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This isn't just a novel. It's a novel for the October Prep Challenge too. |
Wandita An Outline Written By Donald A. Johnson Introduction Walking through a Wooded Area on her way to the village of Badim Wandita is constantly looking all around her with the hand weapons in her hands. She’s using them to guide her way to Badim. GorVon wants to know if they came out of SuperSpeed too late not to be seen. If they have, someone is going to be killed. He has warned them a lot of what would happen if they ever do that. Wandita is about to be attacked by fifty Protectors. She dives behind a big fallen tree to start her attack against them. The first ones she kills are the ones who are closest to her. Enaina has been contacted about another possible problem. She doesn’t know what it is, but it must be a big one. After all, they don’t want to talk to her about it until she gets there. Using five large trees to protect herself Wandita continues taking out the Protectors who have her surrounded. She is using the spaces between those trees to take out the rest of them. Chapter One “Where is Everyone” Wandita is now in Badim. It’s a small village with about a hundred thousand Badims living there. Something is wrong there, though. Where are the Badims? That’s what Wandita wants to know. Enaina has just gotten to Control Central, and she wants to know what is going on. After the Problem Monitors tell her about it she’s shocked. They have never had a problem like that before. Putting her weapons into her sides Wandita continues to walk carefully through Badim. Wandita is looking for the Badims who are supposed to live there. So far, she hasn’t seen any of them. GorVon is very happy they haven’t been seen yet, but he is furious about what has happened. He wants to know what is going on, and he doesn’t care how they get that information either. Wandita knows that there are some Badims there. She has seen several of them barely. As soon as she does they hide again. Why are they doing that? Is it because of the reason why she’s there? Chapter Two “Questions Without Answers” The Badims have started coming out of hiding. Most of them are still staying away from her, but there are some who are a little bit curious about her. At least it looks like they are. Enaina is pacing around Control Central while the others check into their possible problem. She wants to know if they have a problem or not. The sooner they know about that the better. Wandita has started questioning the Badims who are willing to talk to her. The first question that she has for them is, why they have been hiding from her? She is only there to help them. GorVon wants to know why they are so close. Is it because of an accident or is it something he’s going to have to deal with? He thinks he knows that answer, but he hopes he’s wrong about it. So far, the Badims haven’t helped her too much in solving this problem. True, Wandita doesn’t really need their help to do it, but solving it will be a lot easier and faster if they do. Chapter Three “Helping Wandita” Wandita understands why almost all the Badims are afraid to help her. She knows they are doing it because they know what will happen to them if they do help her to find their hidden complex. GorVon has just found out he has been right about who he has been thinking is responsible for what has happened to them. It’s another Troublemaker. He wants to know where she is at right now. The Badims who are willing to help Wandita don’t know where the hidden complex is exactly, but they do know where most of the Protectors there are at. That must be where that complex is at. Enaina needs to know if anyone is in that area who can check out whatever has suddenly stopped just beyond their Group of Planets. There are two who can do it, but one can’t do it yet. Wandita has found the hidden complex, but she still hasn’t decided how she’s going to solve her problem. This one is a lot different than all the other complexes she has destroyed there. Chapter Four “The Hidden Complex” What is Wandita going to do? She knows what she should do, but she can’t just start killing the twelve Protectors there. That’s because they aren’t just protecting the hidden complex. GorVon still hasn’t found his Troublemaker. He knows that she is there somewhere, but because of who she is it might be very hard to find her. So far, they haven’t been able