Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/942799-Outline-One---Jessica-Strong
Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2169077
This novel isn't just a novel. It's also for the October Prep Challenge too.
#942799 added October 12, 2018 at 1:44am
Restrictions: None
Outline One - Jessica Strong

                          Jessica Strong

                            An Outline

                            Written By

                        Donald A. Johnson


     After killing two Professional Killers with a single-shots
to their head, Twenty-eight-year-old Jessica Strong kills two
more. They are dead before they hit the floor. Jessica grinds
each neck into the ground just to make sure they are dead before
she continues to the next killers. Overall, she is going to kill
about forty more before she gets to Kevin Mason and Olivia Keys.

                           Chapter One
                         “Fighting Back”

     Eight-year-old Jessica Parton is about to get into a fight
with six teenage boys. Only she’s the one who is going to end it.
She doesn’t like the way they are talking to her. Jessica warns
them of what will happen if they don’t stop it. They laugh about
her just being a kid. There’s nothing she can do about it. What
is she going to do, kill them? That’s exactly what she will do.

                           Chapter Two
                         “Getting Ready”

     Jessica doesn’t understand why she needs to keep practicing.
She doesn’t need to do that. After all, she has gotten all the
training that she needs to survive. There is nothing more than
her dad can teach her that she doesn’t already know. She’s ready
for anything that might come their way. Carl wants to believe
that, but he doesn’t. She’s close, but she’s not ready yet.

                          Chapter Three
                          “Moving Again”

     Nine-year-old Jessica Parton wants to know what is wrong
with her daddy. He has been acting very strange lately. Carl
doesn’t want to tell her, but Jessica needs to know that they
might have to move again. It looks like Secret Location has found
them. He doesn’t want to move either, but they might have to do
it anyway. Can they get out of there before it’s too late?

                           Chapter Four
                        “Tired of Moving”

     Carl and Jessica have found another place to live. They
should be safe there for a little bit. Only Jessica doesn’t want
that. She’s tired of moving. Carl is getting tired of doing it
too, but they have no choice. If Secret Location is going to keep
trying to find them they need to continue doing it. At least they
do until Jessica is old enough to protect herself from them too.

                           Chapter Five
                       “Eight Against Two”

     Ten-year-old Jessica still isn’t ready to protect herself,
but she may need to be ready to do it anyway. Secret Location has
found them again, and there is no time to leave this time. They
have sent eight Professional Killers to kill them. Carl tries to
do it on his own, but he only takes out half a few before Jessica
must join him. Can they take them all out before they get killed?

                           Chapter Six
                        “Still in Danger”

     Jessica has been hurt, but it’s not too bad. It’s not life-
threatening. She’s going to be okay with a lot of rest. Something
she might not have the time to do. Especially, since her dad is
hurt worse than her. He will be okay in time too. Until he is it
is up to Jessica to protect them if Secret Location returns. She
hopes that they don’t, but she will be ready for them if they do.

                          Chapter Seven
                        “Protecting Them”

     Eleven-year-old Jessica Parton doesn’t like what her dad has
had to do to protect them from Secret Location. In exchange for
their safety, Carl has been forced to return to what he used to
do. Jessica knows why he has done it, but that doesn’t mean she
has to like it. Which she doesn’t. That’s why she is trying to
find a way to get away from Secret Location once and for all.

                          Chapter Eight
                       “Just Stop Doing It”

     Jessica wants her dad to stop doing it. He wants to stop it
too, but he can’t do that right now. They both should have been
killed with that attack against them. He’s not going to let that
happen again. Even if it means him continuing to what he does
best he will do it. There is no other choice until he can find a
way to do it without getting them both killed, especially her.

                           Chapter Nine
                          “Old Enough?”

     Twelve-year-old Jessica Parton doesn’t want her daddy to do
it anymore. Jessica wants him to stop no matter how he does it.
She’s old enough now to protect herself against Secret Location.
She can protect them both if it needs to be done. Carl knows she
can do it for herself. He’s just not sure if she’s ready to do it
for them both. He is sure that Jessica is, but what if she isn’t?

