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This blog contains responses to blog prompts, & thoughts on spiritual or religious themes |
Fiḍál (Grace), 6 Mashíyyat (Will) 175 B.E. - Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Prompt: We all have ‘pet-peeves’. Write about some of yours! Pet-Peeves Pet-peeves and yellow cottonwood leaves are scattered tin autumn's chilly breeze. What are my pet-peeves? Most of my pet-peeves are personal, because they are caused my my own actions rather than the actions of others. One that I deal with on a daily basis is procrastination. Another is filing or placing important items where I think I can find them later, when I know I'll need them. The problem here is that I can never find them when I go back to get them. I go to the place, I thought I put them, and they aren't there. This causes me to have to look through numerous other stuff in order to find the one important items that I need. Of the two irritants, the last is the most annoying, because I've dealt with it most of my life. You would think I'd learned to do better by now. Apparently, I haven't. Right now, I'm looking for a receipt, which I thought I put in one of my files, but it isn't where I thought I put it. Now I have to go through everything to see if I can find it. I get frustrated, my blood pressure goes up, and I have to stop looking until I feel my blood pressure going down. Not only does my blood pressure go up, but my imagination starts working overtime. Sometimes I wonder if there is a ghost haunting me. A ghost that waits until after I file an important item to move that item. When I start looking again, it just floats or stands and laughs. I know this isn't true. I know that the problem is my memory of where I filed the item. I just didn't file it where I thought I did. Now all I have to do is find where I actually filed it. |