to do it. Wandita has been watching the Protectors for a long time now. She knows every move they have done. Now all she needs to do is to figure out the fastest way to kill them at the same time. Enaina wants to contact The Victorious at once. Which she has some trouble doing. After she does finally contact them she tells them what is going on and that it needs to be checked out. Maybe Wandita doesn’t need to kill them at same time. In fact, it might be best if she doesn’t. After all, the Protectors are using the Badims there to protect themselves against her. Chapter Five “Solving Another Problem Her Way” Wandita doesn’t have too much trouble taking out the twelve Protectors on the outside. It’s a little hard to do because they are using the Badims to protect themselves, but she has done it. Enaina wants to know what is going on. One second, she is in contact with The Victorious and the next she isn’t. At first, she doesn’t think there’s a problem. Now she knows it’s a big one. After Wandita takes out the Protectors outside that building she takes them out on the first level of it. They are still using the Badims, though. So, killing them isn’t going to be too fast. GorVon has found his Troublemaker. Now it’s time for her to die. Only he doesn’t want it to be quick. He wants it to be very painful to discourage any other Troublemakers who might be there. Wandita is now in the hidden complex, and there are no more Badims being used. So, Wandita is free to kill everyone there. Which she is going to do. In fact, she’s going to enjoy doing it. Chapter Six “Heading Home” Leaning back in her command chair in the control room on her spaceship Wandita is mumbling to herself. At least it looks like that is what she is doing. What she is mumbling can’t be heard. Enaina has been trying to contact The Victorious, but she hasn’t been able to do it so far. She’s starting to get worried. No, just because she can’t contact them, but why she can’t do it. Wandita is finishing up her Final Problem Update. She does one at the end of every problem she solves. She’s supposed to do them during the problem too, but she doesn’t do too many of them. GorVon wants them to move away from where they are at very slowly. He doesn’t want anyone to know what they are doing. If they do there is a very good chance they will be seen this time. After she finishes with her update Wandita just wants to get some sleep until she gets home to Unnion. She’s tired. It’s hard to kill several hundred individuals who have taken over a planet. Chapter Seven “Getting Another Problem to Solve” Wandita has only been on her way home to Unnion a few days when she is contacted about a possible problem she needs to check out right now. They need her to do it as soon as she can do it. GorVon wants to know what is going on. Why haven’t they moved away further than that? He knows he told them to do it slowly, but not that slow. Does he have another Troublemaker? After listening to that possible problem Wandita doesn’t think it’s her kind of problem. She does agree to think about it though. That isn’t the only reason why she probably won’t do it. Enaina is having her communication system checked out, but she doesn’t think that’s the reason she can’t contact them. There must be another reason. She just doesn’t know what it is yet. Wandita has something else she needs to do first. Whether she agrees to check out that possible problem or not there is something she must do before she can do anything else. She needs… Chapter Eight “Need Supplies Anyway” Supplies, that’s what Wandita need to do before she can do anything else. She needs a lot of supplies after solving her latest problem on Quikan. What she needs the most are weapons. GorVon demands to know why they have stopped. They are still too close to that Group of Planets. Does it have something to do with why they have been moving so slowly? GorVon wants answers. Wandita isn’t the kind of individual who forgets things like supplies. Especially, things like weapons and energy cubes. Is there something wrong with her? It sure does look like there is. Enaina needs someone to check out that possible problem. Isn’t there anyone else in that part of Space who can do it. There is, but she’s not going to like who it is. It’s Wandita. No, Wandita doesn’t think there is anything wrong with her. She’s just tired after what happened to her on Quikan. She will be okay. All she