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A ROBLOX thriller. Don't hate on me please. |
Chapter 1 The mayor of Old Bloxington was furious about the ODers, and what they did to James Bloxin, who did at least something decent to the noobs. He was furious about the split of Bloxington. He wondered if Bloxin would come back to Bloxington to see all the terrible things the ODers have done. Midget was also ashamed of himself for not fighting against the ODers when they decided to take over the office. If it wasn’t for them, Bloxington would have been a normal city like Bloxburg or Robloxity. He stood up from his chair and headed out to the assembly hall. The assembly was only an old warehouse built ages ago. However, Old Bloxington didn’t have enough funding to fix the HVAC, the ventilation, or the insulators. The furniture was simply made out of scrap metal; the cushions were sheep skin stuffed with more sheep skin. It wasn’t good, but it wasn’t terrible either. He called over everyone over the age of 13 to come to the assembly hall. They quickly sat down on the seats and on the floor. Everyone barely fit in the old warehouse, and it was very claustrophobic. The mayor sat down in a chair only a few centimeters larger than the other seats. One great quality about the mayor was humbleness. He timidly sat down and discussed about the infinitely increasing population of ODers. He put his hands into fists and slammed them on the table. A majority of the people inside the warehouse were surprised. His face slightly frowned, and then he stood up after a few seconds. “Can somebody tell me why ODers are constantly being born only a few miles west?” Suddenly, the head demographic worker ran inside the warehouse, with a beige folder in his hand. “Mayor Midget, I have very terrifying news I must tell you right now.” The mayor looked at him, looked at the folder, and then looked back at the demographic worker. He grinned slightly, and gestured him to come towards the mayor. “What’s inside that folder? I’m sure everyone wants to know.” The worker, known as Bill Oofinski, stepped up and opened up his folder. “I spied into New Bloxington, and I hid in a slit between one wall and another wall. It’s funny of how bad ODers are at architecture. They have a sense in fashion for cotton and nylon, but not in wood and steel.” He chuckled a bit. “The mayor of the city got overthrown by another ODer. It turns out that they were enemies way back at 2nd grade. The new mayor’s name is Jessica Brooks, which is odd for a Robloxian. But, back to the bad news. She has plans to destroy Old Bloxington. She says our filthy buildings are disturbing her views of her own city, although statistics prove that New Bloxington produces 52% more ozone-destroying chemicals than we do, because the only thing we burn is animal fat or wood.” The mayor’s grin turned into a sad face. Oofinski continued to talk. “She said that Old Bloxington is a terrible place. She wants all inhabitants of Old Bloxington to die, and once they die, they are to be cremated, and thrown into the Blox Ocean.” The mayor gestured everyone to stand up. “That’s terrible. But, we are noobs and bacon hairs. We shall stop her plans, whatever her plans are. Bill interrupted him. “Her plans are to kill all of us, then move on to killing every single non-ODer in Robloxia, which has a total area of 120 million studs.” The mayor sighed, and then continued with his message. “I may have to sacrifice some of my Robux, but we need 3 ODers to go to each café and restaurant. Since I have Builder’s Club, I’ll make free ODer-like clothes for disguises. We just need Holiday Crowns and those spiky hair-dos everyone likes.” He paused for a bit. “Next, we need our ODer noobs to go to as many cafés, restaurants, salons, and pretty much every single ODer hotspots in New Bloxington to carry out…” A few of the people in the warehouse blurted out some questions. “Will this be an operation?” “Will people die from it? Will New Bloxington be turned to rubbish? Will Mayor Midget die or be kicked out of Robloxia forever? Will some people who are in the thing be banned from New Bloxington forever?” The mayor stuck his hand out to tell everyone to be silent. “I have thought about what we were about to do for a few seconds. I think everything we are doing to stop Brooks shall be combined to form one great operation to end ODer civilization forever; whether we get terminated from Robloxia or not, shall be called Operation O.O.F.” He paused once again. “ODer Offensive Formulation.” Midget cringed a bit, and most of the people in the warehouse rolled their eyes. “OK, let’s just call it Operation O.O.F. The lengthened version is cringy.” He chuckled. The audience rolled their eyes again. “Eh. OK, then. People who want to help carry out the first part of Operation O.O.F., follow me!” the mayor announced. |