Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/940130-Chapter-14---Moving-Forward
Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1534312
MarNoWriMo 2009. Book 3 Endurance Series.
#940130 added June 26, 2024 at 9:39pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 14 - Moving Forward
Chapter Fourteen
Moving Forward

Calvin enjoyed spending time with Anna and Nolan, talking like they were old friends, though Lisa remained quiet for the most part. As Lisa drove them back to her place, he settled into the gray leather seat and watched the darkened scenery go by, his thoughts on what it would be like to live in Endurance permanently. He could remember his first visit after Lisa and Anna signed with the company and again when he met with them before their first launch party. He found Endurance quite relaxing compared to his everyday routine at the office and the chaos of home with everyone still single, save for Edward, and constantly running in and out of the Penthouse. No one’s schedules seemed the same as Grayburg Corporation expanded steadily and responsibilities grew. He was pleased he got to work with Lisa and Anna regularly because both women knew what they wanted from the partnership and didn’t play games regarding all three companies. The pair worked well together, and the success of AO, a virtually unknown company, still amazed him.

Excitement flared now, not only about Calvin’s budding relationship with Lisa but also about coming up with his brilliant economic plan that would benefit all three companies on an enormous scale and this little town they all seemed to be attached to. The strip mall where the Boutique was located had charming curb appeal, reminding him of other small towns his family would vacation in as children. If he could pull this idea together, purchase the plots of land, the two warehouses, and find enough people willing to fill positions in shipping and receiving, including tailors, to bring Anna’s designs to life, he had no doubts his father would insist that he take over this entire branch and that would mean overseeing things from Endurance.

He wondered what Lisa’s reaction would be upon learning that he would be around her hometown on a more permanent basis. And now he was itching to find out what was happening with her before letting her in on his intentions.

“You’re quiet,” he said as they neared her subdivision.

She glanced his way. “Sorry. Did you have fun, at least?”

Calvin chuckled. “Yes, Anna and Nolan are good people and easy to get along with.” He noticed her smile from the corner of his eye, which made him relax more.

“Cal,” she said.

He reached over and threaded his fingers through her free hand, pulled it close, and kissed it, delighting in her soft intake of breath. “Yes.”

“I don’t believe I asked where you would stay while you’re in town. If you haven’t already booked a room, I have plenty of space at my place.”

He wanted to laugh or, better yet, drag her onto his lap and kiss her breathlessly, knowing she was warming up to his presence. “Well, I did book a room at the Inn down the road, but if your offer stands, I would be glad to stay with you.”

Her suggestion did intrigue him, mainly because earlier, she couldn’t even admit that maybe she missed him too, though her physical reaction led him to believe she enjoyed him being around. The idea of staying in her home, in her bed, waking up beside her was too delicious not to entertain—evident by the heightened state of his body. Staying with her would allow him to see how well they got along and what her morning routine was like, though he didn’t see how they’d be getting much sleep tonight with the sexual friction running wild between them.

“Okay,” Lisa said as she pulled into her driveway beside his car.

Luckily, he hadn’t checked into his reserved room at the Inn and his suitcase remained in the trunk of his rental vehicle, right where he wanted it to be, truth be told.

He popped the trunk on the rental with the key fob, grabbed his bag, and followed Lisa through the garage and into the house. He couldn’t help wondering if she would take him straight to her bedroom or put him in another room. The first option sent anticipation running rampant, while the latter filtered through his mind, making him wince, especially knowing how close she would be yet out of reach. Even if she managed to put him in another room, he vowed that he wouldn’t be staying there. He was here because of her, and he’d be damned if they didn’t make the most of his visit. Lisa turned the lights on as she went from the foyer to the living room, around the corner, and to the left toward what he assumed was her bedroom. The enticing sway of her hips caught his attention, and his body pulsed with a deep-seated demand to pick her up and carry her off to sexual bliss.

Just before reaching the open doorway, Lisa stopped, turned, and looked at his face.

“Cal, I…”

That was all it took to set things in motion as hunger seized control, sending fire scorching through his eager body with a need so fierce he had to have her. Calvin dropped his bag, scooped her up into his arms, and carried her across the threshold before fusing his mouth to hers. Lisa’s tongue dueled with his, and she clung to him as if she never wanted to let him go. He loved the feel of her, the way she seemed to fit perfectly against him, and how she always responded to him when he touched her. He was amazed by their connection, something he couldn’t quite name, but a connection nonetheless.

He stopped at the edge of the bed and set her on her feet. Their eyes met and locked. He saw passion hiding in her eyes, just enough to push him forward. Lisa reached out and rested her hand on his chest before stepping closer. That gesture told him all he needed to know—they would become one again.

In a fevered frenzy of rampant sexual desire, they couldn’t get their clothes off fast enough and tossed garments about the teal bedroom. He stripped down, kicked off his pants, stepped forward, grabbed Lisa’s hips, and pulled her naked body up against his. Lisa gasped and then moaned before melting right into his frame, right where he wanted her. It suddenly dawned that Lisa wanted him as much as he hungered for her. He knew there would be a significant difference between this encounter and the last, for this time, their animalistic nature took over.

