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Rated: 13+ · Book · Writing · #2178453
This book holds the items for the contest I enter in 2019, 2020, and beyond.
#950913 added April 16, 2024 at 8:30pm
Restrictions: None
Enteries For The Prompt Me Contest

Round 131: On the night of the Full Snow Moon you look out your living room window, and see the snow person you constructed that day walking out of your yard.
         Tied for FIRST PLACE honors!

Round 132: You wake up on Valentine's Day to find a rainbow crystal rose, with a note, on your nightstand. The note reads: "Be Mine! Lance", but you don't know anyone named Lance.

Spring Poetry Prompt entry:

The man on the phone said: "You've won
An all expense paid trip to the Martian Ski Run.
Where you're guaranteed to have fun."

         Tied for FIRST PLACE honors!

May Sentence Prompt

Round 144 - You open your front door to find a winged Chester White piglet on your front porch.

August 2019 Prompts

Round 158 - It appeared to be just another late summer storm until lightning struck the oak tree in front of city hall and opened an interdimensional portal.
         Won second place.

Round 168: Food = November 2019

It's John's turn to have Aunt Clara and her cat, Buttercup, over for Thanksgiving Dinner. He thought about shutting his dog, Skeezix, in the bedroom, but decided against it. After all, how much trouble could one cat and one dog cause in the two or three hours they would be together in the same house.
         Second place.

Round 169: Fantasy - November 2019

Winter mornings in Unicorn Wells were always a bit chaotic, because of the snow and the reluctance of the Unicorns to leave their warm stables. However, the appearance of nine reindeer, one with a glowing red nose, in front of the city hall caused quite a commotion.
         Tied for second place.

Round 170: Fantasy - November 2019

It was the night before Christmas Eve, and all through Christmas Town the elves and the reindeer were in a panic. Santa and Mrs. Claus had disappeared. The only clues they could find was a partially eaten Christmas cookie and the shredded remains of Santa's nice list.

Round 171: One liner any genre = December 2019

Santa and his reindeer break the time barrier into the past.

Round 172: Snow - December 2019

Snow was the last thing King Krampus expected to see when he stepped onto his balcony on Christmas morning.
         Second place.

Round 173 Include "Winter Solstice" in 1 sentence.

Lorna sighed, Winter Solstice had arrived, and she was stuck in the Colorado Springs airport waiting for her flight to be uncancelled.
         First place.

Round 174 Include "Christmas" in 1 sentence.

On Christmas morning, Sarah walked into her dining room to discover two grey aliens having coffee with Santa Clause.

Round 175 Include "New" in 1 sentence.

In the pocket of her new red coat, Anna found a found a one-way plane ticket for Hawaii.
         Second place

Round 176: Include the word GOODBYE in 1 sentence

"Goodbye, Sweet Prince," Briar Rose whispered, watching Prince Charming drink the sleep potion she gave him.

Round 177: Include the word ICE.

"The most beautiful ice volcano in the solar system," Mona said, looking across Pluto's landscape toward Wright Mons.
         Second Place

Round 178: Include the word MEMORY.

"Memory, sighed Belva, "Is as fickle as rain during a drought."

Round 179: Include the word MISERABLE in a one line entry.

Rena's only goal in life was to make the rest of the universe as miserable as she was.

Round 180: Include the word Illogical in a one line entry.

"Love is illogical," Spock said, as he handed Yeoman Rand a heart shaped box of chocolates.

Round 181: Include the word Nowadays in a one line entry.

"Dragons nowadays," sighed Queen Nan, "are so different from those in my childhood."

Round 182: Include the word Flag in 1-2 sentences.

Prince Henry watched as the flag was lowered to half-mass. "odd," he whispered, "I thought death would be more painful."
          Second place

Round 183: Include the number 29 in numerical or letter form: 29 or twenty-nine.

"Twenty-nine Enterprise class star ships can't vanish without leaving some sort of debris field," growled Commander Worf.

