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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/933310-Peculiar-Sights-and-Trouble
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#933310 added April 23, 2018 at 6:23pm
Restrictions: None
Peculiar Sights and Trouble
Prompt: What is the most peculiar sight you have ever seen in your hometown, where you now live, or in a place where you traveled to? Please, describe it in detail.


In the area where I live, restaurant owners will come up with all sorts of crazy ideas to attract customers. The craziest thing I spotted was on the Stuart Boathouse’s outdoor seating, which was made to reflect a sea pirate’s place, with a half-sunk boat in the sand and the monkey on the trunk of a tree high up. It looked like a real monkey, rather huge in proportion and far up overhead, possibly carved of wood. Now, Florida is not famous with its monkeys, except for those in human form like the cheeky waiter who waited on us and because of whom my hubby refuses to go there again, but I loved the place at the one time when we went there with our children. I especially would love to see that monkey (no, not the waiter), the monkey on the tree again.

Aside from the monkey and that restaurant, a rather peculiar but beautiful place I’ve been to is in Turkey, in an Aegean town called Denizli. It is called Pamukkale, a place in cascading natural forms of snow and waterfalls that are frozen, but the pond-like structures have blue, hot waters that are said to cure diseases and they are open to the public to bathe in. We were told the place was fed by underground springs and the whole thing had resulted from calcium carbonate deposits. This amazing thing is totally nature-made and has a lovely view around it, besides being something of a wonder in itself to watch and enjoy.

Mixed flowers in a basket

Prompt: What do you consider "trouble", and how do you stay out of it?


Trouble for me is to be put on the spot where I don’t know the answers or the reasons why I am in the spot that I am in. The unknowing is trouble, to me.

If I know the reasons or the answers I can handle the challenges. If I have done something that I am aware of, I am always ready to face the consequences.

How do I stay out of it? I don’t and I can’t. How can one stay away from the unknown? On the other hand, if being put in a certain spot consistently is the doing of a specific person, you can be sure I’ll stay away from that person, although there is no such person in my life at this time.

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