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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/944567-Part-3-Hourglass---interview
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #982524
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
#944567 added October 30, 2018 at 10:36pm
Restrictions: None
Part 3 (Hourglass - interview)
I think about Leslie and Rebecca. How they both made my life miserable. And Tanisha and Becky with their hugs and willing ear. I think I need to speak with Tanisha. Maybe she'll understand. And Becky. I need a hug from Becky and her aroma of lavender. The others, especially those I'd rather not think about? Maybe I'll be lucky and not see them at all.

I'm looking forward to sitting under the elms, hoping they still have a stray golden leaf or two on their twigs. I have so much to tell Nickie and Blotch. I'm sure no one has taken my spot in the library. Why would they? Miserable nook. I think I'll pay my respects and sit by the window. It's quiet enough there and the lighting is better.


Hi Tanisha! Hi. Tanisha smiled and took him by the arm lead him to a corner. No. Let's sit here by the fireplace, Oriole responded. So. Tanisha looked amused. Do I call you Matty or Oriole. Either is fine from you. I've enjoyed being called Oriole though. He looked across the room. Seems so quiet. Really? Yeah, You should've been with me in Dakar. Absolute riot. They both smiled. Want tea or coffee, Oriole asked. The usual. Ah... tea with milk. I'll go get it. Tanisha sat there pleased but puzzled. Wasn't this the same Matty she knew a month ago? Apparently not. Have you seen Blotch or Nickie? No, but then they were always fond of you. Becky? Yes. She got a new pink hairdo and seems the same as ever. Everyone is the same really, except you. How so! Don't get me wrong. I loved the old you but it's wonderful to see you happy. Are you happy? I guess so. I've had so many adventures that I haven't given it too much thought. Oriole frowned. I think so. I ... I don't feel so ... worried like before. They say that after you've been in a train wreck nothing else seems quite as horrible. Oh my! No no no. Nothing that bad. Oriole chuckled. But if you'd seen me running to catch bus half dressed you would have been amused. And then it was behind schedule anyways. I huffed and puffed and belatedly remembered to tuck my shirt in. Tanisha grinned. The trip has done you well. Yes. I mean. Oriole looked lost like before Tanisha thought and waited... just like always. But he had definitely changed. He even smelled different. Cologne? Never! I mean I want to say thank-you for all those times you tried to reach out and help. Oriole chose his words carefully. All those times I shut you out and wouldn't reach back. Tanisha held back a tear. Now she knew he had changed. When she couldn't hold back any longer she just grabbed and gave him a hug. Oriole hugged back. I'm just so sorry.


Oriole sat by the bench looking up at bare branches not noticing a yellow dog approach him. What's your name he asked? The dog just wagged his tail and licked his hand. He's seen Nickie yesterday and said hello. Had sat for awhile with Blotch. It seemed right to welcome a new friend. Much had changed and yet... his animal friends were still the same.


So. Matthew. The librarian wagged her head. Where have you been? Everywhere! Oriole felt cheerful after two cups of coffee and a donut. Have any books on Antarctica? Next trip? Maybe. The world is a big place and it's going to take some time to see it all. That it is. That it is. I saw polar bears. I saw dolphins. I wonder far far Pern is from here. I'd love to see dragons. So they could curl up at your feet? Yeah, that too or give them a ride. Oriole chuckled. The librarian smiled. Sitting in your usual spot today? Nah. Thought I'd find something more comfortable by the window.


Hi Rebecca. Hi snot. No hugs and kisses? Rebecca was taken aback. Not from you. Good. I have friends that actually care about me now. Have a good day. Oriole waved and moved on. Rebecca felt snubbed.


Look. Look nothing. Oriole replied. I told you that I don't like it when you put me down. You don't have to you know. Just pick on someone else or better still keep your mouth shut unless you're going to say something nice about someone. Leslie looked shocked. Oriole didn't care. Without another word he turned and and started to whistle. Once outside he heard a bird warbling in response. He smiled at himself and didn't give Leslie another thought.


I can do this, Oriole thought. I can go anywhere I please. I can talk to anyone I want to. I can even nurse a coffee and sit silent if I choose. And if there's an extra donut around I can eat it. Life was about to become much much better.


Oriole sat with a book in the corner. It had been the only seat left. Not a problem. He was reading about the caves of Kentucky, wondering whether he should visit. A cave didn't seem so bad. It would be any tighter than some of the alleyways he'd wandered around in. The coffee had cinnamon, the donut was chocolate and the resident cat, Zodiac, had just chosen to curl up in his lap.


900 words as of 10/30. Written in less than an hour! I can do this!!

Note: Nickie is a dog. Blotch is a cat.

I'm going to approach this as part interview and part internal dialog.

Oct. 30: - Character: Protagonist Interview ▼

You are a journalist. The story of your novel is complete. Interview your protagonist and ask the following questions:
(1) How is life for you now, compared to life prior to these events?
(2) How did the events of your story change you?

© Copyright 2018 Kåre Enga in Montana (UN: enga at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Kåre Enga in Montana has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/944567-Part-3-Hourglass---interview