Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/946076-The-Event-Horizon-
Rated: GC · Book · Comedy · #2174505
It was common knowledge, but most people didn't know it.
#946076 added November 22, 2018 at 11:30pm
Restrictions: None
The Event Horizon ...

"Living in a bubble sucks." Emily look about her room.
She had lost her socks. She found her panties.
The room shook .. "Oh. Gaud." Emily buckled in.
Her room flipped, tossing her things about.

"Turbulence." her dad spoke through a speaker in the wall.
"Wha-was that?" Tommy had flipped about in his zip up hammock.
He chuckled at Emily. Her panties were on her head.
"I hate this so much." Emily took her panties off..

"You wanna tussle?" Tommy gave a toothy smile.
Emily was not amused, "Go tussle with yourself!"
Emily stomped out of the cabin to see dad.
"Wear are your pants?" Brian queried.

Brian was still strapped in and not pleased to see his
daughter walking about untethered.
"Why are we here?" Emily asked.
"How long can you tread water?" he replied with a grin.

There was another wave and Emily slid across the floor.
Brian compensated with his navigation.
"Nice! Now my butt burns." Emily strapped in at the dining table.
She sipped some kelp soup through a straw.

"Dad this ship is awesome." Tommy kissed Emily and sat down for a snack.
"Mom's outside getting more kelp and lobster." Brian hollered ..
There was a rush of ferment as mom entered the ship.
"Would you like some shrimp?" Crystal asked as she took off her wet suit.

"Honestly, how long are we going to be out here?" Emily asked.
"There's no telling. Dear." Crystal kissed her daughter;
"There's been a terrible war, but your father has built a great arch."
"Well, it's not as big as an arch, but it can sustain us." Brian smiled.

Brian adjusted the navigation and they were air born.
Now he could leave the pilot seat and have something to eat.
"Noah and his family repopulated the world." he remarked and ate a shrimp.
Emily looked over at her brother, "Gross."

Crystal laughed, "There are a plenty of people on land."
"Yes. But, they are under marshal law. Thanks to President Trump." Brian said.
"Our grandchildren are not going to have webbed fingers and toes." Crystal retorted.
"It would help with the swimming." Tommy giggled and tossed a shrimp at Emily.

Reflections~From one to many...Does the Bible teach us to be incestuous?

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