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Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2169077
This novel isn't just a novel. It's also for the October Prep Challenge too.
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#946381 added November 28, 2018 at 2:58am
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Jessica Strong - Introduction Chapter


       At least a hundred bullet is headed for Jessica at the end of a long hallway. She
quickly steps into an alcove next to her and flattens herself against the back wall. The
bullets meant for her hit the wall in front of her. After it’s all over the wall doesn’t even
look like it has been hit. Jessica shakes her head slightly. The walls and doors in that place
are bulletproof. No wonder it is taking her so long to kill Kevin Mason and Olivia Keys.
       If Jessica would have remained where she used to be only seconds before she would
have been killed. Jessica is sure about that. So, why is she smiling? It’s because it’s now her
turn to fight back. Especially, since they have stopped shooting at her. They are probably
reloading. Which means she only has seconds before they start trying to kill her again. She
peeks around the corner. Then quickly pulls her head back just as another hundred or so
bullets are fired at her. Only these bullets are headed for the alcove where Jessica is at.
       Jessica flattens herself face first against the wall next to the hallways where the
Professional Killers who are trying to kill her and pushes herself against as close as she can.
It’s a good thing she’s so slim. She is using the Uzis and Mac 10s on her back to protect her
from getting killed by ricocheting bullets. It is better that they get destroyed instead of her
getting killed by one or more bullets.
       After only a few seconds the bullets stop coming toward her. A few have hit her in
the legs and arms to add to the bullets already there. Some have also hit her weapons, but
they have only been nicked. None of them have been damaged, let alone destroyed. Jessica
grips the top guns in each hand that is attached to another gun below it by a thick chain.
She peeks around the corner again with her right eye. Once again Jessica quickly pulls her
head, and gun, back.
       Only this time she doesn’t do it because of bullets headed her way. She just wanted
to know how many Professional Killers there are in that hallway to kill. Jessica closes her
eyes and mumbles softly to herself as she sees those killers behind her eyelids. There are
eight in the hallway. Four more are behind mostly closed doors in the last two bedrooms at
the end of that hallway. Jessica thinks she sees two more using the back hallway, but she’s
not sure about that. One is using the alcove there. The other killer is in the side hallway.
       Jessica glances down the side hallway she’s at the end of. All she sees are about two
dozen Professional killers who are now dead. It doesn’t appear to her that any of them are
still alive. Jessica knows that they aren’t. After all, she has already checked them out and
removed their weapons from them. She just wants to be sure that they are dead before she
continues killing everyone there.
       Pointing only her right gun around the corner, Jessica starts fighting back as she
runs across the hallway where the Professional Killers are at. When the left side of her
body is in the open Jessica starts using her other gun too. Jessica is firing them on full auto.
She is aiming them at the eight in the hallway, but at the same time, she’s not aiming them.
They are wild. Yet they are hitting those out in the open. Once those weapons are out of
bullets, Jessica drops them. Which automatically brings up the other one on the chain into
her hands. It happens so fast there is no time between shooting them.
       The two Professional Killers standing up in the back are the first to go down. One
gets it in the head. While the other one gets killed with a bullet to the heart that skims
across the top of the killers in front of him. The next two killers are squatting just below the
standing ones. They react to standing ones being killed in different ways. One looks at them
as they fall back dead before they hit the floor. The other one touches the top of her head.
       Both squatters are the next one to be killed. The two on their knees below them are
the ones who are hit the most by Jessica’s bullets. True, the other four above them have
been hit several times each too, but only about half as many that these two have been hit. In
fact, they have been hit so much Jessica doesn’t even know how they have gotten killed. All
she sees is that they are dead before they hit the floor too.
       There are only two more killers in that hallway, but they are the hardest ones to kill
because they are both laying on the floors firing up at Jessica. The others have gotten off a
lot of shots too, but not too many of them before they died. None of them even came close to
hitting Jessica before she gets to the other side of that hallway. Jessica doesn’t even try to
kill the ones on the floor. She decides to kill them with single bullets to their heads. Two
single shots to their heads kill them.
       Jessica now only has the partially hidden ones to kill on that side of the floor. She
peeks around to see who else she needs to kill. The four hidden behind the bedroom doors
are going to be the hardest to kill. They are limited targets. It’s may be harder to do it, but
it’s not impossible. She just needs to do it like she has the other six floors there. No matter
what floor she has been on it’s always the same way the Professional Killers have been
trying to kill her. It’s just the number of killers she has had to kill that has been different.
       Why are there so many floors with bedrooms on them? How many are working
here? There must be about a thousand of them, and most of them are Professional killers.
Jessica has already killed a few hundred of them, and she knows there are at least that
many more left to kill. She continues killing the Professional Killers there with
the one in the alcove and the other one across from her.