He ran the thumb pad across her bottom lip before fusing his mouth to hers. She tasted coffee and sugar as his tongue delved into her hot mouth. He turned her to the bed, where they fell onto the mattress, breaking the searing kiss.

“You missed me, didn’t you?” he asked. All he needed at that moment was to hear her say she did, though doubt lingered at the edge of his mind.

Lisa placed her hand on his cheek and smiled. “Yes, Cal. I missed you.”

Like a kid on Christmas morning, elation rushed over him. He kissed her again, hard, demanding, thoroughly, before pulling her on top of him. Lisa returned the ardor, pressing her body snug up against his, her breasts crushed between them. He ran a hand down her spine to her rounded bottom as his member throbbed, searching for her entrance. Lisa raised her hips, granting him access to join their bodies. She cried out as he plunged deep into her. Calvin sat up, needing to see her face, to plunder her delectable neck with his teeth and tongue. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and held on as they moved together.

COFFEE WAFTING THROUGH THE house and into the bedroom stirred Calvin. He raked a hand through his hair and sat up in bed, disappointed that he wasn’t the first to rise with the sun because he’d dreamt of what it would be like to wake up beside her, to watch her as she opened her eyes and he was the first thing she saw. He wanted to know that morning afterglow radiating from her face to gauge her reaction after they made love again. That was twice now that he had woken up alone in bed, though she hadn’t run away this time. He still couldn’t believe how she reciprocated his affections, how every time he touched her, she blossomed like a flowering rose. Seeing this incredibly sexy side of her sent heat rushing through his body again. Something significant happened between them, and the more he had of Lisa, the more he wanted.

He climbed out of bed, found his suitcase beside the closet door, and dragged it into the bathroom. He planned to meet with Nolan to see the buildings and land firsthand, but he still had not let Lisa in on his aspirations for Grayburg Corporation, Green’s Boutique, and AO. If his calculations were correct, a deal of this magnitude would take this partnership to new heights. He couldn’t decide if he should wait and tell her once it was done or if telling her beforehand would be the best way to go. Either way, he was taking a risk and prayed that it would be a good one.

He snatched a pair of jeans from his bag, pulled them on, and brushed his teeth before searching for the woman who shook his world the night before. He couldn’t understand how visions of her caught in the throes of passion constantly replayed in his mind and invaded his every waking thought. Business always came first for him, and suddenly, his world had profoundly shifted on its axis—all because of Lisa Green.

“I didn’t have the heart to wake you,” Lisa said, pouring coffee into a mug on the counter with her back to him.

Her pink pajama pants hung low on her waist, and her white tank top clung to every mouthwatering curve of her body. Heat rushed over Calvin just at the sight of her. She turned and smiled at him, a pink blush rising to her face that matched the color of her pants.

Calvin moved in front of her, took a sip of the coffee, set it on the counter, and then leaned down and planted a hard kiss on her lips. “Good morning, love.”

When he pulled back, Lisa’s eyes were wide with shock, and he couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped. He found that he enjoyed catching her off guard.

“Good morning.”

He grabbed the mug, moved around the dark marble countertop to the other side, and sat at the small round table that sat four. Her home was charming with its earthy tones, and he could picture himself staying here, in Endurance, living with her in this house.

Lisa watched him, and he enjoyed the feeling of her eyes on him. Finally, she picked up her cup and joined him at the table.

“Are you hungry?” she asked. “I didn’t know what you prefer or if you skip breakfast.”

Calvin smiled. “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day; you already know how I appreciate my food.” He reached out and clasped her delicate hand, rubbing his thumb up and down a deliberately slow vein.

Lisa moaned. He had to admit he loved that sound; it was even better when she called out his name in the bedroom. He released her hand and concentrated on the coffee cup before him, knowing that if he continued to touch her, they would spend the entire day in bed getting better acquainted. He had fallen hard for her somewhere between New York and Las Vegas. Over the last few years, they’d seen each other numerous times, but not once did he notice a spark between them. Julie flashed through his mind, reminding him why he never looked Lisa’s way.

“I have to go into the Boutique. What will you be doing today?” she inquired.

“I made plans with Nolan, but before that, why don’t we go into town for breakfast. I’d like to see more of this place while I’m here.”

Lisa’s brow wrinkled as she studied him. “Oh?”

He smiled, knowing he piqued her curiosity. “Let me finish getting dressed, and I’ll follow you into town.”

If he sat there one more second, he would blurt everything out to her. His stomach grumbled as he made his way back to the bedroom. He grabbed a dress shirt, socks, and shoes and finished dressing. It probably wasn’t the best choice in attire, but it was casual enough for him. He had no idea what condition the old warehouse would be in, but he had to believe this would be worth his time. Excitement bubbled as thoughts of presenting this proposal to his father filtered into his mind. He was on to something profitable, something he could feel in his veins. The best thing Grayburg Corporation could do would be to embrace the changing times.

WC: 2166

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