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This novel isn't just a novel. It's also for the October Prep Challenge too. |
Oct. 05: - Character: Protagonist Profile ▼ Draft a profile of your protagonist. Include detailed information such as name, age, physical attributes, occupation, education, culture, religion, family, relationship status, personality, likes, dislikes, strengths, weakness, motivations and desires. Use Google Images to find an image of your character. The point of this exercise is for you to get to know your character inside and out before you write your novel. If you don't know your character, how can you expect it of your readers? Flesh out your pre-story character in detail. Keep in mind that your protagonist will grow in some way during your story. For more serious character profilers, here is an optional, very extensive template: "Character Interview / Profile Sheet" CHARACTER INTERVIEW / PROFILE Name: Jessica Parton, Jessica Night, Jessica East, and Jessica Strong Background Birthday: No one knows what it is. It’s not ever mentioned in these novels. Place of birth: Unknown. It might be mentioned sooner or later, but it’s doubtful. Parents: Carl and Susan Parton. Susan died when Jessica was two, and Carl is about to die. What was important to the people who raised her: That she learned how to take care of herself. Which she has done several times already. Siblings: No other children. She’s an only child. Economic/social status growing up: It looks like they are doing very well. At least they are until after Carl is killed. Then it gets pretty bad during her teen years. It doesn’t get much better after she becomes an adult either. Ethnic background: Jessica is white. She does have other ethnics within her. We just might ever know what they are. Then again, maybe we will sooner or later. Places lived: For the first eight years they lived it one place. After she got involved in helping her daddy kill people they started moving around every year or two. Once he died it got even worse. Current address and phone number: That changes a lot. It depends on how old she is. Her phone number changes a lot too. Education: She is home educated. Her dad taught her everything she needs to know to survive. Favorite subject in school: Never went to school. If she did, it would have to be Martial Arts. She knows them all, and a few you probably don’t know. She’s very good at it. Special training: Not only does she know about Martial Arts, but she know everything there is about weapons. She knows how to survive no matter what live throws at her. Jobs: The first half this first novel she’s either a tween or a teenager. So, she doesn’t have any jobs. Once she’s an adult she eventually does the only thing that she’s good at: killing people. Salary: Once she starts killing people for Secret Location she does get paid for doing it. How much she gets paid may or may not come out in this novel. Travel: Jessica does a lot of traveling. Between running from Social Services, the law, Secret Location, and the killings she has seen several states and town in the United States and about half the word with the killings. Friends: She doesn’t have any. Especially, during her tween years. During her teenage years she might make a few, but they won’t last long if she does. How do people view this character: People try to get to know her. Just as soon as they do she’s running again. Lives with: Her daddy before he dies. On her own after he dies. Fights with: She doesn’t get into a lot of fights, but the ones she does get into can become deadly. Not to her, but to whoever is trying to kill her. Spends time with: Except for her daddy, Jessica doesn’t get close to anyone. She tries to do it a little during her teenage years, but that doesn’t turn out too good. Wishes to spend time with: Of course, her daddy. She would also like to spend some time with her mom too. Only she can’t do that because she’s dead too. Who depends on her and why: No one depends on her. She doesn’t want them to. If they do, they could be killed too. What people does she most admire: Her daddy. She admires him. Even though he kills people, she still admire him. Enemies: Secret Location is her biggest enemies. Anyone who tries to harm her or her family is too. Dating, marriage: By the time she could start dating she was on her own. As for marriage, she doesn’t have any time for it. Children: No children. She doesn’t have time for that. Relationship with God: Not sure what her religion is. It will probably never come up in these novels. Overall outlook on life: Always positive. No matter what Social Services, the law, or Secret Location throws at her she can handle it. Does this character like herself: Yes, she does. Sometimes it’s not easy, especially during her teenage years, but she does. What, if anything, would she like to change about his life: Bringing her parents back from the