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"I miss her... We were so good. What happened to us?" |
Chapter 8 Using girls was something I always did as a way to forget and escape the crappy world. Sometimes it had gotten me into a lot of trouble and other times it's what some girls want. I started this at 14. Tapestries cover the walls of the small room to where the only paint visible is in between the large fabrics. Purple string lights outline the door, but are always unplugged when I see them. The only light in the room is from the small lamp that's next to the twin size bed I'm sitting on. "What do you think?" Reagan asks seductively. She's standing in front of me, completely naked. Her body is so thin where if I grab her to hard that I'll break one of her bones. Her curves are there but very subtle. Although, her tits may be small but their perkiness makes up for it. "Come here if you wanna fuck." I say harshly. Reagan straddles my lap and I quickly thrust my cock into her causing her to gasp. Her tits bounce as she moves up and down on me. If only they were as big as Izzy's. Wait, where did that come from? Why did I think that? Her pained expression when we were barged in by Reagan is all I see when I close my eyes. My subconscious flared at me from what happened and what's going on now. Whatever, she'll get over it. "Are you almost done?" Reagan asks out of breath. "Yea," I say quickly. A few thrusts later and I'm spilling into the condom as she falls onto her bed. Fucking her has been so often for two years, my mind has to wander for me to finish. After putting my clothes on, I quickly leave her room without another word said from either of us. The next morning, I wake up to hearing mindless chatter. "Mary get off the fucking phone." I mutter forcing myself out of bed. I follow the chatter to see Mary sitting on the ledge of the bay window in what they insist on calling the family room-when it's really just another living room-talking away. I open and close the cabinets as obnoxious as I could, so she knows she woke me up. "Hey," she calls to me from the doorway. "Keep it down. I'm on the phone." "You woke me up." I bite back. "I'm sorry." She says before going back to her phone call. "What? No, I'm talking to Harry...The girls are getting ready for school...I don't know, I can ask." She says with a concerned expression across her face as she looks at me. She covers the speaker with her hand before asking, "Your mum is on the phone. Do you want to talk to her?" "No," I bite at her again before turning and looking in the cabinets for food. How fucking dare she ask such a thing. She should've already known my answer without even asking me. I cover my face with my hands and rest my elbows on the marble top of the kitchen island. I haven't talked to my mum since I moved. There was no reason for me to speak to her because I no longer needed her. Even though everyone says that you'll always need your mum, yea not for me. I've managed for four years without her perfectly fine. She's most likely still ashamed of me from what happened. Then why did she ask to talk to you? I will always give her credit for working and trying to raise me after the rat bastard left us. The mumbles of mindless chatter continues even after the girls got on the bus to school and I've gotten myself out of my sweats-even though I really didn't want to. I pull my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans to see a text from Kimmy saying, Why are you such an ass? I know exactly what she's talking about and respond with, It's in my blood and take a bite out of my apple. Getting scolded for being sass needs to be something I get used too, meaning it could be happening on a daily basis. She's such a tattle tale. Being called an ass doesn't bother me anymore, especially meaning it's happens for years now. I don't give a damn how people think of me, not even Izzy. Yeah right. "Harry," Mary says, stopping my thoughts in its tracks. "What?" I say with a mouthful of apple. "Your mum was asking about you." She says cautiously while leaning against the island. I'm really not in the mood to have this conversation right now. "She was asking about you." "Okay?" "She wanted to talk to you." "Bull." "It's true. You guys haven't spoken in years-" "And that's MY fault?!" I boom, cutting her off. Now I'm pissed. "I'm not saying it's anyone's fault. She was really hurt that you wouldn't talk to her." "She'll be fine." I mumble tossing the apple core into the trash. "She misses you, Harry. She wants to see you." "No," I say through gritted teeth. Mary needs to watch what she fucking says before I start screaming. "Why add not giving your own mum, the woman you used to care so much for, the time of day?" Is she serious? "Are you even aware of what happened in that house? That beast beat the living shit out of us every ducking day and she let him come back to the house of hell! She even accepted his bullshit apologies about how he didn't mean to hurt us, but then did he beat us again that same night! It took for him to leave for us to be but then I was shoved to the side because she worked all the damn time!" I scream. "She was