       Aiming her left weapon at the one in the alcove, Jessica waits until she peeks her
head around the corner to kill her by a single shot to her head. Then Jessica runs across her
side to get a better shot to at the other Professional Killer at the end of that hallway. The
other five killers try to kill her with about fifty bullets. They track her from the right side to
the alcove. A few nips at her, but none of them really hit her.
       Jessica waits until their shooting stops before she aims her right weapon at the killer
at the end of the hallway. She kills him the same way as she killed the one in the alcove. His
body falls on the top of the other ones. Now comes the hard part. How is she going to kill
the four remaining killers who are hiding behind bulletproof walls and doors? The same
way she has done it with the other floors.
       Times like this Jessica hates that she hasn’t brought a grenade launcher or some
grenades with her. Jessica would have brought them with her if she thought she would have
needed them. Jessica exchanges weapons with four new ones that have full magazines. She
runs down that hallway. Glancing at the other sixteen closed bedroom doors to make sure
there are no surprises coming out of them. No one came out of or opened those doors.
       While Jessica is running down that hallway, she’s dodging the bullets the last four
killers there who are trying to kill her with. At first, they try to kill her on full auto. Most of
their bullets going wild. A few even hit the doors and walls of their fellow killers. Jessica
has no problem dodging them. None of them hit her. Some came close to do it, but she
moved out of the way of them one way or another.
       When she gets to the bedroom doors across from each other, Jessica kicks in the
partially open door on her right with the bottom of her foot. As the door swings open, she
uses a full magazine on that bedroom. The Professional Killer doesn’t even fire one bullet
before he’s riddled with bullets. Jessica doesn’t waste any time in kicking in the other door
across his latest kill. She kills her the same way to that Professional Killer too. Only she
does manage to get a few wide shots off before she is killed.
       Jessica immediately runs diagonally to the last partially open door so fast she runs
into the Professional Killer after she kicks it in. She points her weapons at his head,
switches it to a single shot, and kills him. After wiping his death residue from her face, she
runs out of that bedroom and kicks in the last partially opened door in that hallway. Jessica
kicks it in so hard she knocks the last Professional Killer out temporarily.
       The last Professional Killer shakes his head vigorously almost immediately. By the
time he does, Jessica already has a weapon to his head and is firing a single shot into it.
There is a lot more death residue this time. Jessica wipes it off and collects that killer’s
weapon. She starts collecting the weapons from the other killers too. Pulling the dead one
from the end of the hallway before she collects them.
       Not only does she collect all their weapons and spare ammo, but Jessica also checks
to make sure they are all dead. She knows that they are, but she still wants to make sure.
Jessica doesn’t like surprises. After she gets done with the last Professional Killer in that
hallway she starts walking around the corner. She barely gets around it when she runs into
two Professional Killers running toward her.


       Kevin steps out of a rack of woman dresses. He shakes his head sadly as he glances
back at the dresses. That isn’t a place for him to hide from Jessica. Kevin looks up as he
hears some more gunfire from above. Jessica’s getting closer to me. She’s at least ten levels
away from him. So, he still has a little time to find a place to hide from her. All he needs to
do is find it before she finds him and kills him too.
       That dress store isn’t the place, though. Kevin looks at dresses again. True, he can
hide there, but will it save him from getting killed by Jessica. It may if he doesn’t shake too
much when she gets there. He doesn’t want to take that chance. Kevin needs to find a better
place to hide before it’s too late. It’s the only way for him to stay alive when Jessica finds
him and find him, she will. He’s sure about that.
       It’s not just him hiding from Jessica. It is how long he will be hiding before she gets
there. Kevin figures he may have about an hour before she gets there, and that’s if he’s
lucky. He hasn’t been lucky for years. In fact, he has been unlucky ever since he found out
that Jessica existed twenty-one years ago. It has only gotten worse in the last few years.
They should never have tried to recruit her to work for them. That big mistake is liable to
get them all killed.
       Kevin starts walking around that dress shop again. Looking behind counters, in
other clothing racks, in storage rooms, etc. There are a lot of places that he can hide in
there, but none of them will save him from being killed. Not only will he be in a cramped
place wherever he is chosen to hide, but he doesn’t know how long he will be like that.
True, it can be less than an hour, but then again it may be a little longer than that. It all
depends on how many more Professional Killers there are for Jessica to kill first.
       Suddenly, a low beeping sound emits from his pocket. Kevin curses softly as he takes
his cell phone out of his pocket and looks to see who is trying to call him. It’s from Olivia.
He quickly declines his cell phone. Kevin turns his cell phone down to vibrate so it doesn’t
happen again. If Jessica would have been there when that happened, he would have been
dead by now.
