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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/944100-A-New-Normal
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#944100 added October 24, 2018 at 9:07am
Restrictions: None
A New Normal
Prompt: The new normal. You have something devastating happen to you and you have to get your life back to normal. Have you ever had a new normal?


Yes, since I’ve lived for quite some time, I’ve had quite a few new normals, but the newest normal just happened yesterday, although it doesn’t affect me directly.

I went for an eye check-up yesterday and found out from his sister that my eye-doctor had adrenal cancer. He is the doctor we have been seeing for almost three decades, and he is rather young to be so sick. The office is in the process of changing hands, and the new doctor I liked very much, but I so feel sad about what has been happening to this doctor, his family, and the office he has build so ambitiously and so charitably.

I recall when he had newly opened the office, on Fridays, he was seeing for free those patients who didn't have any insurance. Later on, he lifted the Friday clause, but I suspect he still did see poor people at a reduced rate or for free. He is a very nice man, and I feel really upset over this, but it is life and things like this happens. We have to go on.

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