectation; My lover-king, I speak this prayer to you That you my request will not refuse, But rather answer my supplication! |