       After putting his cell phone in his shirt pocket, Kevin continues looking through that
dress store. Kevin goes behind the counter and squats down behind it. It’s not a very good
hiding place. If he wanted to fight back that may be a good place to hide. Kevin also returns
to a rack of dresses. He gets in there and tries to sit down in there, but it’s a very tight fit.
There’s no way he’s going to be able to hide in one of them. Kevin also checks the storage
room, but it’s even more crowded there than the clothing racks.
       Once Kevin finishes looking for a place to hide there, and he doesn’t find one, he
heads for the door. Kevin checks the hallway by peeking out the door. No one is there. He
cocks his head. Kevin doesn’t hear anything yet. So, he leaves that dress shop and goes to
the next place. It’s a bookstore. Kevin shakes his head slowly. He doesn’t even need to
check there for a place to hide. There’s no way he’s going to find a place there.
       Kevin shrugs and still checks through it anyway. He does find a few places he may
be able to hide, though. Only they are more cramped than the dress store next door. Kevin
tries them anyway. He’s right. They are very cramp places. The only way he’s going to
survive death in there is if he uses the rows of books, CDs, and DVDs to avoid Jessica once she
gets there. He doesn’t think he can do that for very long.
       One advantage over the dress shop is that Kevin doesn’t have to squat to hide from
Jessica. He can stand in most of the hiding places there. Kevin walks around checking out
that bookstore one more time. Once he finishes, Kevin leaves that store and goes to the next
one. Before he moves on, he checks out the hallway again. He knows there isn’t anyone else
there, but he wants to make sure.
       The next place he goes to is a restaurant. One look at the interior of it and Kevin
begins shaking his head sadly. Slowly Kevin looks around that room. Most of the main
sitting area are tables. No way that Kevin hide under them. Even with tablecloths on them,
he can’t use them to hide. Not because they don’t drape down to the floor, or that they will
be very cramped, but because he’s too tall and his legs will stick out of them.
       Kevin suddenly stops after he goes into the kitchen and smiles. Something he hasn’t
done in a long time. Especially the last few hours since Jessica started her killing spree.
Kevin may be able to find a place in there to hide. There are cabinets under the table in the
center of that room and a lot under the counter surrounding it. He checks them out. The
only problem he can see with them is what to do with the contents so that Jessica doesn’t
know where he’s at.
       Slowly, Kevin looks around the kitchen. There are a few places that can see that he
may be able to use to hide the contents from the cabinet. Especially since there isn’t much
in a few of those cabinets to hide. Kevin sighs. The only problem with those cabinets is that
they will be a little bit cramped. True, he will be able to lay down in them, but it’s still going
to be cramped. Cramped so much he may stiffen up like that if he’s in there too long. That
may get him killed if Jessica shows up when he’s like that.
       It may be best if he doesn’t get into one of those cabinets. At least that’s what Kevin
thinks. Even though it’s going to be harder to find places for the contests of the bigger
cabinets, it’s still better than cramping up in the smaller ones. Kevin walks over to one of
the storage rooms. Maybe he can put the contents in there. It may make Jessica suspicious
if she looks in there, but maybe she won’t think it is. At least Kevin hopes that she won’t.
       Kevin opens that storage room, and sighs. There isn’t much room in there for
himself, let alone any contest. He may be able to put some of the contest in there and the
rest in the other one. That may be a way to get one of the larger cabinets free for him to
hide inside. After closing that storage room door, Kevin head for the other one also beside
the large cooler in between them. Kevin stops at the cooler and looks at it.
       Maybe Kevin can hide from Jessica in there. He doesn’t need to worry about her
looking for him. Someone would have to be crazy to hide in there. Is Kevin crazy enough to
do something like that? No, he’s not. At least not yet. True, he probably can survive getting
killed by Jessica hiding in there, but he’s liable to freeze to death before he’s found. If he
ever is found, that is. There probably won’t be anyone else there alive to find him.
       No, the cooler is out. Kevin moves on to the other storage room. When he opens that
door, he steps back as a pile of storage supplies fall on him. Kevin brushes the stuff off him.
His face crinkles up as he smells the supplies. That place is going to take some time to clean
up. Time, he doesn’t really have. Kevin looks at the ceiling as he hears more gunfire from
above. It doesn’t sound like Jessica is getting closer to him, but he still knows it’s only a
matter of time before she does get there. He doesn’t have time to clean up.
       Kevin looks in that storage room and sighs. There’s plenty of room in there for him
to hide from Jessica now. Unfortunately, he can’t hide in there. He’s got to clean that place
up, and when he does there won’t be room for him anymore. Kevin looks back at the
cabinets. It doesn’t look like he has no choice but to tempt cramping by hiding in one of the
smaller cabinets.