Round 184: Include the daylight saving time

It was a daylight saving time nightmare, I was lost in a Salvador Dali painting.
         First Place
Merit Badge in Well Done
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on winning the best prompt for March 2020 in  [Link To Item #2000519] !

Round 185: Include the word birthday

"Crappy birthday to me," Casey said to her reflection in the bathroom mirror.
         Second Place

Round 186: Include the word green in a one line prompt.

"I'll have the green eggs, over easy, with the ham steak," Rita said handing the menu back to the waitress.
         Honorable Mention

Round 187: Include the word virus in 1-2 lines.

"It's a virus," Rena said, as she turned off the lights to the lab. "Xenophobia is a virus!"
         Second place

Round 188: Include the word toilet paper in 1 lines.

"ode to Toilet Paper," Markus shouted at his firs poetry slam performance.

Round 189: Include the word cure in 1-2 lines.

"Eureka! I've found the cure!" Jay shouted.

Round 190 OPEN! 1-2 lines, your choice this week!

Rosa pulled a ski mask over her head, before opening the front door. "Glen, tell Mom that I went to the bank to withdraw some money."
         First Place

Round 191 OPEN! 1-3 lines, include the word UMBRELLA

Each time the umbrella was opened, the person carrying it disappeared. This caused the umbrella to close and fall to the ground. Where it waited patiently for its next victim.
         First place

Round 193: One Line Prompt-Include the word BIRD

Sara opened her daughter's bedroom door, to find Big Bird reading Cindy a bedtime story.

Round 200: Include the word haunted.

"This mirror has to be haunted," said Ruby.
         Second place

Round 201: Include the word scarecrow.

Raven stared out the living room window, at the scarecrow standing in the front yard. She was sure it hadn't been there last night.

Round 202: Include the word Lantern.

The wind whispered through the pine trees, and the lantern light flickered casting weird shadows across the trail.

Round 203: Write a prompt including the word ELF.

The elf on the shelf watched silently, as Wanda (AKA Mrs. Santa Clause} the Christmas Witch worked her magic.

Round 204: Write a prompt including the word ANGEL.

Removing her great grandmother's porcelain angel from the steamer trunk, Megan smiled.

Round 205: Write a prompt including the word STOCKING.

Alicia sighed, as she opened the gift from Aunt Clara; it was single bright red, hand knitted woolen stocking.
         Second place.

Round 206: Write a prompt including the word WRAPPING PAPER.

The wrapping paper chuckled with excitement, as Cleo unwrapped her fiancé Christmas gift.
         First Place

April Prompt Week 1: Use the word RAIN in your prompt

"Her name is Rain," said Crystal, as the midwife handed her the newborn.
         First place

April Prompt Week 2: Use the word THUNDER in your prompt

Thunder reverberated through Castle Dragon's stone walls, causing Prince Graymore to tremble.

June Prompt Week 1: Use the word POND in your prompt

Picking up a greenish pebble, Sheena threw it into the center of the pond. She screamed, when a hand reached out of the water, caught the pebble, and threw it at her.

Sept Week 2: Include the word RIBBON

"A blue ribbon," said Carrie, with a disappointed smile. "I was hoping to win the tickets to Washington D.C."

March 27 - April 2: Week Five's prompt is: fool.

A fool cloned is a security risk.

(2023) March Madness Round: March 26 - April 1: cactus

"The best way," Randy said, as he walked out the backdoor, "to keep the rabbits out of our vegetables is to plant a cactus fence around the garden."

(2023) Week 1: April 2 - 8: bluebird

Clara woke up to find a bluebird perched on her nightstand glaring at her.

(2023) Week 1: April 9 - April 8: wine

"Let me taste the wine of your lips," Rodger said, as he took Sara into his arms.

(2023) Week 1: April 30 - May 6: character

Joel was a punny character, who usually ended up dateless.
         2nd place

(2023) Week 2: May 7 - 13: genre

"Is AI a new genre?" Regena ask.

(2023) Week 3: May 14 - 1:0 laptop

Alicia stared in disbelief, as Queen Elizabeth, her Siamese cat, opened the Apple© laptop and began typing in Alicia's password.

