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Bingo Card and Winter Construct Cup Nov 23 thru Dec 22, 2018 Daily prompt inspired poems. |
I enter the hobbit-like domain of antiques and curiosities. This peculiar place is out of the way, almost hidden. I peruse, glass topped ornately carved display cases and witness crooked wire spectacles from another era, a moldy, mauve feather boa that makes me sneeze, an oriental yellowed-ivory chess set that my son would love, and a tiny gold baby ring. On a shelf next to the counter is perched a delicate, porcelain dove. No, that's not it, I need a more piquant find, something unique, something memorable. Toward the back of the room there is a doorway shielded by a glitzy beaded curtain that tinkles as I pass through. Unlike the well lit outer room, this one is dim illuminated by only a stuttering florescent lamp. Cobwebs decorate the corners and a once glossy teak table is covered in dust. Boxes are stacked precariously at odd angles in befuddled disarray. With excruciating and meticulous, endeavor I begin to comb through the boxes closest to the light. One must have been the property of an apothecary. Blue bottles, a scale, stone mortar and pestle, what stories these could tell. Another belonged to a military man, old medals, tarnished and forgotten. Thank you for your service. Who knows how long I searched with no success but I know it is here. I will return tomorrow to continue my quest.. ~~ Judi Van Gorder 59 lines Notes: ▼ |