       Suddenly, Kevin looks at the cooler and smiles. Maybe I can’t hide from death in
that cooler, but that doesn’t mean I can’t use it to hide the contents of one of the larger
cabinets. True, Jessica might still check in there and figure out why the contest is in there,
but most likely she’s not going to check it out because it’s a stupid place to hide. At least
Kevin hopes that she doesn’t. It may be his only chance to survive his death. Besides, what
other choice does he have? If he doesn’t find a place to hide and fast, he’s dead anyway.
       There is no other choice for Kevin. He has looked for a place to hide on the last three
floors because he thinks that’s the best chance, he may have to survive this sudden attack
by Jessica. Kevin has checked out all three floors four times, and that is the best place for
him to hide. He still doesn’t know if he will survive that attack against Secret Location or
not, but he must do something. Jessica is winning that fight. It’s only a matter of time
before she finds him and kills him too.
       Now he’s starting to wonder if maybe hiding isn’t a good idea after all. Maybe Olivia
has been right all alone. Kevin is starting to think that she is. It may have been better to
fight than to be killed because of hiding. Is that what Kevin should be doing? Whether he
should be fighting back or not, it doesn’t matter anymore. He hasn’t just been looking for a
place to hide, he’s been looking for weapons to defend himself with too.


       Jessica steps back for a better shot at the two Professional Killers she just bumped
into. She shoots them in their heads with single bullets. That’s the best way to know for
sure someone isn’t wearing a bulletproof body suit. Bulletproof headgears haven’t been
invited yet. The two killers are dead before they hit the ground. It’s only after they start to
decent into death does Jessica notice two more Professional Killers running right behind
them. Jessica quickly kills them too with single shots to their heads.
       Twenty-eight-year-old Jessica is getting tired of this. She likes killing several dozen
Professional Killers at once, but she would have preferred to kill them all at the same time.
Doing it this way only gives Kevin Mason and Olivia keys a chance to escape death. They
know they are who Jessica wants to kill most of all. That’s why they have sent all their
Professional Killers to kill her first. Which they haven’t been able to do so far, and Jessica
is very happy about that.
       What Jessica doesn’t look is how Kevin and Olivia are trying to save themselves by
sacrificing their own killers. She’s surprised they haven’t sacrificed their other employees
too. They will do whatever it takes to save themselves. Even if it means letting everyone else
there gets killed instead of them. That isn’t going to stop Jessica from killing them. It’s just
going to take her longer to do it, and the longer it takes the more painful she’s going to
make it for them.
       Jessica smiles thinking about that. How is she going to make it painful for them?
Maybe she won’t kill them with a headshot. It may be in the hand. The rest of them may be
protected by a bulletproof bodysuit, but the hand isn’t. Not only would that have been
painful, but it would have stopped them from trying to kill them. Jessica can just sit back
and watch them slowly die because of the lack of blood. Making sure they can’t try to stop
it from happening. Yes, that’s what Jessica is going to do.
       Of course, Jessica can still shoot them in the head without killing them instantly.
That can be very painful too if it’s done right, and Jessica has done it like that several times
over her years of killing to get answers to her questions more quickly. It’s not as painful as
the hand, arm, leg, chest, etc. because the pain isn’t as long, but it is more painful though.
Maybe that’s how she’s going to kill them.
       The more she thinks about it the angrier she gets. Suddenly, Jessica steps on the
necks of the first two Professional Killers she has recently killed and ground them into the
ground to make sure they are dead. She knows that they are, but she does it anyway.
Jessica does the same thing to the other two killers there too. Usually, she picks up their
weapons to add to her collection just in case she needs them as she continues with her
killing, but this time she doesn’t.
       Jessica goes about halfway down that hallway when she turns into a small side
hallway that leads into a large open squared room. It looks like a huge elevator shaft that
Jessica is looking up. She can’t believe that she has only gone down about twenty-five
floors. How many more floors are there in that place? Jessica doesn’t know the answer to
that question either, but it doesn’t matter if it’s twenty-six or if it’s a million and twenty-six
that’s not going to stop her from finding and killing Kevin Mason and Olivia Keys too.
       It also doesn’t matter if it’s a few dozens or if they all come at her at once. In fact,
she would have preferred them all at once. The sooner she kills all the Professional Killers
there the faster she will be able to kill Kevin Mason and Olivia Keys. Jessica wonders how
many more killers she’s going to need to kill before she gets to them. She doesn’t know the
answer to that yet, but she will. Nothing is going to stop her from killing them. She wants to
kill them most of all.
       After glancing around that room that looked like an office with two desks opposite
each other, and seeing that no one is still not there, Jessica hits the down button next to the
hallway she has just come out of. That room slowly started moving toward the next floor
down. It is an elevator after all. Of course, Jessica has already known about that since she
got there. That’s how she has been killing everyone there.
       Jessica flattens herself toward the side hallway that is on every floor at this Secret
Location. Her arms and guns in front of her as that hallway begins to come into her view.
