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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
“ Kriya Yoga Master, Yogiraj Siddhanath explains the “Way of the White Swan” as the evolution of human consciousness, the most comprehensive enterprise ever undertaken by humanity, compared to which the greatest of human achievements pale into insignificance. In the human brain exists the lateral ventricles in the shape of a swan poised in flight, with its wings thrust forward and head pointing to the back as though flying back to the future, faster than light. So in the yogic tradition the human Soul is frequently depicted as a swan in flight. So this swan of life, which symbolizes the Soul is called the Hamsa. The incoming and outgoing breath in a human being represents the two wings of the swan. When a Yogi unites his mind with the inflow and outflow of his casual breath, he enters the natural state of stillness called Sahaj Samadhi. The mystic meaning of Hamsa is “I am merged with the Divine”. According to him the journey of our Soul (the “White Swan”) is the cycle of involution of human consciousness through mind into matter and its subsequent evolution from matter to mind, back to Self-realization. The path of going forth is called pravritti marg where one’s consciousness gets involved in the mind, the senses and the material world. Forgetting its true nature, it garners the experiences of life in its state of avid delusion, as it tastes the desires in this university of the material world. It is buffeted by these attractions and repulsions, after being involved in the best of life, and having tasted the joys and miseries thereof. The inner-spirit of the “Soul Swan” pushes it towards its own evolution, called the nivritti marg, the inward path of return. This is the evolutionary path of renunciation and detachment from the pleasures of samsara. Here our Soul Consciousness, called the “White Swan,” begins to withdraw itself from the grosser sheath of matter to the subtler spheres of mind. The “Soul Swan” has begun its inner yogic ascent through ever more refined and ever more expanded spheres of consciousness until it gets to the “Divine indweller” which lies at the very core of its own being. Then our consciousness expands beyond our own being to the boundless Godessence of the infinite reality. He says that the vital breath gifted to us at birth and withdrawn at death is therefore divine consciousness in motion. So through our Kriya Yoga practice we must walk the bridge of our breath to merge into the Infinite......” |