(2023) Week 4: May 21 - 27: manuscript

The neatly typed manuscript lay beside the Smith-Corona typewriter. Curious, Jenny picked it up and begin to read.

(2023) Week 5: May 28 - June 3: book

Anna pick up the recipe book and opened it to the first page. There, written in her Grandmother's cursive, were the words "A curse on anyone who does not follow these recipes precisely."

(2023) Week 1: June 4 - 10: peacock

Sara picked up the small envelop laying on her desk and opened it. Inside was an invitation, that read "Your are invited to the grand opening of the Peacock Club on the evening of June 24, at 6:30 P.M."

(2023)Week 2: June 11 - 17: hot water bottle

Wrapping the hot water bottle in a terry cloth towel, Rose placed it in the bottom of a cardboard box box before putting the week old kitten in the box. Picking the box up, she carried it into her bedroom and placed it on her bed.

(2023)Week 3: June 18 - 24: dock

Alicia sat on the boat dock, with her feet dangling in the water, when a webbed hand reached up, grabbed her right leg, and pulled her into the water.
         2nd place

(2023)Week 4: June 25 - July 1: kayak

The apparently empty kayak drifted towards Niagara Falls.

(2023)Week 1: July 2 - 8: eight ball

"Why," said Henry glaring at his sister, "am I always behind the eight ball?"
"Because, Dear Brother, you're always standing in the wrong place at the wrong time!

(2023)Week 2: July 9 - 15: castle

There was something about castle McDonald that attracted tourist, while repelling the local citizens.

(2023)Week 3: July 16 - 22: picnic table

Anna stared at the picnic table, and shook her head. "Why," she glared at her brother, "are there ants on that table?"

(2023)Week 4: July 23 - 29: glue

Despite being told not to, over 100 times, Rodger decided to super glue the broken hinges on the bathroom door.

(2023)August Week 1: Barn

The dilapidated red barn stood on the edge of the dirt road. Its doors, hanging loose on their hinges, beckoning passersby to enter.
         First Place

(2023)August Week 2: Horseshoe

"Sam," Carl said. "You've hung the horseshoe upside down. All the luck will fall out."
         Second Place

(2023)August Week 3: fishing

"Fishing," announced Uncle Evert. "Requires three things. Luck, patience, and the ability to cast a spell while casting a fishing line."

(2023)August Week 4: scholar

Only one scholar remained at Nodding Hills Academy for Young Ladies. The rest, one at a time, had mysteriously disappeared.
         Second place

(2023)August Week 5: turtle

Headline: Herds of Giant Snapping Turtles Blocked the Entrances to the White House Today!
         Second place

(2023)September Week 1: confetti

The confetti descended onto the parade like a blizzard in Donner Pass.

(2023)September Week 2: movie

"My love life," Rita said to her mother, "has become a science fiction movie plot."

(2023)September Week 3: bee

"Aunt Lora," Gloria shouted as she entered the house. "How do you like my new shoes?" "Aren't those just the bee's knees!"

(2023)September Week 4: Vine

The vine snaked its way up the side of the Natural History Museum.
         2nd Place

(2023)October Week 1: phonebooth

On October 31, 2023, Superman attempted, without any luck, to find a phonebooth in order to change into Clark Kent.

(2023)October Week 2: pirate flag

The pirate flag was nailed to the gate of the crumbling castle. Below it, in big red letters, were the words: Enter at your own risk!

(2023)October Week 3: train

The train rolled through the night. Sara, unable to sleep, stared out the window into the darkness.

(2023)October Week 4: handprint

Jenny stuck her hand into the bucket of scarlet paint. Pulling it out, she left, what appeared to be, a bloody handprint on the door of Apartment 13.

(2023)October Week 5: October 31st

At midnight on October 31st, Jordan stepped out of his front door and into the Star Trek universe.

(2023)Week 1: Nov 5-11 - saxophone

The saxophone lay on a chair in the middle of the stage. George picked it up, put it to his lips, but before he could blow into it, it began to play a haunting melody.