needs is some sleep before she gets to Unnion. Chapter Nine “No One Knows I’m there” Wandita has just landed her MiniShuttle on the planet of Koomis. She has landed it in the center of a very large water hole. It sinks to the bottom of it before Wandita can stop it. Enaina doesn’t want her to check out the possible problem. There must be someone else who can do it. Only there isn’t. It must be Wandita. The only problem is she might not want to do it. After floating to the top of that water hole Wandita walks over to the surface. Once on the surface, she heads for the small community of Novila. It doesn’t take Wandita long to get there. GorVon still doesn’t know what is going on. He wants to know what it is. In fact, he insists on knowing it. How is he supposed to do something about it if he doesn’t know what is happening? Wandita doesn’t want anyone on Koomis to know that she’s there. why doesn’t she want them to know that? She hasn’t said yet, but there is a very good reason why she’s doing it, though. Chapter Ten “Fighting Without Weapons” After barely getting into Novila Wandita is attacked. She isn’t surprised by the attack itself, but she is that it happened so quickly. Wandita hasn’t even had any time to get some weapons. Enaina likes Wandita. She just doesn’t like the way Wandita solves her problem. With Wandita there is only one way to solve them, and that’s to kill everyone involved with that problem. Wandita is going to have to kill a few of them the hard way before she can kill all of them. That shouldn’t be any trouble for her to do. She’s good at killing no matter how she does it. GorVon demands to know what is wrong now. He wants to know who is responsible for whatever is going on. If he doesn’t get the answers he’s looking for he’s going to kill everyone there. Now that Wandita has some weapons too she can start killing those who are trying to kill her. There aren’t too many of them left. So, it should take her too long to kill all of them first. Chapter Eleven “Night Vision” Wandita kills the last three attackers with single laser balls to their heads, but before she can kill them they hit her with multiple laser Mini-Spears. Most of them don’t miss her. GorVon has returned to the weapon he is going to use there. He stopped doing it when the closeness problem comes up. Now that he has been taken care of that he can go back to his weapon. Suddenly, Wandita wakes up in her Sleeping Chamber on her spaceship. It is just another Night Vision. She has been having them ever since she left Koomis. Why is she still having them? Enaina doesn’t want Wandita to check out a possible problem. There must be someone in that area who can do it. If not, how long will it take for them to get someone from Unnion to do it? Wandita has never had a night vision before. So, why is she having them now? That’s what she wants to know. After all, there has got to be a reason why she has been having them right now. Chapter Twelve “More Than Ever” Why has Wandita been attacked? That’s what Wandita wants to know. She is going to find out why they tried to kill her, but before she can do that there is something she must do right now. GorVon now knows why he has been having so many problems lately. Especially, when it comes to his latest weapon. It’s the Troublemakers. He is going to have to do something about that. Wandita is finished checking out Koomis, and she has found some of the supplies she has been looking for there, but not what she really needs. That’s why she’s now on her way to Vennist. Enaina has started looking for someone else who can check out that possible problem. Not only is she looking closer to whatever it is she’s also looking for someone closer to home. What Wandita needs the most are still weapons, and energy cubes. She can’t find any more on Koomis. So, she has no other choice but to find them on the closest planet to them, Vennist. Chapter Thirteen “A Possible Problem” Wandita is very happy that the night visions have stopped. Now may she can find out why she is having them. She thinks she knows why, but she hopes she’s wrong about what she is thinking. Enaina doesn’t have any choice but to ask Wandita for help. She still doesn’t want to do it, but she must contact Wandita. Wandita is the only one who can check out that possible problem. Do her night visions have anything to do with the possible problem that she has been asked to check into? She is starting