Reflections and ruminations from a modern day Alice - Life is Wonderland |
30 Day Blogging Challenge PROMPT January 21st Today in the US is Martin Luther King Day, a federal holiday celebrating the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., a civil rights activist best known for advancing civil rights through nonviolence and civil disobedience. In August of 1953, King delivered his famous speech “I Have a Dream” calling for civil and economic equality for all Americans and the end of racism. On this Motivational Monday, write a speech advocating for something you’re passionate about and use the phrase “I have a dream” in your entry. "I have a dream" that one day human beings will collectively come together to acknowledge the toll we have taken on the planet's resources. I hope that one day the reality of climate change is no longer a political pawn but a passionate crusade for all of humanity to consider. I hope that it will only take only take one more mass extinction, one more dying coral reef, one more catastrophic environmental event to open our eyes to the need to conserve and protect our Earth. I have a dream that we will work, all the nations of the world, to make sure there are still magnificent creatures our children can be lucky enough to observe in their natural habitats. I hope there are millions of acres of protected lands that are preserved for the future generations. I hope we find ways to radically reduce harmful toxins and pollutants, limit the devastating effects of our agricultural/livestock industries and explore effective sources of renewable energies. |