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Rated: E · Book · Personal · #2147746
Gettin' to know me.
#937027 added April 14, 2024 at 5:39pm
Restrictions: None
Money = Christian?
A couple days ago I received an interesting piece of mail. It was a survey. But not just any ole survey, it was a 2018 Voter Registration Confirmation Survey & Pledge to Vote of 10,000,000 Christian Americans (Whew! That's a mouthful!)

I'm not sure if I should feel flattered that my light is shining brightly enough out in the world that the government knows I'm a follower of Christ, or if I should be afraid that I'm listed as a Christian on some government list. How does Dr. Ralph Reed, Founder and Chairman of the Faith & Freedom Coalition, know how to find me and 9,999,999 other believers?

Anyway, Dr. Reed wants to, Register 2.5 million brand new conservative Christian voters in the 14 key Senate race states and the 42 key swing House race districts that they're targeting. He wants us Christians to "pledge to vote" so Trump can't be impeached, which seems to be a big worry for a lot of folks.

First of all, Matthew 7:16-18 says, Ye shall know them [Christians] by their fruits. Do men gather grapes or thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit...
(Yeah, I like the KJV, though we also own a NKJV, an NIV, and a Greek/Hebrew Interlinear.)

A relationship with Christ is a personal thing and I don't claim to know the heart of a man. However, Trump's "fruits" don't show him to be a true follower of Jesus. (Yeah, I know everyone likes to yell that the Bible says, "Don't judge!" However, the verses that talk about judging are often misquoted and twisted out of context — more on that in another blog post!)

There's another verse that says, No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. (Psssst! Mammon is money!)

From what I've witnessed, Trump is a lover of money. His "master" is mammon and not Jesus Christ. So knowing that his "fruit" is rotten and his master is money, why would this Dr. Reed fellow think that a Christian would support such a man?

At any rate, I digress.

There was a portion of this survey that offended me. In fact, I called the "Coalition" to tell them so!
(Though a fat lotta good that'll probably do)
Question #6 on the survey asks if I will donate money to their cause and then gives me these options:

YES, because I share your view that the 2018 mid-term Congressional Elections are absolutely critical to the success of Donald Trump's Presidency and because we cannot afford to hand control of our government back to the radical anti-Christian, anti-America Left.

NO, because I oppose President Trump. I want the Left in control of our government; I want "open borders" for America; and I want Christianity erased from American public life.

Um. Excuse me?

So if I send my "best donation" (as they put it) then I'm supporting Christianity and if I don't, I basically want "Christianity erased from American public life"?! Are you kidding me?

NO! I won't support Trump financially! However, refusing to fork over the cash that supports my family doesn't mean I'm not a follower of Jesus! Right now he (Trump) is our President. Romans 13:1 says, Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exists have been established by God. Fine. I can grit my teeth and deal with him being America's authority for 2.5 more years. But don't ask me for extra money! I pay my taxes and Trump has more than enough already!

I don't know Yahweh's plan. Perhaps he has allowed Trump to be President for a reason, just as he allowed Hadassah to become queen for a reason. (Read the book of Esther) And it doesn't have to be a reason that brings about good. God has allowed evil men to come into power throughout all history. Often, their rule points people toward Himself. I don't like it but I understand that ...his ways are not our ways...(Isaaiah 55:8-9)

My personal opinion is that God has allowed Trump in this position because the "End is Near!" and He is using Trump (as he used Pharaoh in the book of Exodus) to herald in the beginning of the End (Spoken of in Matthew 24; Luke 21:11; 1 Timothy 4:1; 2 Timothy 3:1-5; Joel 2:28-32; Revelation 13:16-17...)

I might not like that Trump is President but I accept that he is who God put in this leadership role and, as 1 Timothy 2:1-2 says I will pray and intercede for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions...

But don't you DARE say my heart is not for Jesus just because I won't donate money to a political cause!!
Money does NOT = Christian!

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