Like the other floors, Jessica doesn’t need her weapons yet. There aren’t any Professional
Killers there to try to kill her. Unfortunately, there isn’t anyone there for her to kill either.
Jessica runs down that side hallway and flattens herself against the wall at the end of it. She
points her weapons in both directions, but she doesn’t need them right now.
       There is no one there to kill. Jessica doesn’t like that. This hasn’t happened before.
There have always been Professional Killers there for Jessica to kill. Most of them have
been at both ends. She has been in a crossfire. That has been to her advantage, though.
They have been killing each other instead of her. By the time they are finished trying to kill
Jessica, Jessica only has about half of them to kill herself.
       Maybe that’s why those four Professional Killers showed up on the last floor. She
has always thought it is because they came from the elevator office. Jessica may have been
wrong about that. Maybe she hasn’t killed all the Professional Killers on that last floor.
That would have explained how they suddenly showed up. Jessica has been wondering
about that ever since she killed them.
       That floor looks different than the other floors she has visited so far. Not because
there are no Professional Killers to kill, but because of the way it looks. Jessica doesn’t
think she’s on the bedroom floors anymore. Where is she? She thinks about that as she
carefully starts walking around that floor. Even though she knows there are no Professional
Killers there she is constantly looking all around her with both her eyes and her weapons.
       Jessica stops Just before she gets to the end of that hallway, and peeks around the
corner. First, with her gun. Then with her left eye. She quickly pulls them both back into
the hallway she’s in. Not because of Professional Killers, but because there aren’t any down
that side hallway either. Jessica is still being careful as she enters that hallway and starts
walking down it.
       Where are the Professional Killers? Why haven’t they tried to kill her yet? Jessica
suddenly smiles as she continues walking. Maybe there aren’t any more Professional Killers
for Jessica to kill. If that’s true, then that probably means that Kevin Mason and Olivia
Keys are down there somewhere. All she needs to do is find them. Find them Jessica will.
After all, there is no one else who is there to stop her from doing it.
       Then again, there still may be some Professional Killers there after all. They just
haven’t started their attack against her. Maybe they are in one or more of these business
establishments? The hallway she just left has four businesses on the left side of it, two per
side, and no one has tried to attack her from them. Jessica has kept her eyes and weapons
behind her just in case they decide to attack her from behind.
       Of course, there is only one way for Jessica to know if there are any Professional
Killers in that business, and that’s to check them out. Jessica just doesn’t know where she
should start. Should it be one of the businesses closest to her or one that probably will
have the most Professional Killers in them to kill? The one nearest her looks to be one of the
bigger ones. That’s the one Jessica has decided to check out first.
       Why does Jessica think it’s a big one? Because the door is so far from the next one
on that side. It could be a cinema, a small bowling alley, or something like that. Maybe it’s a
restaurant. There is only one way to find out. Jessica kicks in the door and sprays the place
within with bullets that are going everywhere in that restaurant. After a few seconds, she
stops her attack. There is no one in there?
       Maybe Jessica is wrong about there being Professional Killer hiding to attack in that
business. Has Jessica killed all of them? If so, that probably means Kevin Mason and Olivia
Keys are in there. They aren’t stupid enough to be hiding from her. That is very stupid is
they are doing that. If they are that stupid, one or both may be hiding in there. Not in the
sitting area of the restaurant, but maybe they are in the kitchen.
       Jessica enters the kitchen with her weapons in front of her. After all, there may be
Professional Killers hiding in there too. There aren’t any. Jessica slowly looks around the
kitchen. She stops looking when she sees the cooler. If they are stupid enough to be hiding
from her, they are stupid enough to be hiding in there. Jessica walks over to the cooler and
starts to open it up.


       Olivia looks up at the ceiling in her bedroom of the small apartment she has there at
Secret Location as she hears so more gunfire. Except for a little bit she heard a few minutes
ago, she hasn’t heard any in a long time. She wonders who just got killed. Is it some more of
the Professional Killers they sent to kill Jessica or is it, Kevin. It sounded very close. Only a
few floors from where she is at. That tells her it’s probably Kevin who is dead. That means
that she doesn’t have too long before she’s dead too.
       Of course, Olivia doesn’t want to die. She knows that she’s about to, though. After
the life she has lived she shouldn’t be surprised by it, and she isn’t. She’s not even all that
surprised she’s going to die like this. Olivia has always expected to die while fighting. She
just never thought she would have died so soon. She’s not dead yet, and if she has anything
to say about it, she not going to die now.
       That’s why she is in her apartment there at Secret Location. She’s looking for her
weapons that she’s going to use to fight Jessica with. Of course, she has her sidearms, but
they aren’t going to be any match for what Jessica has. Her only chance against Jessica is to
find her automatic weapons. It’s all Kevin’s fault she can’t remember where they are at.
