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A woman looks to find out who she is |
Wc 2994 Chapter 17 Henry pulled into the parking lot of the Hoover Dam visitor center. It was as good a place to stop as any. It had bathrooms and probably some food. He parked and headed inside. After a brief tour of the building he stopped at the gift shop. A woman sat behind the desk. He pulled out the picture of Brian he’d downloaded from his website. “I’ wondering if by any chance this man came in here?” He handed her the paper. The woman sat her reading glasses on her nose and looked at the picture. Yes, He was here today. Why are you looking for him?” she handed him the picture still peering over her glasses at him. “He has some information I need. He took off before I could get it. He isn’t answering his phone. I got a bit worried when I couldn’t contact him by phone. I knew he was headed this way.” She tilted her head at him, “You looking for the girl too?” Henry stopped putting the picture in his pocket. “What girl?” “You don’t look like someone who is overly concerned about a guy you don’t know. Especially if he doesn’t answer your phone call. He’s looking for a girl. I figure you must be looking for her too.” “As a matter of fact I am.” He left the fact he had no idea who the girl was or why Brian was looking for her. “I think he may have been headed to Las Vegas. At least he asked about going there.” The woman was lying, but she wasn’t going to give him any information. He nodded and left. Las Vegas? That would be the next reasonable stop. He thought and pulled out onto the highway heading northwest. A few miles down the road he saw signs for restaurants in Boulder City. He needed to eat so he pulled off the highway into the restaurant parking lot. After finding a space he started to get out when across the parking lot he saw Brian walking toward the entrance with determined steps. Had he found the girl? He’d sit for a while and see what happened. After Brian entered the restaurant, Henry again started to get out of his SUV. A black SUV drove by in the row next to him. It moved slow as if whomever was inside was looking for something or someone. Henry slid down in his seat as they turned down his road. When it passed, Henry wrote the license plate number down along with the make and model. It didn’t take much of a guess to figure out it was a rental car, but for who? The SUV came to a stop behind Brian’s car. The passenger got out. A man with a military cut wearing a black two-button pullover shirt, and from Henry’s viewpoint jeans. He looked like a bodybuilder or bodyguard or both. The man wore heavy tinted sunglasses and looked around to see if anyone was close by. Then he dropped to his knees and crawled under the front of the car. In a moment he was out and back into the car and the car drove around the lane to stop in front of Brian’s car so it couldn’t leave. Henry needed to tell Brian what happened. He could leave a note, but knowing Brian, he’d read it and throw it away. Henry couldn’t remove whatever it was. They’d know and just put another back on. He’d have to go in and warn Brian. He strolled into the restaurant as if he came there every night, just in case someone was watching. He asked if he could talk to someone in the restaurant but was told no. He’d have to buy a dinner. “Can I talk to the manager?” He stared at the young man behind the register who picked up a mic and paged the manager. Henry couldn’t see anyone inside the restaurant. The mirrors on each wall of the lobby reflected himself and the other’s waiting to pay for their dinner. Henry saw a faint movement behind the glass. It must be a one way glass. He moved a little closer to the front of the line and peeked around the corner. He didn’t see any familiar face. A brief commotion on the other side of the lobby caught his attention. Two people had run behind the buffet table toward the back. One had red hair. He started toward the table but was grabbed from behind and hauled back to the lobby. “Where do you think you’re going?” A bouncer held him up against the mirrored wall. Henry tried to point but his arms remained at his side.”That couple. I need to talk to them. I just wanted to give them some important information. They’re in trouble.” The big man looked down at him then back to the kitchen area where the staff had gathered and were talking and pointing at the kitchen area. “Stay here.” The man turned and walked toward the group who parted like the Red Sea for the Israelites, to let him through. Henry waited until the crowd reformed around the man and he took off toward the front entrance, dodging any of the incoming guests. He made it to the parking lot in time to see Brian’s car leave. The black SUV was parked where the men left it but whomever parked behind Brian left first. Henry slid into his car and headed back to the hotel. They weren’t parked in front so he drove around to the back. As he drew even with the back entrance, he saw Brian pull the back door closed. There was nothing he could do but park and wait. Just as he pulled into a spot at the end of the lot, the black SUV pulled around back and headed straight for Henry’s SUV. He laid over the console and