A blog to house my musings, curiosities, and fascinations. |
Discuss some victories you’ve had this month, no matter how big or small. What are some goals you have going into March? From the "Invalid Item" What a perfect prompt! The last two months I’ve done a bit of a blog post about goals for the next month, and it has worked fairly well for me, so I might as well tie it in to this prompt and do it again! Victories, let’s see. February was a solid month for me, nothing too crazy stressful which was nice. I felt underproductive at work, but then a coworker I disliked got fired, so that was a breath of fresh air. Writing wise, I kept at it with 26 reviews, 3 new poems, and 1 new non-fiction essay. I also created two new fun games I’ve never done before on this site, even after all these years: 1 crossword and 1 word search. It was also my first time challenging myself to do the "Invalid Item" tasks, and (after this entry) I’ll have done 20! Woohoo! I consider that an accomplishment From the task prompts, I wrote 6 blog posts which I am quite proud of and might work to expand in the future (especially the one about public speaking and the one that is currently secured behind a passcode about crimes committed by the mentally ill). I liked the feeling of blogging to prompts again. I get so stressed having to give the prompts for the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" that I don’t like also writing for them The prompts for the "Invalid Item" though were really thought-provoking. I read 6 books and wrote reviews for them, kept up with my "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group" guardian duties, and my sleep tracking over at the "Habit Heroes " as well. Writings:
Fun Stuff:
As for goals, pretty similar to last month. I’m going to try to get more MHWA tasks done and go a little easier on the contests: Review: 15 for "Anniversary Reviews" : 12 for "SuperTower Review Room MB Rewards" : Read: For "CLOSED!The Monthly Reading Challenge" and "Little Mouse Loves to Read" "The Nature Principle” by Richard Louv Product Review: "The Nature Principle: Reconnecting with Life in a Virtual Age" "The Universe in a Nutshell" by Stephen Hawking Product Review: "The Universe in a Nutshell" "The Fact of a Body" by Alexandria Marzano-Lesnevich Product Review: "The Fact of a Body: A Murder and a Memoir" "Why is the Penis Shaped Like That?" by Jesse Bering Product Review: "Why Is the Penis Shaped Like That?: And Other Reflections on Being Human by Jesse Bering (2012-07-03)" "She has her Mother's Laugh" by Carl Zimmer Product Review: "She Has Her Mother's Laugh: The Powers, Perversions, and Potential of Heredity" Mental Health Writer’s Alliance Challenge: (do at least 20 Tasks) Task #1 Task #2 Task #3 Task #4 Task #5 Task #6 Task #7 Task #8 Task #9 Task #10 Task #11 Task #12 Task #13 Task #14 Task #15 Task #16 Task #17 Task #18 Task #19 Task #20 Task #21 Task #22 Task #23 Task #24 Task #25 Task #26 Task #27 Task #28 Task #29 Task #30 Task #31 Enter Contests: "Verdant Poetry Contest" for "The Contest Challenge" "Invalid Item" March "a very Wodehouse challenge" Research and write blog or static <1000 words about "The Age of Enlightenment." Select one figure from each of the following eras: Pre-Socratic, Medieval, Renaissance, Modern, and Contemporary. Give summaries (<500 words each) on their contributions to Enlightenment. Write a story (<1000 words) or poem (<21 lines) that deals with enlightenment of some kind. "The Prompt Me Contest" "SugarCube's Monthly Random Contest!!" "Invalid Item" "Haiku Hunt Contest" Continue Regular Commitments: Normal review crediting for "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group" Sleep and update "Habit Heroes " every morning General administration, prompting, and judging for the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" See you in March! Take care, Emily |