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Rated: 13+ · Book · Environment · #1392154
A modest journal.
#943649 added October 19, 2018 at 4:40pm
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TOO HARD TO TAKE - 10-17-2018
Today is too hard----too hard to take and pretend everything is okay----because it's not okay. 

The representative of Auto-Owners has been unresponsive since August.  Today, after a phone message from our attorney, she finally speaks---with an attitude. Gruffness evident when she finally returned Willy's call.  I kindly took the message.  Since Willy had already left the office, I sent him a text providing her number and extension.  (She may have been hostile to him since I sensed her seething anger earlier.)

Willy returned the call and she informed him (after over two months of silence/unresponsiveness) that the doctor's office provided the wrong records (post-accident instead of pre-accident as requested).  When Willy told me this, I wondered why she waited over two months to tell us this. Willy said she was blaming the hurricane.

I told Willy that clearly we requested pre-accident records and I even underlined it in the letter to the doctors office; however, I did not inspect the records and that it's likely the insurance representative is right. 

Willy called the wife of the injured party, who apparently contacted the doctor's office and spoke with a lady named Charlotte who affirmed they received a letter from us indicating the insurance company wanted pre-accident records; however, she mistakenly sent post-accident records.  [This was after (according to the insurance representative), they had been requesting pre-accident records for months with no response.  This was also despite our intervention during this time via the wife of the injured party, requesting his GP respond to the insurance company's request.] 

I now wonder if the wife ever really called the GP during this time since she has failed to do multiple things we asked her to do along the way after saying she would do whatever it was we had asked.  I don't know if she is busy and forgets or what...

Even in Willy's letter he requested post-accident records and I made a revision, reminding him the insurance company wanted pre-accident records.  (So, it's likely that verbally we were saying one thing and in writing saying another thing.  Who knows...)

However, Willy made sure to tell me to "be nice" to everyone so that we can get them to comply and resolve this case.  I don't think this was an insinuation; however, it was a little offensive since I haven't done anything wrong.  I just made it clear that everyone (including the doctor's office) has been unresponsive all along the way. 

Again, in the back of my mind, the client's wife likely never spoke with the doctor's office from the start as it took several months for them to comply---and then only when we intervened with a letter and a HIPPA Authorization asking them to please respond to the insurance company's request so we can settle the case.

To make matters worse, they (the doctor's office) sent their invoice for making copies to us, which I then forwarded to the insurance company for payment.  Once payment was made directly to the doctor's office---the records were sent indirectly to us so that I had to forward them via facsimile and priority mail (to the insurance company).  The insurance representative acts as though this is interference.  (We have no control over how the doctor's office responds.)

So, everyone is upset at one another.  We are in the middle and Willy is asking me to be nice.  I've been nothing but nice to everyone involved.  I know that I cannot reason with people who are offended and/or offensive and unreasonable. 

Auto-Owners has known they had the wrong records for months, and we have been asking them for a response since August----but only today their representative tells us of the error.  Why?

It's been over a year since we made our demand on the insured's own insurance company. 

But we must not bring the truth to the attention of Auto-Owners or to the attention of the doctor's office, we must pussy-foot so as not to offend.

It's a comedy of errors, but no one is laughing.

It's ridiculous...  too much!!!

How I hate this repetitive dance!!

So tonight, I struggle to "hold my peace," preferring death over this continuous nonsense. 

God change my perspective.  Help me make sense of nonsense and continue---as I know my race is not yet complete.  I must continue to run and overcome, but it is beyond me how to continue.


God gave me the word "hiding" when I asked Him what was going on here.  The players here are "hiding" and that is the reason for the problems.  Instead of being open and honest---because we do not trust one another (or ourselves) and are fearful---we are "in hiding." 

I'm reminded of Adam and Even in the garden.  Daily, they walked with God in the cool of the day; but after sinning (eating the forbidden fruit at the behest of satan), they realized they were naked and hid themselves.  (See Genesis 3.)

...And as unregenerate or imperfect humans, we continue to feel naked (shame) and hide---when we make a mistake, when we purposely or accidentally do something wrong, when we do not do something we should have done or should have known to do.  We may also hide (ourselves or an issue) on purpose, deceitfully. 

But God says, Whatever is done in darkness (is hidden) will be revealed.  (See Matthew 10:26; Mark 4:22; Luke 8:17.) 

He admonishes us to "speak the truth, in love."  We can be, should be, must be honest.  (See Ephesians 4:15.) 

Let us be trusting and speak the truth.

© Copyright 2018 Maria Mize (UN: kimbro1958 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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