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This blog contains responses to blog prompts, & thoughts on spiritual or religious themes |
Istiqlál (Independence), 16 Mashíyyat (Will) 175 B.E. - Friday, October 12, 2018
October 12 is {xlink:https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-savings-day-october-12/}National Savings Day[/xlink}. What are some things you have saved up for? What would you save up for if you could? National Savings Day a day of recognition of "those who value the act of saving and to provide simple steps to show getting started isn’t as difficult as it may seem."1 I'm fairly sure, this day is for people who aren't living from paycheck to paycheck, or choosing between purchasing medication and eating or paying the rent. On the website, I noticed that Capital One, a credit card company, instigated this day. This doesn't make a lot of sense to me, considering that the interest rate on credit cards prevent people from saving for anything that doesn't pay off the credit card. I am a senior citizen living on Social Security. My Social Security money is deposited, like clockwork, every month into my checking account. I have the account set up to use my banks Keep the Change service, which transfers a small amount to my savings account when I use my debit card. Therefore, you would think I would have quite a bit of money in the savings account. This is not the case, because the reason is that the cost of living keeps going up, and I have to use any savings to survive. Fortunately, my health insurance company will mail my prescription to me, without charge as long I I use generics. Since we don't have a car, I don't have to pay car insurance. This gives a little extra money, and I was able to get my eyeglass prescription filled. However, I still have to worry about other bills, and because of the high cost of food and/or other essentials, I'll have to worry about paying the electrical bill this month. Instead, of worrying I'm placing everything in God's hands because that is the only way I can survive in this economy or upon this plain of existence. Places I Would Like to Visit Footnotes |