He’s the one who said they don’t need them because no one would be crazy enough to try to
attack them. Thanks to him they are both about to be killed.
       Olivia is sure that Kevin is already dead. She hasn’t heard any gunfire in the last
few minutes, and she’s sure that because he’s dead. Not only does that mean all their
Professional Killers are dead too, but that Jessica is now looking to kill her. Olivia can
contact Kevin to see if he’s still alive, but she doesn’t want to do that. Jessica may answer it
instead and find out where she is at.
       It will take some time for Jessica to use her cell phone to find her, but she can do it.
Jessica has done it before. Olivia doesn’t want to take that chance. Sure, she wants to know
if she is right about Kevin. She doesn’t want to risk death just to find out if he is or isn’t
dead. Especially since she’s sure that he is no longer alive. Olivia wants to contact Kevin,
but no matter how curious she is about his health she’s not going to contact him.
       While she has been thinking about Jessica and Kevin, Olivia has been looking for
her weapons. Olivia knows they are there somewhere, and she is sure that they are in her
bedroom. She remembers putting them there. It’s the best place for her to hide them. After
all, she doesn’t want to be caught with her panties down. The only problem is she hasn’t
found them yet, and she has looked in there three, no four, times now.
       Olivia has found four automatic weapons with full clips, and a lot of ammo for them,
but she hasn’t found any fully automatic ones yet. Maybe there aren’t any fully automatic
weapons in her bedroom. She may have hidden them somewhere else in her apartment. If
she has even hidden them there. Olivia remembers hiding them, and she thought that she
has hidden them there, but she may have been wrong about that.
       Four extra automatics will help her to survive death, but only for a few minutes. She
needs at least one fully automatic weapon if she wants to live. Olivia knows she has hidden
several of them. Now all she needs to do is find them before it’s too late. After a quick
glance around her bedroom once last time, Olivia leaves it. She is now in her very cluttered
living room. It’s obvious she has already looked in that room before. It looks almost
as bad as her bedroom does.
       After glancing around that room slowly, Olivia starts searching through it again. If
they aren’t in her bedroom, then the most logical place for her to hide her fully automatic
weapons is there in her living room. Olivia has already searched for them three times in
there. She doesn’t think that she’s going to find them if she searches again, but she needs to
find them. If they aren’t in there, she doesn’t know they might be.
       Olivia slowly starts looking around her living room and sighs. Suddenly she stops
looking when she glances into her kitchen she can barely see as one from where she has
been standing. She smiles. Olivia wonders if maybe Kevin has hidden some weapons in his
apartment too. He might have. After all, he headed that way. Maybe Kevin intended to get
his weapons before he decided to hide instead of fight.
       It’s a long shot, but it’s the only thing that Olivia can think of to do right now. after
glancing around that room one more time, Olivia leaves her apartment and goes to the next
door down that long hallway. Olivia enters Kevin’s apartment with a numeric combination
to a keypad next to the door. She goes in there and suddenly stops. A shocked look appears
on her face. Her jaw drops, her eyes bug out, and her eyebrows raise. That place looks like
a tornado or hurricane hit it. It’s even more cluttered that her place is.
       Maybe Kevin has been here after all. If he has been, he either found his automatic
weapons or he hasn’t. That may explain why he started looking for a place to hide. Then
again, he may have decided to do both: hide and fight back. Olivia smiles big. Maybe that
means Kevin isn’t the one dead. It’s Jessica. The gunfire she heard early may have been
from his fully automatic weapons and not hers.
       No, that can’t be what happened. Kevin used to be a Professional Killer, but that has
been decades since he has done that. There is no way he could have gotten lucky enough to
kill Jessica. She’s that good. It doesn’t mean he may not have wounded her before she killed
him, though. No, that probably isn’t what happened either. Olivia has only heard gunfire in
one direction. At least it sounds like it has been one-sided to her.
       Olivia slowly looks around that living room. Then again, maybe Kevin hasn’t found
his weapons. That may be why he decided to hide from death. If that’s true, then they may
still be there. Olivia sighs. They still can’t be there. If they would have been Kevin would
have found them. Then again, maybe he hasn’t. After all, she hasn’t found the weapons that
she has hidden. Maybe he hasn’t either.
       Suddenly, Olivia stiffens up and gets a pale worried look on her face. Unless it hasn’t
been Kevin who has come down there. Maybe it’s Jessica who trashed the place looking for
Kevin or looking for clues as to where he’s at. Olivia shivers a little. If that’s true, then that
means Jessica has been right next to her. After thinking about that for about a minute,
Olivia shakes her head no. No, that can’t be what happened. It’s must be Kevin. If it is
Jessica who has done it, then why hasn’t she come to her apartment.
