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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/934308-I-Love-Life
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#934308 added May 10, 2018 at 1:13pm
Restrictions: None
I Love Life
Prompt: What do you love about life?


Everything. I love everything about life. Loving life is instinctive in the first place even if we are not aware of it. Some people who have been rescued from suicide attempts have said during the last few seconds they’ve had doubts. The thing that encourages those doubts is the instinct for living.

Aside from the instinct, what I love most about life is people, all kinds of people, my species, then, nature and other species. I love all living things. I love the ways how we all breathe and feel pain or the relief from the pain and all kinds of emotions and how we attach ourselves to different and similar belief systems. As far as living things go, I even love snakes and roaches and hate myself when I have to kill an insect.

I love the sunsets, the stars, and the moon in all its phases. I also love the clouds and how they capture light and sometimes color.

In addition, I love what we can produce as art. I also love what other species and forces of nature can produce like birdsongs, the wind through the trees, the mewing of kittens, the barking of dogs, the fragrance of flowers, cut grass, and bread baking in the oven. I love classical music, folk music, instrumental music as well as a beautiful voice singing a song. I even appreciate any voice trying to sing because it reflects something of the person singing it. I love the sound of rain, the waves on the ocean, the feel of sand under my feet at the beach, the pebbles polished by water and sea glass.

Of everything I do in life, I love to read the most. Through reading, I can experience life even more. I am not much for TV watching, but I can appreciate its existence, too, because I think it is a fantastic invention, all manmade. I love staying home and going out equally. I appreciate friends and neighbors and just about everyone I meet.

I love when things stay clean and I love the feel of water running through my fingers when I do the dishes. I am always so deeply impressed by things we take for granted in our homes, like the sturdiness of the house structures, the windows and sliding doors with glass panes, and screens, the constant running water, hot and cold, electricity, our cars and traffic systems, telephones, internet, being able to be in touch with people all over the world.

I am never the one looking for perfection but I try to do my best. I am never perfect and so are (or aren’t) the others, but I can see a beautiful perfection in all imperfections and what makes us be us.

Most of all, I love how we, each in his or her own way, deal with living our butterfly-length lives.

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