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Reflections and ruminations from a modern day Alice - Life is Wonderland |
30 Day Blogging Challenge PROMPT January 3rd Are you an introvert or an extrovert? How do you recharge your batteries? The second question is easier to answer than the first, as I am no longer sure whether or not I would classify myself as an introvert any longer. I think I was introverted, at least for a large portion of my formative years, but having a child and becoming a mother then hitting my forties, has inspired me to become more of an extrovert. When I was a child and a teenager, I didn't go out for sport teams or join clubs. I spent my free time immersed in books and then writing for myself.I was a science student and long hours working in the labs or on individual projects set me apart from many of my more outgoing peers. At college I oddly managed to connect with friends that were into plays and acting, creative types who easy captured the spotlights in every room. I was a comfortable observer and felt, many times, like the anchor that moored our crazy boat to shore. In my mid-30's, with school far behind me, I felt myself starting to change. I still had all my same quiet passions but I began to pursue publication more and found I like having something to say and that a fair amount of self-promotion was necessary to get myself and my pieces noticed. Then I found out I was pregnant and that new discovery of myself coupled with my growing daughter, flipped a switch inside me. Suddenly I was joining groups, reaching out to other moms, taking a seat on the PTO board of Officers...making myself heard in a myriad of ways. I began to contribute when before I think my tendency was to hold back and be led. I found I've taken on more than I would have once and the result is living a much more demanding life then I envisioned for myself - which brings me to the second question of the prompt - how do I recharge? I used to take long hot soaks with a glass of Cabernet and a good book. Life with child and two dogs have made that virtually impossible. The last time I intended to take a long, candle-lite soak I self-impaled my nether region with a Disney toy that was cleverly hiding amid my soap bubbles....I'm pretty sure it was that spiky chicken from Moana. It had certain felt like that spiky chicken from Moana. At any rate, I realized in that one, painful and humiliating moment, that my old way of decompressing had ceased to exist. I was forced to discover other ways to recharge. These days, sometimes I take a long lunch and wander around the book store or library. I love to do that, roam amid shelves and shelves of books without anyone needing anything from me. I can feel myself relaxing with every book cover I examine. I use music to recharge a lot. I have a wide range of tastes and I can always find something on my playlist to calm or motivate me, especially when the work day is getting crazy or my desk looks like a cyclone hit it. When I really need some "me" time, I will take some vacation time during a school day. After I drop my daughter off and school and the dogs at daycare, I'll pick up my grandmother and do breakfast then spend the rest of the day enjoying my quiet house. I might clean or watch what I want on Netflicks or just sit and enjoy a coffee and the serenity of my backyard. Once a year, we take a family vacation to the tip of Cape Cod, a place called Provincetown. This is where all my full on, deep core recharging takes place. It never fails that as we near the shore and the landscape turns to beach forests and dunes, that I start to breathe deeper - feel myself calming. After few days spent on the beautiful beaches of the National Seashore, and I'm back on my game. This is the best way I know how to recharge. There are miles upon miles of soft, warm sand and wide tide pools you can swim in. There are massive sand dunes and wild sea roses everywhere. There are even visits by curious seals and the occasional passing whale and.....absolutely no spiky chickens. |