waited for the impact. None came. Lifting his head he saw the SUV turn and drive past him to the back of the lot and back into a space facing the of the building. Where was Brian’s car? Henry laid his seat back so he wasn’t propping body in an awkward position. The sun set and the temperature cooled. Henry grabbed his sleeping bag and pulled it around him. This was going to be a long night. A few of the units had their curtains opened. There weren’t any lights on. They must not be rented. A couple had their curtains open and Henry could see non of the occupants standing or crossing in front of the window were Brian or the red haired girl. Henry still didn’t have a clue who she was or why she was so important to Brian and the two goons in the black SUV. It was late and Henry snacked on the food he’d bought earlier that day. A bag of snacks and drinks didn’t go far, but he didn’t dare leave his post. A light came on in the unit near the opposite end of the Hotel. Someone closed the curtains. The men in the SUV got and walked directly to the door. There was a long pause while one of the guys did something to the door and it opened. He tried to call Brian but the call went straight to voicemail. Where was he? Had he and the girl stayed the night together? Henry kept watch on the units. He hoped one was the girl’s and Brian’s. The light on one of the end units went off. Henry checked his watch. Its was ten thirty. The curtains in the unit he’s watched being closed now swayed. Something was pushed against them. Henry could see the outline of a body and a struggle. He called Brian’s number from his business card again. No answer, just the voicemail to his business. Maybe this wasn’t his cell number. He called the other office number and a woman’s sleepy voice answered. Before she could finish announcing the company Henry interrupted. “I need Brian’s cell number. There is something going on. I don’t know if he’s in trouble or the girl is.” “Who is this?” The voice sounded wide awake. “Never mind, I’ve been watching Brian’s hotel and two men in a black SUV went in. It didn’t look like they had a key. I saw some curtains moving. Wait-” Henry saw the two men emerge from the hotel. Between them a woman hung not moving or resisting. “Give me Brian’s number they got the girl!!” Henry shouted. The woman rattled off the cell number. Henry had her repeat it since he had trouble writing it down with a shaking hand. He hung up and called the number. It ran a number of times and went to voicemail. Henry disconnected and redialed. The three were in the SUV. One in the back with the girl and one driving. “Pick up, Pick up!” He almost shouted. The SUV pulled out and turned toward Henry. He ducked and covered himself with the sleeping bag. He heard the car stop and a door open. He slid to the floor, thankful the bag was black. He didn’t move. After a minute he heard the door slam and the engine shift gears. He sat up and saw the SUV pull around the front. He put the car in gear and followed. “Hello?” Brian’s tone sounded short and irritated. “Brian, it’s Henry. Two guys in a black SUV just kidnapped your red head.” Brian’s voice changed, he yelled, “What are you talking about. She just left here a few minutes ago. I walked her to her room.” “Well, you left her alone and I saw her being hauled out between two men. The same two men who tried to block you in at the restaurant and one put a tracker under your car.” “Henry if you’re lying…” “I’m following the SUV. I’ll tell you where they are.” “Where are you now, I’m heading to my car.” “They’re on the highway headed toward Vegas. No wait, they just turned off toward the airport. This doesn’t look good Brian.” Brian grabbed his bag and headed to his car on the run. He heard another call come in. It was Renee. She’d have to wait. “Where are they now?” He slid into the car, started it and pressed his foot on the gas before the door shut with a slam. “They’re driving out on the tarmac. There’s a plane waiting. Not a cheap one either. Two men are out of the plane and have the girl. They’re carrying her into the plane.” Henry watched the SUV back away from the plane driving back towards where he parked off the road. “I’ve got to hide they’re coming this way!” Henry dropped the phone on the consul and spun his SUV in the dirt. Flinging dirt in the wake he flew down the frontage road and back to the highway his back tires sliding in the gravel. He could see the light of the SUV behind him but he spun out onto the highway just as Brian turned his car onto the frontage road. Brian wedged his car between the two cutting off the black SUV. It couldn’t stop and slid over the shoulder into a ditch. Brian didn’t wait to see if they came out of it, he turned his car and followed in the dust of Henry’s SUV. “Henry, are you alright?” Henry heard Brian’s voice in the phone. “Yes, I’m heading for the police station.” He yelled back. “NO! Let me get in front of you and follow me.” Henry followed Brian back to the hotel. He didn’t park in the lot but drove down a driveway and around a small house. Henry pulled to a stop behind him and jumped out. “Who lives here?” “No one you’d know. Come on.” Brian remembered what Casey told him when they had