       Shivering even though it’s not cold in there, Olivia starts looking through the living
room of Kevin’s apartment. Like her place, Olivia isn’t sure where to look. She doesn’t
think there are any hidden safes in there either. Even if there is one or more there’s no way,
he could have put more than a weapon or two in there. If it’s a safe, then it needs to be a
floor one, and there aren’t any floor safes. Unless they are under that floor. It doesn’t look
like Kevin has been tearing up his floor, though.
       Olivia starts slowly walking around the living room. Looking under large pieces of
furniture like couch cushions, turned over chairs and the couch, etc. the smaller pieces like
couch pillows, papers, trash, etc. she just picked up and tossed away. It only takes her a few
minutes to walk around that room. She hasn’t seen anything to suggest that there are any
weapons there. She’s starting to think there are no weapons there either.
       After Olivia looks around the living room two more times, she heads for the kitchen
opposite hers. In fact, both kitchens are back to back. There doesn’t appear to be anything
in there that isn’t kitchen related. It doesn’t even look like it’s been searched. The next
place Olivia goes to check is the bathroom next to Kevin’s bedroom. That room doesn’t
look like it has been searched either. Like the kitchen, if it has been checked then whoever
has done it has made it appear it hasn’t. Why would they have done something like that?
       Using the door leading into the bedroom Olivia goes in there and suddenly stops.
She has a wondering look on her face. That room doesn’t look like it has been searched
either. Why not? After thinking about it for about a minute Olivia sighs. Maybe those
rooms haven’t been searched because whoever checked out the living room found what
they have been looking for.
       Olivia decided to check the bedroom anyway. She might as well start somewhere.
Why not there? it doesn’t take Olivia too long to find what she’s looking for. Olivia starts
her search by pushing the bed at the center of that room. She can now see some loose
floorboards. Using her fingers that barely gets under those boards Olivia pries them open
and smiles as she looks down at a large group of weapons. Now she’s she ready to kill
Jessica before Jessica can kill her.


       Jessica is in the elevator office. Only instead of going down to the next floor. She
goes up two floors to the first business floor. Jessica wants to check on Kevin Mason to see
how he’s doing. After getting to that restaurant where Kevin Mason tried to hide from her,
she goes directly to the kitchen. She knows that Kevin hasn’t gotten away from his hiding
place, but she still lets her fully automatic weapons leading the way. Jessica is right about
him still being there. He’s still alive, but he doesn’t look like he’s going to be much longer.
       Kevin glances up at Jessica as best as he can. His head is lopsided. Straining to stay
up with a defeated sadness on his face. Jessica smiles as she looks down at him. He looks
even worse than he has been the last time she saw him. She looks at all the blood already on
the floor where his bullet hole hand hangs out of a partially opened cabinet door under the
center table there.
       After squatting down, Jessica opens the cabinet door. Her smile gets even bigger as
she looks at his other hand stapled to the back of the cabinet. The bullet can barely be seen
now. It’s obvious Kevin has tried to pull his hand off that bullet. His hand is pale from the
lack of blood that has seeped out of that hole. Blood streaks coming out of that hole to seep
into a few drops on the floor of that cabinet.
       Jessica can’t stop smiling as she gets up and heads for the kitchen door. She glances
at the opened cooler door, and what used to be in the table cabinet stuff clutter all over the
floor in front of it. After she leaves the kitchen, she heads for the front door there with her
weapons waving all around her. Jessica knows there isn’t anyone else there, but why take
any chances. She is sure she’s not wrong about that, but she may be. It wouldn’t have been
the first time she has been wrong about something. Especially in the last few years.
       Once she leaves that restaurant, Jessica heads for the elevator office and flattens
herself in front of the opening with her weapons laying in front of her. She does all this
after she pushes the down button next to that side hallway. Only Jessica doesn’t stop at the
next floor. In fact, she takes it down three floors. Checking each side hallways as she goes
down. There is no in them. She hasn’t heard anything either.
       The floor she is headed for is the last one at Secret Location. Jessica knows that
because of the sudden stop when she gets to that floor. She wanted to go down to the last
floor. She’s done that. Jessica can see there is no one waiting for her there either. She cocks
her head. No sounds of anyone waiting to attack her either. Jessica knows that’s not true,
though. She knows there is at least one more person on that floor somewhere.
       Jessica has checked almost every floor of Secret Location. She has killed about a
thousand Professional Killers. She’s about to kill Kevin too. It’s only a few minutes until
Kevin is also dead. Jessica only has one more floor to check, that one. She only has one
more she knows is on that floor. There may be others there, but the one she knows about
for sure is Olivia Keys.