to think that it does. Now, all Wandita needs to do is to prove it. GorVon wants to know how bad it is when an explosion damages his latest weapon. He also wants to know who is responsible for it. He’s sure it’s another Troublemaker, but which one is it. Wandita can’t stop thinking about what she has been asked to do, and she is curious about it, but she still doesn’t want to do it. At least she doesn’t want to until now. Now it’s personal. Chapter Fourteen “Getting What She Needs” After landing her MiniShuttle on Vennist Wandita heads for Roonda. Unlike Koomis, Wandita doesn’t need to be careful there. She still needs to get her supplies as fast as she can, though. Enaina has found only one person who can check out their possible problem. Only she doesn’t want Wandita to do it. She still hasn’t given up on finding someone else to do it, though. Wandita is very busy getting the supplies she needs. So far, she hasn’t had any trouble getting them, but she has a feeling that something is wrong. She just isn’t sure who or what it is. GorVon wants to know how long it’s going to take to fix his latest weapon this time. He is about to find out that they can’t answer that question yet, but they are sure they can fix it. Several are following Wandita. Wandita just doesn’t know it yet. She also doesn’t know why they are watching her yet. By the times she does, it might be too late in more ways than just one. Chapter Fifteen “Too Many” Wandita is about to get attacked again. She doesn’t know how many there are or why they are trying to kill her, but she really doesn’t care. All she cares about is killing all of them first. GorVon doesn’t like it when he finds out his latest weapon can’t be fixed without it blowing itself up and everyone there. It has been designed to destroy itself if fixing it is attempted. Luckily, Wandita has gotten the supplies she needs the most right now: some weapons. Now she has all the weapons she needs to kill those who are trying to kill her no matter how many there. Enaina isn’t too surprised that she hasn’t been able to contact Wandita. At least she isn’t until she finds out it’s not Wandita stopping her from doing it. Why can’t she contact her? Wandita has started her attack against whoever is trying to kill her. She is taking them one after another, but there are a lot of them. Maybe even too many for her to take out all alone. Chapter Sixteen “Who are These Humans” 1 2 GorVon 3 Wandita 4 Enaina 5 Chapter Seventeen “I’m a Loner” 1 Wandita 2 Enaina 3 4 GorVon 5 Wandita Chapter Eighteen “Always Having Problems” 1 2 Enaina 3 Wandita 4 GorVon 5 Chapter Nineteen “Fixing Her Spaceship” 1 Wandita 2 GorVon 3 4 Enaina 5 Wandita Chapter Twenty “The Death of Wandita” 1 2 GorVon 3 Wandita 4 Enaina 5 Novel Two “Attack from Within” Chapter Twenty-One “The Health Tube” 1 Wandita 2 Enaina 3 4 GorVon 5 Wandita Chapter Twenty-Two “Needing Medical Help” 1 2 Enaina 3 Wandita 4 GorVon 5 Chapter Twenty-Three “Getting to Addin Alive” 1 Wandita 2 GorVon 3 4 Enaina 5 Wandita Chapter Twenty-Four “She’s Going to be Okay” 1 2 GorVon 3 Wandita 4 Enaina 5 Chapter Twenty-Five “Too Weak to Survive” 1 Wandita 2 Enaina 3 4 GorVon 5 Wandita Chapter Twenty-Six “Getting to Know You” 1 2 Enaina 3 Wandita 4 GorVon 5 Chapter Twenty-Seven ”Infiltrators Everywhere” 1 Wandita 2 GorVon 3 4 Enaina 5 Wandita Chapter Twenty-Eight “Contacting Unnion” 1 2 GorVon 3 Wandita 4 Enaina 5 Chapter Twenty-Nine “Being Blocked” 1 Wandita 2 Enaina 3 4 GorVon 5 Wandita Chapter Thirty “Survival Unlikely” 1 2 Enaina 3 Wandita 4 GorVon 5 Chapter Thirty-One “Only Two Planets Left” 1 Wandita 2 GorVon 3 4 Enaina 5 Wandita Chapter Thirty-Two “Another Attempt” 1 2 GorVon 3 Wandita 4 Enaina 5 Chapter Thirty-Three ”Communication Centers” 1 Wandita 2 Enaina 3 4 GorVon 5 Wandita Chapter Thirty-Four “Headed for Communications” 1 2 Enaina 3 Wandita 4 GorVon 5 Chapter Thirty-Five “Killing All Infiltrators” 1 Wandita 2 GorVon 3 4 Enaina 5 Wandita Chapter Thirty-Six “Getting Answers” 1 2 GorVon 3 Wandita 4 Enaina 5 Chapter Thirty-Seven “Where is It?” 1 Wandita 2 Enaina 3 4 GorVon 5 Wandita Chapter Thirty-Eight “Her Ultimate Destination” 1 2 Enaina 3 Wandita 4 GorVon 5 Chapter Thirty-Nine “The Last Attack” 1 Wandita 2 GorVon 3 4 Enaina 5 Wandita Chapter Forty “So Many Infiltrators to Kill” 1 2 GorVon 3 Wandita 4 Enaina 5 Conclusion 1 Wandita 2 Enaina 3 4 GorVon 5 Wandita Wandita Will Return In “Attack from Within” |