We live much of life amid unique choices. Joy is anchored in The One beyond our life. |
The Quiet is a place of bliss, a place on glassy lake, a place where I know peace. The Quiet is a state of mind, a peaceful heart, a hope released throughout the life. The Quiet waves through noisy sights, through things to do, through things to think, the identity of responsibility. The Quiet woos the fainting heart, the frazzled griefs, the can't-do-it-all, the not-able-to-be-great Shoulds. The noisy heart goes on all steps, is near in crowds, dances on my head under the elm tree, refuses to give me peace. Demands of every leader's voice from youth, until now, requires I do the right thing now, to right the things of past that have never been done that must be done before I die or life will not finish well. The curse of responsible people is that we "should" ourselves in the foot, Imperfect beings that we always are in this life find things to overwhelm the overworked heart more and more every day. Who has time for peace? I have a book to edit. I have reviews to write. I have poems to be written. I have correspondence to send. I have dishes to wash, clothes to clean, floors to sweep, a child to take to the next class or group or something with friends. When is there time for my poor, weary heart? And when I find a quiet place, then how do I unburden my heart to truly find peace? Is it possible to find peace in this noisy life of today? Can peace be found to mend the pieces of my distracted mind and heart? How does one take care of Self without becoming selfish? How does one find peace in order to give peace to others? Is there an eddy in the whitewater rapids, called Life? A cup of tea, the discipline to cease thought, even for a moment, the ability to focus on a leaf, a blade of grass, a cricket chirping, a cloud floating by, the blue of the sky makes peace in the mind to repair pieces of the heart. Can God speak peace to a man like me? God is speaking peace to a man like me. A man like me who finds a place, who disciplines the focus, who listens beyond the big to hear "the still, small voice" will hear what God has been saying all along as well as what He continues to say, what He will continue to say forever. The quiet life of significance is not measured by accomplishments, but by connection to The One, Who is Peace. Peace with God is the place to build the foundation of the house of the Peace of God. by Jay O'Toole on April 23rd, 2018 |