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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/944609-The-Elephant-in-the-Room-NaNo
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#944609 added October 31, 2018 at 10:57pm
Restrictions: None
The Elephant in the Room: NaNo!
Prompt: The Elephant In The Room. What was your elephant in the room and how did you resolve it?

I have an elephant in the room, right now. It is called NaNo or November jitters. Yet one more year, I am thinking of how in the world, with all the distractions I get throughout the day, I’ll be able to write 50 K words and finish the d&*! thing.

Yet, I’ve done this before and several times over. So I think back and give myself a pat on the back and tell me, “You can do it again!”

Okay, so appeased, I’ll go about my day, performing my daily routine and any crazy stuff that springs at me as usual. Still, my mind is going to be on that elephant in the room.

“Why are you mumbling to yourself?” my hubby will ask, and I’ll say, “Nothing!” But I’ll know within me that what I called “nothing” is the elephant in the room, which is the novel that will invade my thoughts every single minute.

What else can be my elephant in the room? Mediocrity, of course. Now the fear is what if my novel is mediocre or less? “So what?” I say to me. “Just enjoy the ride. This is what it is. Just a ride.”

This means I will be ignoring the elephant, and instead, talking about kittens or cockroaches. They all are animals, aren’t they? Unless, I keep tripping over that huge thing in the room…

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