                           Chapter Ten
                        “Looking at Death”

     Secret Location has found them again. This time they aren’t
taking any chance that they might escape death. They have sent
twenty Profession Killers to kill them. Jessica and Carl are
ready for them though, but can they kill all of them before they
are killed? The answer to that question is no. In fact, Jessica
is about to see her daddy get killed right in front of her eyes.

                          Chapter Eleven
                     “All Along in the City”

     Thirteen-year-old Jessica Night has been on her own ever
since her dad died. She is still in the same city, but now she is
living anywhere she can to avoid being found by Social Services.
So far, she has been able to do that. Jessica knows it’s only a
matter of time before they find her again. All Jessica needs to
do is keep one step ahead of them for as long as she can do it.

                          Chapter Twelve
                     “Can’t Stop Remembering”

     Jessica misses her dad very much. She can’t stop thinking
about him. Especially, when she’s sleeping. It’s even worse
depending on where she is sleeping. For the last several months
Jessica has been able to find a good place to stay. Which means
that her remembering has been a lot worse lately. There isn’t
much else for her to do but remember her life with her dad.

                         Chapter Thirteen
                      “Living Like She Does”

     Fourteen-year-old Jessica Night has more than enough money
to live very comfortably. Even in death, her dad is helping her
to survive alone. He has given her all the money she needs to do
it. Jessica can live anywhere. So, why is she living like she is?
If she settles down Social Services will be able to find her a
lot faster. Especially, if she lives the way she used to live.

                         Chapter Fourteen
                     “Getting Out of the City”

     It’s getting harder for Jessica to stay one step ahead of
Social Services. There is only one thing that she can do to stop
them from finding her again, and that’s to leave that city. She
doesn’t really want to leave, but it looks like that is the only
way for her to get rid of Social Services. The big question is,
where is Jessica going to go. She hasn’t decided about that yet.

                         Chapter Fifteen
                      “All Alone This Time”

     Fifteen-year-old Jessica Night hasn’t just been having a lot
of trouble with Social Services. She has also had it with Secret
Location too. Jessica has already encountered them several times,
and she’s about to do it again. Only this time they have sent ten
professionals to kill him. This is the first time she’s going to
be on her own. Can she kill all of them before they kill her?

                         Chapter Sixteen
                         “Recovery First”

     Why has Secret Location tried to kill her? That is what she
wants to know. Jessica is going to find out why, but she can’t do
that right now. She’s still recovering from the attack against
her. She hasn’t been hurt badly, but she is going to be okay
thanks to the training her dad has taught her. Maybe that is why
Secret Location is still trying to her. It’s because of her dad.

                        Chapter Seventeen
                      “Not Finding Answers”

     Sixteen-year-old Jessica Night has been trying to find out
what is going on with Secret Location. So far, she hasn’t found
out too much. She doesn’t even know where they are at. No one
does. That’s probably why they call themselves Secret Location.
Jessica will have to solve that mystery later. Right now, all she
wants to do is find out why they haven’t stopped looking for her.

                         Chapter Eighteen
                        “Tired of Running”

     Jessica thinks that Secret Location has found her again. If
that’s true she has no choice but to run, or does she? Jessica is
tired of running. She likes it where she is at, and she doesn’t
want to leave. If she doesn’t leave, then what is she going to
do. Jessica hasn’t figured out that yet. The first thing that she
needs to do is find out if Secret Location knows where she’s at.

                         Chapter Nineteen
                     “Only a Few Months Left”

     Seventeen-year-old Jessica Night is almost an adult. Which
means soon she will need to decide what she’s going to do with
the rest of her life. True, she has enough money she doesn’t need
to do anything, but she doesn’t want to do that. Jessica doesn’t
know what she’s going to do with her life, but she does know she
is not going to be doing anything without getting her GED first.

                          Chapter Twenty
                        “Killing Jessica”

     Thanks to her trying to find out why they are still looking
for her and her getting her GED Secret Location has found her
again. They have sent twenty Professional Killers to kill her.
Can she kill all of them before they kill her? Is she about to
die just like her dad died? It sure does look like Jessica is
about to die. At least it appears that she has been killed too.