doing everything she could to make sure you were fed, had clothes on your back, and food on the table." Mary says trying to keep herself from screaming. "She loves you Harry and she did everything a mum could do until you became the problem as you got older." "I'm aware of my past!" I scream at her. "And if she loves me as much as much as you say she does, then why did she keep a horrible man around that almost killed us AND ship me off here when I became a problem?" Mary had nothing else to say except stare at me with tears welling up in her eyes. Quickly, I turned on my heel and headed out the door in complete silence. I was late to my first class, which is fine by me. After my heated argument with Mary, the day has seemed to be going at a snails pace. Classes became brutal to a through, and the semester just started. This performance class will be the one that might kill me. If it's like the ones I've taken the past few years where I had to do all aspects of performing, I'll be calling the grim reaper everyday. "Mr. Styles," a voice calls from behind me. A short, plump man with salt and pepper facial hair rushes towards me like he's late for something. Professor Bell may be one of the coolest professors I've had here, but he dresses like a teen trapped in an adults body by wearing jeans, sneakers, a band t shirt and a blazer. If you're in music, normality isn't really your thing. "Professor Bell," I say, nodding my head ever so slightly. "Running a little late are we?" "I'm always late, except for your class." I say chuckling. I'm not lying to the man, he's one of the best professors I've had and was almost never late to his class. "I'm not the only one running late here, either." Our mindless chatter continues until we walk into the semi-crowded classroom. Although, the only seat that's opened is right in the front row. Wonderful. I never take the time to see who's in my classes because I just don't care. And normally no one I know are even in my classes, except for that one year where I met Paul in a music class. With performance classes, you have to perform-obviously-in front of the entire class multiple times over the course of the semester and usually it's a solo performance. It's stupid if you ask me. He goes on about how the class will go, my mind wanders to what happened this morning. Mary knew how I feel about my mum, why she would even thin of asking is beyond me. I don't even think I'll talk to that woman again. Not after what she put me through. "Mr. Styles, did you hear what I just said." Professor Bell says snapping me out of my haze. "No, sir." I mumble looking directly at him. "I said I'm changing how the performances go for class. Instead of being solo you'll be partnered up and you will be working with Miss Rogers." He says after looking at the attendance sheet. "I-I'm sorry, who?" I say as calmly as I possibly can. He points his pen to the desk next to me and I turn to see Izzy, doing her best not to look my way. You've got to be fucking kidding me. I scoff, roll my eyes and keep myself quiet until class ends. But she saw me; shit. When class ended, Izzy bolted out of the room before I left my desk. I left the classroom as fast as I could to catch up to her. Thankfully she sent that far away. "Izzy wait!" I call as my long legs carry me down the hall. "Izzy!" I call again, causing her to stop and turn towards me. "What, are you going to be the biggest asshole out there all because we have to work together for a class?!" She fires at me, looking like she's going to either cry or scream at me any second. She's not wrong. I huff and run my fingers through my mop of hair, thinking of what to say next. Nothing comes to mind. "I know you don't like me. The feeling is mutual," She starts. Ouch. "But we were assigned to work together, so we're going to jut have to tough it out for the semester, okay?" Even though she's mad at me, I was still able to see how beautiful she is. A small amount of freckles sit on the tops of her cheeks and across her nose, a small beauty mark on her chin, hair pulled into a knot, and a loose t shirt and yoga pants sit perfectly on her body and flip flops are kind of hidden by her pants. It's as if she doesn't care about how she looks and if she does care, I would've never known. "Okay, I'll meet you at your room tomorrow night and we'll start this project." "Sounds good." She says, smiling slightly. Finally a smile. "Do you want a ride?" I offer. I never do this, what is happening to me? "Sure." The walk to my car was a quiet one, until she saw what my car looked like and her eyes bugged out of her head. "This is your car?" She asks shocked. "Yea, it's a 2018 Dodge Challenger." I boast. "It's beautiful." I never would've though she would've reacted the way she did at the sight of my car. The ride to the dorms was filled with mindless chatter-she criticized my music which led me to turning it off and having us sit in painfully, awkward silence-but nothing to personal. I hate talking about that stuff and I assume no one else does, so it's avoided at all costs. Even though the ride was short, it was nice not to be screaming at her. Hopefully she thought the same. |