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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/947302-Timing
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#947302 added December 11, 2018 at 7:13pm
Restrictions: None
Prompt “Execution is something, but timing is everything.” Todd Stocker
What does “timing” mean to you? What happens when your timing is off?


Timing may refer to many things that have to do with time or more like the time we spent on anything or if we did something on time, earlier, or later.

Timing in music and standup comedy refers to the use of tempo, rhythm, and pauses, in other words, synchronization.

The process of measuring the time for anything is also named timing, even someone’s memory’s performances are measured in RAM timings.

If you are an investor, your market timing will mean predicting future market movements.

In the mechanical world timing of the various parts of a machine is important for the machine to work properly.

When timing refers to our ability to do something at exactly the right time and the right way, I would have to say for myself, for my life events, my timing was sometimes on and sometimes off. Well, mostly off because of when I was born.

As to the timing of my birth, I would have loved to be born much later just to see where the electronic age will take us. Although being inept and terribly undertaught in all the electronics areas, I am intrigued and in awe with computing and programming. All the new findings cannot come fast enough for me because I am curious, *Rolling* *Headbang* *Laugh* even if I can’t understand a thing because my timing to be born was off.

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