dead. She ends up doing just the opposite of that. What personal demons haunt him: During her early teenage years her demons is her daddy’s death. After all, she saw him died only a few feet from her. Is she lying to himself about something: No, she’s not. She is from everyone else though. Optimistic/pessimistic: Jessica is both of them. Mostly she’s optimistic, but sometimes she can be a pessimist too. Real/feigned: I’m not sure about this one. She’s always real, but she doesn’t feel like she is sometimes. Morality level: She is very moral. Her daddy thought her that. Confidence level: Jessica is very confident of herself. Something else that her daddy thought her. Typical day: This is a hard one to answer too. That’s because Jessica never had a typical day before. Physical appearance Body type: Small for her age during her tween years. About average doing her teenage years, and very beautiful during her adult years. Posture: Jessica has very good posture. Her daddy thought that too. Head shape: A little round. Not completely round, but close. Eyes: It depends on what year she is living. It can be several different colors. Nose: She has a small nose. Even after she because a teenager and then an adult it remains small. Mouth: Jessica has an average looking mouth. It’s not too big or too small. Hair: That changes almost as much has her eyes do. Most of the time it’s blonde, but every so often it can be a brunette, a red head, or an older woman. Skin: This also depends on her age. She’s always white, but she can be several other nationalities too. Tattoos/piercings/scars: Jessica doesn’t have any tattoos or piercings. She does get some scars because of the attacks against her, but it’s not too late. Voice: That also changes depending on what age she is. During the tween years is pretty normal. The teenage years are very normal too. What people notice first: During her tween and teenage years it’s how good she is at fighting. Of course, by the time they notice that, it’s too late for them. Clothing: Jessica wears a lot of dresses and skirts during her tween and teenage years. During her adult years she wears mostly pants. It all depends on if she knows she will be fighting or not. Because that can be more physical than weaponry, she will wear pants instead of dresses or skirts. How would she describe herself: A little below average during her tween and teenage years. About average once she becomes an adult. Health/disabilities/handicaps: No disabilities or handicaps. As for health she does have some problems in that respect because of all the killing. She gets most of them without getting hurt herself, but every so often she does get hurt. Sometimes it’s very bad. In fact, halfway through the novel it’s deadly bad. That’s because she looks and acts dead. Characteristics Personality type (choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholy): Some of all of them. It all depends on what age she is at the time. Strongest/weakest character traits: The biggest strength that Jessica has is she’s not afraid to do. Her weakest one is that sometimes she takes chances to accomplish whatever she’s doing. How can the flip side of his strong point be a weakness: Her strongest trait is her ability in blending in with wherever she’s at. It can also be her weakness. How much self-control and self-discipline does he have: Jessica has a lot of self-control. She needs it or there would be a lot more deaths. As for self-discipline, she’s pretty good at controlling that too. At least she can most of the time. What makes her irrationally angry: When Secret Location killed her father. Also when they tries to kill her. What makes her cry: Nothing makes Jessica cry. Not even the death of her daddy. That just makes her angry. Fears: No fears that we can see so far. She probably has a few, everyone does, but we haven’t seen them yet. Talents: Jessica’s daddy caught her how to fight both with Martial Arts and with weapons. There is very little, if anything, she doesn’t know about either types. What people like best about her: Most people like how independent she is. Some don’t, like Social Services, the law, and Secret Location. Secret Location is the worst of the three. Interests and favorites Political leaning: Not sure if she’s political in any way. She doesn’t have much, if any, time for that. Collections: It doesn’t look like she has any collections. At least not the ones that most people have at that age. Food, drink: She likes a lot of different foods and drinks. It all depends on what age she is at the time. Probably won’t see too much eating or drinking, if any, in this novel. Music: Mostly she likes to listen to rock. Especially during her tween and teenage years. Even into adulthood does she like rock too. Books: Jessica loves to read. She reads every chance that she gets. Unfortunately, she doesn’t get that chance very often. Movies: Doesn’t go to the movies very often. She prefers to watch DVD that she can do at home. Sports, recreation: Never had the time for sports or recreation. First, it was because of her home education. Then it because she never had the time to do them. Did he play in school: What play? Are you talking about sports? Color: Her favorite color is green. She also likes blue and red, respectfully Best way to spend a weekend: Relax and watch a movie or read a book. