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This blog contains responses to blog prompts, & thoughts on spiritual or religious themes |
Istijlál Majesty), 8 Mashíyyat (Will) 175 B.E. - Thursday, October 4, 2018 Adventures With Electrical Equipment It's been an interesting week, and this is only Thursday. I had to get a new surge protector for my computer because the old one went out or was taken out by a power surge. I'm not sure which because I purchased the old one when I lived in the house on Bracken Avenue. I'm not sure when I purchased the old surge protector, but I'm sure it was before 2012. Anyway I purchased a new surge protector, which is much better than the old one. Today's adventure with electrical equipment concerns my smartphone charging. I couldn't get the phone to charge, and had to ask for help from my housemate. The phone appears to be charging now. However, I sent an e-mail to the people I got the phone from, with the house phone number. I expect them to get back to me sometime in the next seven days. I'll know if there is a problem with my phone tomorrow when I go to Henderson to pick up my new glasses. If there's a problem, the phone will, probably, go dead before I get back to the apartment. I'm taking the paratransit bus to Henderson. So it doesn't matter if the phone goes dead while I'm there because I've already arranged for a pick up time from Henderson. The "Blogging Circle of Friends " ![]() Today's the anniversary of Janis Joplin's accidental death because of heroin.She was one of my favorite singers when I was younger. Are you familiar with her? If so what's your favorite song. Do you feel drug related deaths are on the increase or decrease? The "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise" ![]() "Time unfolds beauty, wonder and mystery to reveal the auspicious tapestry of life." What are your thoughts on this? The Tapestry of Life The tapestry of our lives is woven with joy and sorrow, mystery and awe, and time and beauty. Each day the pattern becomes more distinct as we approach the moment it is hung upon the wall of eternity. |