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This is my blog, containing lots of stuff about writing all those books I love to write. |
That’s it! With a whole day to spare, I managed to finish my NaNo book! I seriously couldn’t feel better about myself right now, not only did I manage the starting 50.000 words goal, I managed to do all 26 chapters, reaching a whopping 133.558 words in total! Now I’m going to read through the whole damned thing, add and deduct where needed be, and then I’m declaring it done. This means I will be posting it here soon enough, and this time I’m just going to upload the whole damned piece at the same time. I feel kind of confident about it, for the first time ever, I actually feel like I’ve written something genuinely good. It might be delusions of sleep deprivation and caffeine poisoning speaking, but seriously, I think I did well. I cried a lot, but I also managed to do just what I wanted to do, and the ending turned out better than I expected. I’m happy, I’m so fucking happy right now, even if I am terribly tired, over worked and looking forward to my vacation. I’m listening to Andy Black, Kuba Oms, Marianas Trench and many more; smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol free apple wine. Soon enough I’ll get to that reading, but right now, I just want to sit back and do this for a little while. I have done nothing but write for the past month, I think I deserve a moment to just sit and feel good about myself. At the same time, I feel a little sad that the project is over. Some things you just don’t want to end, and this is definitely one of them, I could have written about these characters for all eternity and without ever growing sick of them. Oh Michael Mayhem, you really went and did a number on me. Speaking of, I changed the title in the very last minute! I have this old tattoo (well actually it’s part of a much bigger tattoo), that says, “We dream about surviving”. And trust me, nothing could fit this book any better than those words, so that’s what I ended up naming it, instead of “Murder Michael Mayhem”. After I switched a chapter around (which made me have to rewrite the whole damned thing, but that’s another story entirely), it didn’t quite fit anymore. “We dream about surviving” does, in fact, I couldn’t come up with anything more appropriate for those words. I always thought I was going to make that into a book some day, and there it is, all done and in a month none the less. It still feels bittersweet, but you know… All good things come to an end, and this one… Well, this one was definitely good. I’ve learned a lot through writing this, the main one being: Don’t ever write that many words a day ever again. Or well, at least not until next November. I also learned that writing a first-person narrative is what I should do, it really works well for me. Sure, it limits some things, but I really love writing that way. Present tense is definitely a go to too, it gives me something I’ve never had before, as I’ve only ever written in third-person past tense before. Odd how I switched that completely around, but I learn well from trial and error. Now for my vacation, I simply can’t wait! Me and my best friend have tons of plans, watching all kinds of Christmas shit, playing video games, drawing, painting, you name it we got it! I think it was yesterday when I realized that one of the many inspirations to my NaNo book was a painting I did, so yeah, definitely going to do more of that! I’ve got these huge wooden boards lying around, taking up half my living room really, and I’m going to cover them in digital artwork, just painting till I drop! Speaking of best friend, she just texted me, and now I’m going to go hang out with her, and celebrate my huge victory! |