(2023)Week 2: Nov 12-18 - world

"The world, Jenny announced, "will come to an end at midnight on January 1."

(2023)Week 3: Nov 19-25 - TV

Sara turned on the TV, a giant hand came out of the screen, and took the remote out of her hands.

(2023)Week 4: Nov 26-Dec 2 - stethoscope

Rodger picked up the stethoscope laying at the empty nurse's station, put around his neck, and walked into the delivery room.

(2023)Week 1: Dec 3 - 9 crayons

Under the noonday sun, the crayons melted, and formed multicolored a dragon shaped puddle. The setting sun transformed the puddle into a living rainbow dragon.

(2023)Week 2: Dec 10 - 16 motorcycle

"I tell you, Clara," Rodger said as he pushed his bike into the garage, "this World War I Harley Davidson’s J model motorcycle is haunted."
         Second place

(2023)Week 3: Dec 17 - 23 grocery cart

Silvia pushed the half-empty grocery cart through the smoking ruins of Clovis City, when she heard a wailing coming from a wrecked car. Opening the backdoor, she found a baby setting in an infant car seat.

(2023)Week 4: Dec 24 - 30 chimney

Santa stared into the darkness of the chimney, then turned to Donner and said: "I think it's time we retired."

(2024)January Week 1: Dec 31 - Jan 6 bell

The silver bell pealed three time before shattering into a thousand pieces.

(2024)Week 2: Jan 7 - 13: map

The papyrus map lay in the center of the ancient alter. When Martin reach out to pick it up, the alter began to move.

(2024) Week 3: Jan 14 - 20: snowboarder

Until he encountered Jessica, Greg was the champion snowboarder in the Lake Tahoe area.

(2024) Week 4: Jan 21 - 26: hamburger (two sentence limit)

Removing a Death Spiral Pepper and a Carolina Reaper from their containers, Clara sliced them. Next she took the raw hamburger patties and mixed the peppers, seed as well, into the meat.

(2024) Week 4: Jan 28 - Feb 3: dustpan (one sentence limit)

The dustpan was the only object in the apartment not covered with blood.
         2nd place

(2024) Week 1: Feb 4 -10: torch (one sentence limit)

The torch flickered, as a heart stopping scream echoed through the corridor.

(2024) Week 2: Feb 11 - 17: Valentine Card(s) (two sentence limit)

The corpse lay spread eagle on the living room's scarlet carpet. In its right had was a Valentine Card.

(2024) Week 3: Feb 18 - 24: sack (one sentence limit)

The only thing in the large burlap sack was a hand full of soy beans.

(2024) Week 4: Feb 25 - Mar 2: bucket (two sentence limit)

Jack picked up the bucket and started up the hill toward the well. "No," Jill screamed, causing Jack to stumble and hit head on a rock.

(2024) Week 1: Mar 3 - 9: tag (one sentence limit)

The words on the price tag read 1,000 gold shamrocks.

(2024) Mar 10 - 16: pot of gold (two sentence limit)

Senator Gobbledygook walked into the Oval office carrying a pot of gold and accompanied by two Leprechauns.

(2024) Week 3: Mar 17 - 23: fairy (one sentence limit)

Fairy fires flickered along the sides of the abandoned railroad tracks.
         Second place

(2024) Week 4: Mar 24 - 30: newspaper (two sentence limit)

Nell picked up the newspaper and turned to the obituary column. A chill ran up her spine, when she saw her name and picture.

(2024) Week 1: Mar 31 - Apr 6: rain (one sentence limit)

The atmospheric river carried the rain deep into the south-west desert.

(2024) Week 2: April 7 - 13: backpack (two sentence limit)

Glancing quickly around, Sara set her backpack behind the couch. "You can come out now," she said as she opened it.

(2024) Week 3: April 14 - 20: guitar (one sentence limit)

"This," said the auctioneer, "is the 1956 Gibson J200 guitar that belonged to Elvis Presley!"

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