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Rated: E · Book · Personal · #2172808
We live much of life amid unique choices. Joy is anchored in The One beyond our life.
#946928 added December 6, 2018 at 1:11am
Restrictions: None
Vibrations in My Head
What good vibrations in my head!
They come from words you out-loud read.
Or was it something someone said?
I'm guessing that it was.

Those good vibrations float around
as joys of thought, they do abound.
They'll never fall upon the ground
when working for a cause.

Such good vibrations from a drum.
They're music to my mind, then some.
In concert with the band. Please, come.
With all our friends we'll stick.

Those good vibrations made by birds
are something quite akin to words
or moos abounding from cowherds
or teenage folks in cliques.

What good vibrations on the wind
that help our bodies rest and mend.
A peaceful day quite soon to send.
Our gifts to wisely use.

All good vibrations from our child
are chronicles to be compiled,
and shared with others meek and mild.
Such joys, who could refuse?

The good vibrations through the sea
are seldom known to you and me
unless a whale of records be
to give some new insight.

These good vibrations start inside,
where stirrup, anvil first abide
and hammer never tries to hide,
though living dark as night.

Were good vibrations from a roar
the tools of Aslan long before
to spread the sky and tamp the floor
as life was made to start?

Will good vibrations ever end
when life's o'er as we part with friend?
Or will the beat us ever tend
as saved we never part?

Line Count: 40
by Jay O'Toole
on December 6th, 2018

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