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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/950071-A-Slight-Change-with-My-Outlines-and-Treatments
Rated: E · Book · Activity · #2162356
This Blog isn't just for my scriptwriting Projects. It's also for my other activities.
#950071 added January 20, 2019 at 1:04pm
Restrictions: None
A Slight Change with My Outlines and Treatments
A Slight Change with My Outlines and Treatments

Yes, I know that this Blog entry is a little bit late in being posted today. Not as late as the one a few days ago. But it is about six to ten hours later than it usually is. In fact, it’s so late I’m forced to write it now instead of resting or relaxing before I go to work like I usually do.

Why is it so late today? I’m not sure. I don’t know the reason why. But I was very sleepy last night. I couldn’t keep my eyes on to continue to work on my first scriptwriting project. Let along do this Blog. Which I don’t understand. I haven’t gotten a lot of sleep the last few days. But I should have gotten enough for me not to feel so sleepy last night.

This Blog is probably going to be one of my shorter ones. Not just because of when I’m writing it, but because I don’t have too much to write about yesterday. I didn’t start working on my movie Treatment as planned because I started working on my Outlines again. I started rewriting them almost from scratch. Why did I do that? That’s a good question.

Overnight, I got to thinking about my quest characters in each one of my scripts. I didn’t mention them too much in the last Outlines I did, and I wanted to do that. I wanted to have them a big part of the stories. So, I started to rewrite them. The first thing I needed to figure out was how I was going to do that. That wasn’t too hard to figure out, though.

I just assigned them to the two new main characters for this movie and television series. Well, that isn’t exactly true. I did assign them to the movie and the first three episodes. But they weren’t replacing the two new main characters. They did in about half of them. but the other half was with the two original main characters. I know that sounds confusing too.

It’s a little bit confusing to me too, and I’m the one who is writing it. What I did was to start and end each part or episode with the characters not involved with the guest characters. The other two characters got the guest characters. Does that explain what I have done or are you still confused? If you are still confused let me know and I will try to explain it to you better.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get too much of the rewrite done at work on Saturday. I’d like to blame it on work. But I can’t do that. Work was slower than usual yesterday. In fact, it was slower than it usually is for Saturday. It was almost none existent. I barely got my movie Outline done. I got about half of episode one done too. But not all of it.

I planned on coming home from work and finish the first three- episode Outline rewrites before I went to sleep. But I felt so sleepy I couldn’t do that. I might even have to rewrite what little I did last night because of that sleepiness. I don't know that until I get to work today. Hopefully, it won’t be too long and I will be able to start on my movie Treatment today too.

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What you are about to read (see) is true. Nothing needed to be changed. After all, this has already been translated into a language that we all know and understand - English (German, French, Italian, Russian etc.).

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/950071-A-Slight-Change-with-My-Outlines-and-Treatments