parked here earlier. He found the metal door to the basement. The key lay over the header. Inside Brian used the light on his phone to find his way to a chair and table. “Have a seat.” Henry leaned over the chair instead of sitting. “Brian we need to find the girl.” Brian punched a number and held the phone to his ear. “Carl, sorry to wake you buddy. Oh you’re at work. Good. Can you tell me if you can find a flight plan from a little airport outside of Boulder City, Colorado? I need to know where it’s going.ASAP. Sure I owe you one.” He ignored Henry and punched in another number and listened. “Steven, its Brian. We have a problem. I found her and talked to her but she was kidnapped. I don’t want to involve the police. Can you order a plane to pick me up here at the airport in Boulder City. I’ve got a guy finding the flight they took. If we act fast enough. Thanks, I’ll head out there now and see if the crew there know where the plane was going.” Brian turned to Henry. “Thanks for the heads up. You did a great job. I’ve got to get back to the airport. Here’s my room key, get a good night’s sleep.” Brian headed to the door. “Hold on where are you going? I need to know what’s going on here. I almost got killed out there and I want to know why.” “You put yourself in harms way. I appreciate that. That’s all you did.You get a free night and you can be on your way in the morning.” Brian turned back. “Oh no you’re not getting off that easy. You leave me here and I’m going straight to the police and telling them someone was kidnapped. When they search her room, what are they going to find?” Brian stopped. He’d given Casey a copy of Ashley’s picture when she was young and one taken recently. He’d have to get into the room and get that back if it were still there. “What do you want?” He asked Henry. “I want to know what’s going on and who you’re looking for that has bodyguard types kidnapping young women in the middle of the night?” Henry stepped near the door Brian now shut. “I was hired to find a woman and bring her to her family. That’s it. No big deal.” “That’s all? There’s too much hush going on for it to be some average jane. Who’d want to kill you? Why did they follow you here and kidnap the girl? What’s her name?” “Casey Moyer.” Brian answered after a pause. “Okay who is she?” Henry pressed. “Go use the room. Go back to the University and harass the Dean some more. That looks like a more interesting story.” Brian started to pull the door open again when it stopped. Henry’s foot blocked its progress. “This stinks. There is something really big going on. I want to know the story. I’m not leaving here until I get it or the police do.” Brian looked at the set expression on Henry’s face and sighed, “Okay let’s go.” Brian and Henry looked over the fence for the black SUV. It wasn’t in the parking lot. “Clear, let’s go back to my room.” Brian loped across the parking lot to the back door with Henry at his heels. He took the steps up to the second floor and turned to Casey’s room. The slide bar had caught the door keeping it from closing. There was no light inside, Henry reached for the door knob but Brian’s hand knocked it away. Using his elbow, he pushed the door open and waited. He waved Henry back and moved into the room. “It’s clear. Don’t touch anything. I mean it.” He turned on his phone flashlight and checked the room. They didn’t take her suitcase or purse. He grabbed everything in the room. “We’ll put them in your car for now. Mine’s a rental I’ll call and have them pick it up.” He pointed to the phone and charger on the nightstand for Henry to pick up. The two left the room making sure they didn’t leave any trace they were there. He hoped housekeeping did a good job. It didn’t take long for Brian and Henry to get to the airport. Brian had no luck getting a flight plan from the company. Brian’s phone rang, “Carl did you get it?” “Sort of. I found them, never mind how. I’ve tracked them to a private strip north of Nashville. It’s owned by Conrad Industries.” Brian froze as the words registered. Tyer found Casey. Had he been following Brian? Had Henry been giving Tyler the information? Had he been lying this whole time? He looked at Henry. “Thanks. I have a plane coming in. I’m going to Dallas, first.” Brian stepped away from Henry and went outside. He called Steven Boyton. “We’re coming to get you. I think they took Casey to Tyler’s place. I don’t trust him.” “I don’t either.” Steven directed him to an airstrip close to where they lived. Once the plane was on its way, Brian relaxed. Henry didn’t. “I want to know what’s going on and what’s the connection between Tyler Conrad and the girl, Casey.?” “There isn’t any.” Brian pushed the seat back and punched the pillow. He pulled the blanket over his shoulders. “Then what’s going on? Why did they kidnap the girl if she doesn’t mean anything to him.” “Oh she means a lot. Possible his election. Once this gets out he’s pretty well done with.” Henry reached into his bag and pulled out the two sheets he’d taken from Brian in Casey’s hotel room. He stared at the photos of the two women seeing the resemblance. Then everything clicked. This was going to be the story that got him an award. Maybe even a Pulitzer. |