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This blog contains responses to blog prompts, & thoughts on spiritual or religious themes |
Fiḍál (Grace), 11 ‘Alá’ (Loftiness) 175 B.E. - Tuesday, March 12, 2019
DAY 2305: Write something about March. My mother's 98th birthday is Tuesday, March 19. Mom's soul ascended into the Abha paradise a little over six years ago. I'm not sure how I'll commemorate Mom's birthday. I'll probably say prayers for the departed to help her souls move through the spiritual realm. I could write a poem, I'll have to find one of her favorite scripture verses to see if that gives me any idea. The following is one of Mom's favorite prayers, she said it everyday before leaving for work. "O God, my God! I have set out from my home, holding fast unto the cord of Thy love, and I have committed myself wholly to Thy care and Thy protection. I entreat Thee by Thy power through which Thou didst protect Thy loved ones from the wayward and the perverse, and from every contumacious oppressor, and every wicked doer who hath strayed far from Thee, to keep me safe by Thy bounty and Thy grace. Enable me, then, to return to my home by Thy power and Thy might. Thou art, truly, the Almighty, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting." Bahá’u’lláh1
Day 1911 Can colors be attached to memories and emotions, and do colors bring back memories for you? What kind of memories or emotions come rushing back when you see a certain color? Mom's favorite color was red, so red always has pleasant memories for me. Mom's favorite flowers were roses, especially red roses. Her favorite sweet was chocolate. Red roses and dark chocolate always make me smile, and bring back memories of Mama. |