       If Olivia is smart, she has a small army of Professional Killers to protect her, but
Jessica doesn’t think she has anyone protecting her anymore. Jessica has already killed all
of them. The reason why Jessica is sure about no Protection is that Kevin Mason has never
had any. She’s sure Olivia doesn’t have any either. Hopefully, Olivia is smarter than Kevin
and is going to fight back instead of trying to hide from her. Jessica really hopes that Olivia
isn’t as stupid as Kevin was.
       After looking and listening for several minutes, and not seeing or hearing anything,
Jessica gets up and slowly walks down that side hallway. Even though she knows she
doesn’t need her weapons she is using them to point her way. Just before she goes into the
main hallway she stops. Jessica quickly peeks around the corner in both directions. There is
no one there.
       Jessica turns to her right into the main hallway and starts walking down it with one
weapon in front of her and one behind her. She is constantly looking behind her every few
seconds. At the end of that hallway, Jessica stops just before she starts walking down the
next hallway. Jessica peeks around the corner. Only she doesn’t do it with her weapons this
time. She knows she doesn’t need to do that since no one is there either.
       About halfway down that hallway Jessica suddenly stops. Jessica looks at the walls
on both sides of her. The walls are smooth on both sides. There are no doors. Why aren’t
there any doors? What kind of a floor is this? Jessica can’t stop thinking about what is
really going on with that floor. Is she wrong about Olivia being there? Maybe she never has
been there, there may be another way out of that place that Jessica doesn’t know about or
has found yet. Has Olivia escaped death again?
       What kind of a floor is this? Are Kevin and Olivia trying to hide something down
there? Is Olivia hiding down there too? Jessica starts walking again. Only it’s a lot slower
now as she continues to wonder what is going on with that floor. No matter what she thinks
is down there she is sure that Olivia is using it to hide from her. Jessica doesn’t know how
she knows she’s there, but she does.
       Maybe that floor is where they keep the equipment that they use to run that place.
Then why keep it a secret? Jessica doesn’t think that’s what Kevin and Olivia are hiding
there. There may be equipment there too, every floor has them, but they aren’t what is
being hidden there. It’s something else. Jessica just doesn’t know what it is yet, but she may
get some of those answers after she heads down the next hallway.
       Jessica doesn’t stop at the end of the hallway she’s in. She turns that corner without
looking first and suddenly stops. A big smile appears on Jessica after she sees that there are
two doors in that hallway. Jessica walks up to the first door. She sees the keypad next to
that door and sighs. She’s not surprised about that. Jessica just doesn’t know how she’s
going to get in there. After all, she knows she can’t shoot her way in there because the doors
and walls are bulletproof.
       After just staring at that door for several minutes, Jessica checks her weapons. The
two in her hands are only about half full. She changes the magazines in them both. Jessica
does that for four others. Two are almost full. The other two are almost empty. Jessica
replaces them all. She points the two in her hands at the doorknob and fires every bullet
that she has at it. Then she uses the bottom of her right foot to kick in that door knob. After
her right foot, Jessica uses her left one. Nothing happens. It doesn’t budge.
       Sighing Jessica drops those two guns and grabs too more. Jessica isn’t too surprised
it didn’t do it. She never expected it to. True, she hoped that it would have worked the first
time, but she didn’t expect it. With her two new weapons, she fires all their bullets too at
the doorknob. It singes it too, but it doesn’t open it when she double kicks it again. It does
seem to give a little, though.
       Jessica drops those two guns too. Then she grabs the last two fully loaded weapons
and fires all the bullet from them. This time Jessica doesn’t have to kick the door knobs.
The bullets force it into that room. Jessica takes a quick peek into that room. It’s a living
room. So, that’s what is hidden down there. It is where Kevin and Olivia have been living
when they aren’t killing people. Using her right foot only Jessica has no trouble kicking in
that door. Jessica dives to her left as she enters that room.
       As she dives into that room Jessica grabs two new guns to use. She doesn’t need to
use them, though. There is no one else in there. slowly, Jessica gets up and starts looking
around that filthy living room. From what Jessica can see that must be Kevin’s place.
Jessica starts walking around that room. It doesn’t look there is any place to hide in there.
She doesn’t think Olivia is there.
       Suddenly, Jessica stops walking and looks through the open door into the bedroom.
Jessica brings up her guns and starts shooting them into that bedroom. A few seconds later
there is return fire from it. As they are coming out of there Jessica dives behind a fallen
couch. Jessica drops those guns as she’s diving and brings up two more. There aren’t too
many bullets in them, but what there are Jessica uses through that door. Once again, there
is some return fired from Olivia.
       Jessica smiles. She has found Olivia. Now they will find out who is the better killer:
Jessica or Olivia. Jessica is betting that it’s her. She doesn’t know how many guns Olivia
has or her ammo situation, but she has about twenty-five more guns she can use and at least
double that in ammo. There is no way that she’s going to lose that fight no matter what she
must do to make sure that she does it.

                                                        Word Count = 8,425
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