Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/951542-Muzzy-Campaign-for-Plush-Toys
Rated: GC · Book · Comedy · #2174505
It was common knowledge, but most people didn't know it.
#951542 added February 9, 2019 at 1:25am
Restrictions: None
Muzzy Campaign for Plush Toys!

Politics is a plush toy.
No one wants to vote for austerity.
I want everyone to be happy!
Washington spends billions on plush toys over seas.
Why can't the federal government give us a plush toy?

Democracy is nearly dead.+
It's owned by the plush toy donors..
What is the vox populi?
People are looking for more plush toys.
Is Alexander Ocasio Cortez a plush toy?

She has big Bambi eyes.
She's huggable.
And she wants everybody to be happy.
That's a plush toy!
Who wouldn't buy a A.O.C. plush toy?

I see a ground swell of A.O.C. merchandising.
I'd snuggle an Alexander Cortez pillow.
I'd press big Bambi face against mine .
President Lyndon Johnson said, "Winning sells."
He was a Democrat and made millions from plush toys.

Reflections~Marilyn Monroe was Pres. J.F.K.'s plush toy.
>>>>>>>>>>> She was Sen. Robert Kennedy's plush toy too.
........... Plush toys are powerful!

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