PROMPT November 10th
Do you consider blogging a form of personal essay writing? How are the two the same and different? Today, spend some time researching how to write a personal essay and, if you choose, take a stab at writing one of your own!
*NoteB* *NoteO* *NoteB* *NoteO* *NoteB* *NoteO* *NoteB* *NoteO* *NoteB* *NoteO* Whoo what a night! Those darn weather forecasters were correct for once. Snow and ice returned with a vengeance zapping our hydro. It's just been restored. When this inevitably happens, I miss the convenience of running water the most. Washing my hands in bottled water is not the same as on demand hot water. But I digress, and let's be honest I vented. So, to answer to today's blog topic. I never realized, or considered it before, but yes, most of my blogs are personal essays. They are coloured and tainted by my prejudices, my opinions, my observations, my thoughts, my flights of fancy, my emotions, my experiences, my nuance, my wording, and my expression. How could they not be? If I have a hand in creating something, or in this case writing it, it will be personal. Of course, not all my writing is shaded by moi. the odd time I utilize my imagination a bit more to draw a character,or a scene that is unfamiliar to me. Huh, no, my style still reflects me.... My room mate, my significant other, my soul mate of forty years is home for the weekend. That's what we're allotted, weekends . If we're fortunate we spend two days together. During the week, hubby is on the road and we keep in touch via cell phone. Anywho, today is our date night.. For once, there are no family obligations, no other pressing plans. We intend to dine out and then view a movie. To do this, we must travel by car for about fifty minutes. I mention this because I would love to write a new personal essay, but the date awaits. As fate would permit, I happen to store personal essays in my portfolio. I shall direct my fellow bloggers to two in particular. One records a cherished camping trip with my eldest granddaughter, and the other recreates a Halloween date with hubby years ago. and |