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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/938960-Playground-and-Family
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#938960 added August 2, 2018 at 12:28am
Restrictions: None
Playground and Family
Prompt: What is your playground as an adult?


Wherever I can read is my playground. I read in bed every night, using my Kindle e-reader, and I invented a dark tent to hide under, not to bother my husband. I was going to start this entry by saying my bed, but I worried about some imaginative connotations.

Coming back to my reading places, if it is a print book, I read it inside the covered porch at the back of the house, only if the weather permits, but usually, someone finds me there. Sometimes I snuggle on the couch and read, but that, too, doesn't last for very long before someone finds me.

Then sometimes, I read on the computer, but that is rather rare in comparison.

Mixed flowers in a basket

Prompt: "The family is one of nature's masterpieces." George Santayana Do you know any families, maybe your own that are like masterpieces? Write your thoughts about this.


I am not sure about the masterpiece part but the family is always there as the single most important influence on a person’s life, especially if one comes from a large family. A family is where our earliest memories are born as well as our view of the world in general.

Good families are the ones that receive you with open arms when you are hurt or in trouble. This is because they know us better than anyone else as they have seen us grow into who we are.

My extended family is very important to me. They helped me greatly during my growing up years, taking extra care of me since my parents were separated. I learned a lot from my uncles and aunts as they went out of their ways to cater to me. In addition, they were all morally straight people likes of whom I have rarely encountered in my later life, and they still kept their humanness, never losing their sense of humor or their goodwill toward everyone.

My cousins, too, are wonderful people. In fact, my best friend ever is a cousin who is my age. Now, although long distances separate us, we never feel the separation because we are always in touch and we still laugh at the silliest things as if we are still teens.

I don’t know if my family is nature’s masterpiece or not, but I certainly am glad I belong with them.

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