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Announcements pertaining to Writing.Com! |
![]() ![]() In honor of our first day of our 18th birthday, we are happy to announce our exclusive Writing.Com "Achievements" Merit Badges! Achieve various goals around Writing.Com and you will automatically earn these special badges. How many anniversaries have you celebrated with us? How many reviews have you given? Do you post in our message forums? Then you may just have a Writing.Com Achievement badge waiting for you! Please note that Achievements are not sent automatically. You must visit your Achievements page and when you do, any Achievements you're due are claimed and credited to your account! We're doing it this way simply because there's a whole lot of folks that just have an account on Writing.Com, but don't use it a whole lot. (Not use it? Crazy? Right. I know...) The system is setup this way simply to be mindful of storage resources and not burden the Merit Badge system with a bunch of badges that aren't really needed. ![]() So... head on over to your Achievements page and claim what's yours! Along with the direct URL, your Achievement badges can always be accessed, collected, and viewed by going to My Account -> My Merit Badges. From there choose the Achievements link at the top. |