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Rated: E · Book · Personal · #2172808
We live much of life amid unique choices. Joy is anchored in The One beyond our life.
#944834 added November 3, 2018 at 11:04pm
Restrictions: None
Excerpt from Chapter #4: "Follow the Inspiration"
Brrrrrr, thought Carlos. Maybe I should have worn at least a windbreaker or even a sweatshirt. No matter. I'll just pick up the pace. The crisp cool, nearly cold breeze felt good in at least one way. It numbed the pain of having no job...for the moment.

One mile. Two miles. Three, four, five. "Woah, little horsies," Carlos processed out-loud, urging his legs to slow down. "I think five miles' a good plenty. Time to go find the nearest water fountain."

Colorful leaves in shades of reds, oranges, and yellows danced around the quad. Carlos stood transfixed for a few moments, drinking in the peace and serenity that he so much needed. Continuing to dance in the tight swirls of North Texas dirt devil, the leaves parted as on command, creating a path that led to the Music building, where he had first met Naomi. My goodness! exploded in a mental version of a shout. Lord, is this Your doing? Or am I in one of Brother Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia books?

Marching through Nature's entourage Carlos felt like a king on parade. As he neared the front door a gust of wind came out of nowhere to push the door open long enough for him to saunter on through with a tip-of-the-hat to the unseen angel, who held the door. This must be the place, he thought. God never wastes a moment. He always makes Himself known in some way when there is an important message to deliver.

The pace on weary legs slowed to a stroll. Let me check out the piano room upstairs. Maybe there's a memory that will guide me. Or The Lord may have a nudge in a new direction. Whatever it is. I know that with The Lord it will be good.

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