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have much time to do either. A great gift for this person: To let her live a normal life. At one time in this novel, it looks like she can live one, but she can’t. Pets: doesn’t have any pets. It doesn’t look like she ever did have one. Vehicles: Since she constantly on the run or has a different name depending on her age group, she can’t get a driver’s license. Those looking, trying to find, for her might catch her if she has one. What large possessions does he own (car, home, furnishings, boat, etc.) and which does he like best: Jessica doesn’t own anything. Unless you consider clothing. She doesn’t even have a lot of that, but she does have some. Typical expressions When happy: With her daddy When angry: when someone is trying to kill her. When frustrated: Jessica get frustrated when she tries something new, but it fails When sad: Every time she thinks about her mom and dad. Idiosyncrasies: No one knows too much about her except for her dad. Even her dad didn’t know too much about her, but he knows more than most of us do. Laughs or jeers at: The way she grew up Jessica doesn’t have to much to laugh about. As for jeers, she gives those to a lot of people. Especially those she’s about to kill. Ways to cheer up this person: That’s a hard one. Her daddy could do it, but no one else can. Ways to annoy this person: Trying to kill her really annoys her. It’s the last thing that they do, though. Hopes and dreams: Almost everyone has hopes and dreams. Even Jessica does. Unfortunately, she doesn’t get the chance to fulfill them. How does he see himself accomplishing these dreams: Jessica tries to accomplish these hopes and dreams. So far, she hasn’t been able to accomplish too many of them. What’s the worst thing she’s ever done to someone and why: She has almost killed a child, but she doesn’t. That might get her killed by Secret Location. Greatest success: Getting her GED. Being on the run, it’s hard to get an education after both of your parents die on you, but she does it. Biggest trauma: The death of her daddy. Especially how he died. Most embarrassing thing that ever happened to him: Nothing embarrassing has ever happened to her. At least nothing that we know of. It won’t be in this novel, and I doubt it will be in future ones either. What does she care about most in the world: Getting revenge on those who killed her parents. She is going to get her revenge too or die trying. Who do you think is going to win? Does she have a secret: Yes, she does. The real reason why she agreed to work for Secret Location. If she could do one thing and succeed at it, what would it be: To kill everyone at Secret Location. That is her plan, but can she do it before they kill her? She is the kind of person who: will do whatever it takes to get a job done. If she can’t do it, at least she’s going to take out as many of them as she can before she dies. What do you love most about this character: Her free spirit. Right from the beginning she does what she wants to do. Especially after the death of her daddy too. Why will the reader sympathize with this person right away: Because of all that she has went through. She goes through a lot during her tween years. It’s even worse during her teenage years. How is the character ordinary or extraordinary: She’s extraordinary because her dad taught her how to survive no matter what is thrown at her. Even as a tween and a teenager, she’s better at surviving that most adults are. How is her situation ordinary or extraordinary: It’s because of her ultimate plan against Secret Location. Of course, we don’t learn that until the last quarter of the novel. Core Need: I’m not sure what this means. So, I’m not going to be able to answer it. Corresponding psychological maneuver (delusions, obsessions, compulsions, addictions, denials, hysterical ailments, hypochondria, illnesses, behaviors harming the self, behavior harming others, manias, and phobias): With all that she has went through, especially during her tween and teenage year, you would think she has a lot of these things, but she doesn’t. At least it doesn’t look like she does. Anecdote (defining moment): When she gets her revenge against Secret Location. She has a few others too, but they aren’t as big as this one. History: We don’t learn too much about her past in this first novel, but we do learn a little. Especially when it comes to the Protagonist Short Story I’m going to be posting tomorrow. {font} |