                            Novel Two
                        “Secret Locations”

     Jessica thinks she has destroyed Secret Location. She is
about to find out she hasn’t destroyed all of it. It’s just the
United States part of it. There are several other ones all over
the world, and they have already started coming after her. She
wants to know why they are doing that, but right now she doesn’t
care. All she wants to do is kill them before they kill her.

                        Chapter Twenty-One
                    “About Eight Months Later”

     Eighteen-year-old Jessica East is doing a lot better, but
she is still recovering from her almost getting killed by Secret
Location. What has taken her so long to do it is that she has
been doing it on her own. It hasn’t been easy, but she has done
it. She can walk again. Now all she needs to worry about what
Secret Location is doing. Are they still trying to find her?

                        Chapter Twenty-Two
                        “Wandita’s future”

     What is Jessica going to do with the rest of life. Jessica
has been thinking about it a lot lately. There isn’t much else
she can do there except for getting healthy again. She has almost
done that. Now she can go back to deciding her future. True, she
doesn’t need to work if she doesn’t want, but she does. She’s
just not sure what she wants to do with the rest of her life.

                       Chapter Twenty-Three
                    “It’s Time to Do It Again”

     Nineteen-year-old Jessica East thinks that Secret Location
believes that she has been killed during her last attack by them.
At least it sure does look like they have. It’s been a little
over two years since they have tried to kill her. Jessica hasn’t
given up the thought that they may still be looking for her. That
is why she has decided that she’s going to be moving once again.

                       Chapter Twenty-Four
                          “Moving Again”

     Jessica is looking for another place to live, and she isn’t
just looking in that city. She’s not just looking in the nearby
towns either or in that state. She may be interested in another
state. Maybe one very far away. Jessica can even live outside the
United States. She has more than enough money to do it. What is
she going to do? That’s something else she hasn’t decided on yet.

                       Chapter Twenty-Five
                       “Twelve Against One”

     Twenty-year-old Jessica East doesn’t know it yet, but Secret
Location has found her. Before Jessica can move on they attack
her again. There are only twelve of them. So, Jessica shouldn’t
have any problems killing them first. Jessica has a plan, though.
It’s not going to be easy to kill her. Her place is ready for any
attack against her. Can she kill them before they can kill her?

                        Chapter Twenty-Six
                     “A Lot of Time to Think”

     What does Jessica need to do to stop Secret Location from
trying to kill her. That’s what Jessica wants to know. She can’t
stop thinking about that after their last attack against her.
Jessica doesn’t have much else to do right now. Yes, she hasn’t
been hurt too bad by Secret Location, but it’s bad enough she has
a lot of time to figure out how to get away from them for good.

                       Chapter Twenty-Seven
                        “How Do They Know”

     Twenty-one-year-old Jessica East wants to know how Secret
Location keeps finding her. She thinks that she knows how they
are doing it. Jessica just needs to verify her what she knows to
be true. It’s all her fault that they keep doing it. She has been
using some of her dad’s money. Jessica is sure that is how Secret
Location has found her. Now all she needs to do is prove it.

                       Chapter Twenty-Eight
                        “Dangerous Plans”

     Jessica has found out that she is right about how Secret
Location has been finding her. It has been the money. She can
correct that problem. In fact, Jessica has just done that. Now
she can use that knowledge to find out why they are trying to
kill her. Jessica has a plan. It’s a dangerous one, but it’s one
she thinks she needs to do to find out what’s really going on.

                       Chapter Twenty-Nine
                      “All Part of the Plan”

     Twenty-two-year-old Jessica East has found her another place
to live. It’s another house she uses her dad’s money to get. Only
this time she has done it on purpose. Jessica wants them to find
her. It’s all part of her plan. She will be ready for them just
like the last time they attacked her. It doesn’t matter how many
killers Secret Location send, she will do what needs to be done.

                          Chapter Thirty
                        “Her Deadly Plan”

     It doesn’t take Secret Location long to find Jessica, and
they send twenty-five Professional Killers to kill her this time.
Jessica starts killing them just as soon as they get there. It
doesn’t matter if it’s one, two, or more of one of them, she is
going to kill all of them. At least that is what she plans on
doing. That isn’t the only part of what she is planning, though.

