I hesitate to say anything...in fact, I had to think long and hard before deciding to come here and rant...but there is a certain contest here at WDC that aggravates me. Now, I know everyone does contests differently. I know we each like what we like and judge accordingly. But this contest — which shall remain nameless to protect the innocent — seems to play favorites. I get it. Some writers here are pretty awesome and can easily hog the limelight with every contest round. Heck, there have been a few times at the "Daily Snapshot" ![]() Still. I find myself irked when I read over past entries in The Contest That Shall Not Be Named, see several wonderful entries, and find "Author X" has won for the third day in a row... again. For the most part, "Author X" writes well. Interesting stories, good twists. However, I've spotted more than one time where, in my opinion, there was a better story. And I'm not talking about mine! ![]() Out of curiosity (and because I obviously have nothing better to do with my time) I went through this unnamed contest to see how many times "Author X" won in the past 30 prompts. Turns out, it was 19 out of 30! S/he wins 63% of the time! Part of me wants to ask if "Author X" is the judge's alter ego or best friend's sister's brother twice removed. The other part of me hisses to shut up and accept it or I'll never have a chance at winning there again! I guess it wouldn't bother me so much if it wasn't so obvious that "Author X" is teacher's pet. If I knew everyone who entered had an equal chance at winning. As it stands, I know if I enter, the odds will never be in my favor. Whew! Now that that's out of my system, perhaps I can: Invalid Photo #1052972 Let It Go! |