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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/952567-Independence
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#952567 added February 20, 2019 at 6:36pm
Restrictions: None
Prompt: "Independence means happiness." Susan B. Anthony Do you agree with this quote?


I don’t know if anyone who is independent is happy, but I value independence greatly. Maybe it comes from being an only child, maybe not. I was never a rebel unless pushed, but I like to decide for myself and most of the time I like finding solutions by myself, which is not a very good thing in old age, I am finding out.

This quote brings to mind something on the independence of thought from Fahrenheit 451 by Bradbury. “If they give you lined paper, write the other way.” I tend to agree with that, at least with what it means metaphorically.

Regardless of doing (or not doing) the opposite of what others push you to do, truly independent people like to think for themselves and perhaps cannot fit into a group that has its own rules. Then, if you don’t fit in a group, chances are you will be castrated. In that sense, does that kind of independence lead to happiness? I am asking this question because human beings are social people and most of us need to fit in a group or society that has to have at least some of its beliefs and actions come close to our own independent ways.

“Live and let live” does not always work in many close-knit and tight societies with strict rules or even in those that do not censure your thinking. When the counterforces of thought do not agree with yours and they become strong enough, you either end up being alone or you may lose your independence and therefore, uniqueness.

So, does true independence mean happiness? I think, maybe sometimes and only within the person, but not always.

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