                        Chapter Thirty-One
                         “Getting Caught”

     Twenty-three-year-old Jessica Strong has been working for
Secret Location for almost a year now. it all started during the
last fight. She killed almost all Professional Killers sent to
kill her. Only she doesn’t kill all of them. Jessica lets five of
them live so that they can catch her. It’s the only way she can
think of for her to find out what is really going on with them.

                        Chapter Thirty-Two
                        “Secret Location?”

     Jessica wanted to get caught. She thinks it’s the only way
to find Secret Location, and she’s right. Only she still isn’t
into Secret Location. Jessica doesn’t know where they are at yet,
but she does know how to find them. She also wants to find out
everything there is about them. The only way she is going to get
what she wants is to find the main location for Secret Location.

                       Chapter Thirty-Three
                        “Finding Anything”

     Twenty-four-year-old Jessica Strong has sneaked into the
Secret Location they took her to when they recruited her. Jessica
is searching through that location for any clues as to where the
main location for Secret Location might be at. So far, she hasn’t
found anything. She only looking for clues. Jessica doesn’t want to
kill anyone there, but she will if there is no other choice.

                       Chapter Thirty-Four
                         “Nothing Found”

     No wonder Jessica hasn’t found out anything about where the
main location for Secret Location might be. She only knows about
this one because she has been there before. Jessica hasn’t found
anything to help her to find the main Secret Location place. So,
what is she going to do now? She hasn’t decided that yet. All she
knows is that whatever she does she needs to do it very quickly.

                       Chapter Thirty-Five
                         “Attacking Them”

     Twenty-five-year-old Jessica Strong has been watching that
Secret Location place for almost a year now. Why has she waited
so long to attack them? It’s because she wants to know where the
main location for Secret Location is at. So far, there have only
been a few shown up there. She can’t get any answers unless there
are at least fifty before she can start an attack against them.

                        Chapter Thirty-Six
                    “Tell Me or Die Painfully”

     Jessica has kept several Professional Killers alive to ask
them a few questions. She has kept the ones that are most likely
to give her the information she needs against the main location
of Secret Location. At least it looks like they are the ones in
charge of the last attack. If anyone knows where to find it, it’s
them. All she needs to do is to get one of them to talk to her.

                       Chapter Thirty-Seven
                   “Contacting Secret Location”

     Twenty-six-year-old Jessica Strong has contacted Secret
Location. Not only does she now know where the main location of
them is at, she knows how to contact them. Which she has just
done. Jessica has done that. Why has she done it? There are two
reasons why she has done it. The main reason why is that she
wants them to know that she is coming after them to kill them.

                       Chapter Thirty-Eight
                  “Keeping in Contact with Her”

     The other reason why Jessica has contacted Secret Location
is that she doesn’t know exactly where they are at. She knows
about where it is, but it is hidden. After all, it is a secret
location. Maybe that’s why they call themselves that. Jessica
also knows why they keep talking to her. It’s the same reason why
she’s doing it. She doesn’t care if they know where she is at.

                       Chapter Thirty-Nine
                      “Getting to Know You”

     Twenty-seven-year-old Jessica Strong knows where the main
location of Secret Location is at. She has been watching it for
the last couple of months. Jessica wants to know what she is
going to be dealing with when she goes in there. The more she
knows about the Professional Killers there the more likely she
will be able to kill them before getting herself killed first.

                          Chapter Forty
                       “Kill or be Killed”

     Why is Jessica about to kill everyone at the main location
for Secret Location? It’s because of her parents. She has known a
long time that they are responsible for killing her mom. Jessica
is there to kill all of them for what they have done to her and
her parents. She’s about to start killing them, and she’s not
going to stop it until all of them are dead or they kill her.


     Twenty-eight-year-old Jessica Strong is about to start yet
another attack against Secret Location. After finding out she
hasn’t destroyed the main location of them she goes after them.
It has taken her a little over a year to find them, but she has
done it. The two she wants to kill the most are Kevin Mason and
Olivia Keys. After all, they are the leaders of Secret Location.

                          Jessica Strong

                           Will Return


                        “Secret Locations”

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