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One lucky riolu is finally able to grow up! However, he quickly finds himself in trouble. |
Louie was a simple riolu. He lived with a pair of normal parents in a very normal part of the society. Out here, the social order is a little... weird. Those in the city, which you're in, usually follow a set of normal rules. Those out of it are, for lack of a better term, feral, seeking out weaker Pokémon to either dominate, or devour. That's not to say there aren't intelligent Pokémon out there, in fact there are lots of Pokémon capable of speech, critical thinking, and so on. Despite this, those Pokémon still want to eat up others, so Louie's been forced to stay in this city. On this day, Louie's mom was walking him over to a nearby park. After all, a youthful sort like him had a lot of energy to expend. So, he was carefully brought over to the park, his mom holding his hand protectively, while many other Pokemon passed by. Louie noticed quite a few female Pokemon in his town, though as a kid, he never really never asked about that. Eventually, he's escorted to the park, his favorite playground built upon it. When he was placed on the mulch of the park, his mom stopped holdling his hand, but kept a hold on his shoulder. "Ok, be careful, hun," she said. "Stay where I can see you, and don't follow anyone you don't recognize." "Ok, mom!" Louie said. With that, she removed her grip, and Louie ran in excitedly. He passed by many other kids as he ran up the steps onto one of the slide sets. With a mighty "wee", he flew down the slide. He kept playing and playing, running across the playground and around some of the obstacles built for the playground. He kept running and running, spending more and more of his energy. At one point, he went down the slide again. Upon touching down, however, his cheer was suddenly cut off by a painful blow from behind. He felt the force of a sliding body ram against his back, their momentum knocking him down onto his belly as he slammed onto the mulch. With a groan, he tried to get up, but that force was holding him down, seemingly stunned themselves. "Ugh... watch where you're going!" he shouted, looking over his head. He then noticed that the person that landed on him was a riolu. A female riolu. She probably didn't notice him come down, and probably didn't notice him at the bottom of the slide in time. With a groan, she got back up, before looking down at the person she landed on. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" she said, getting off of Louie. With a grunt, he got back onto his feet and brushed the mulch off of him. Seeing how sorry she seemed, Louie sighed. "Don't worry about it," he said. "It can get a little hard to see other Pokémon from up in the slide." "Yeah, I, uh, I didn't realize you were down there," she said, rubbing her arm. She walked away, Louie following. He felt bad for her being upset like that. Sure, she may've ran into you, but she seemed dreadfully upset. She looked back, confused. "Why're you following me?" "I just wanted to make sure you're doing alright," Louie said. Still confused, she kept walking. She was over by the edge of the playground, and you sat next to her. "Sorry about back there." "Why're you apologizing?" she asked. "I made the mistake." "You just seemed really upset," Louie responded. So, the two of them sat next to each other, momentarily silent. "So.. who're you?" The female was confused about the sudden topic change, though she felt too embarassed to really go back to the playground. "I-I'm Milla," she answered. "I don't think I saw you before, Milla," Louie said. "I'm Louie, by the way." He held out a hand for her to shake. And, she shook. "Yeah, we recently moved here," she said. "Our old home was ransacked by dangerous Pokemon. We ran out just in time, thankfully." "Oh dear," Louie said, shocked by her circumstances. "I'm really sorry that happened to you." "At least we got out without a scratch," Milla said. "Either way, I'm not really familiar with this town." "Do you think you need help finding your way around town?" Louie asked. Milla perked up. "You'd really do that?" she asked. "My parents are still having trouble making their way around town." "Yeah, I could probably help you out," Louie said. Suddenly, his mom showed up. "Um, are you doing alright over here, Lou?" she asked. "Perfectly fine, mom!" he said. "I met someone new here!" As he said that, he motioned towards Milla, who waved at her. "She says her family could use help getting to know this place." "Oh they could?" she asked. "Well, we'd be happy to help!" So, the two families met up, and they quickly got friendly. Louie's family managed to get Milla's acquainted with the town, and the two riolus were able to get to know each other more. And soon, they began to get more and more acquainted with each other, getting more and more friendly. A few years later, Milla invited Louie over to her room, excited to show him something. "What did you want to show me?" Louie asked, stepping into her room. Stepping in, it looked very normal, fairly plain, save a few fancy stones. Milla, meanwhile, was practically shaking with excitement. "Y-you know how most Pokemon reach that point when they evolve, right?" she asked. She looked like she was about to explode, struggling to keep it in. Louie, meanwhile, was starting to catch onto it. "Are you serious?" he asked excited. Milla nodded. "I'm gonna evolve!" she said. The two held each other by the arms and giddily jumped as the news finally came out. "How long do you have?" Louie asked. "Could be any moment now!" she said. The two pracitcally squealed with delight. The two sat back, still shaking. Though, Milla had trouble really looking at him. "I... I wanted to thank you for this moment." "Oh?" Louie asked. "Y-yeah... I struggled to really get into this place," she said. "But, ever since I ran into you, you guys have really helped me get used to here. I... I'm really glad I got to meet you." Louie grinned. "I'm glad I met you too, Milla," Louie said. The two of them then hugged, putting their chin on the other's shoulder. As they hugged, Milla felt a warmth in her core, as if she were growing. "Milla?" Louie never saw one of these, but he could tell something special was happening. He backed away while the riolu looked down at her hands as a glow traveled all over her body. She was completely enveloped in light, and Louie noticed that that light was expanding, looking more and more like a lucario. She grew and grew, and the light faded. In its place, where the riolu once sat, there was a lucario. Louie's jaw dropped at the new form, amazed at her new power. Though, admittedly, her new power wasn't the only thing that left Louie jaw-dropped. On top of the palpable aura radiating from her and the new muscles, she boasted an hourglass figure, with sizable breasts and some very wide hips. Louie blushed at seeing her new body. Recently, he began thinking about the bodies of older women, though those thoughts left him confused. And Milla's new body was making him feel confused again. He turned away, feeling like he shouldn't just stare. "Well... what do you think?" Milla asked. "I-it looks really..." Louie said. Suddenly, he felt difficulty in finding just the right word. Pretty felt too weak. Yet, anything more than that felt too creepy. He knew he had to say something fast, so he had to come up with something... "Wow..." he said, wonder in his voice. Somehow, that wonder was enough to satiate Milla. Excitedly, she plucked the riolu, and cuddled him against her fairly large chest. "Oh, thank you for everything!" she said, cuddling him tightly... |