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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/933093-The-Undoing
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#933093 added April 19, 2018 at 2:07pm
Restrictions: None
The Undoing
Prompt: If you could undo ONE thing you did in the last year, what would it be and why?


Oh, this is a difficult prompt for me because I don’t normally cry over spilt milk, and I rarely if ever decide on doing things impulsively. If the question would be about something I did over a lifetime, it would be easier since my previous statement doesn’t apply to my much earlier life.

I guess I can think of two insignificant things. One, if I knew the whole world of charities collecting discarded clothes and household items would be after me every ten to fifteen days or so, I wouldn’t give old but usable clothes and other stuff to one charity about a year ago, which ended up being the worst charity with the bothering factor. It isn’t an everyday event that I buy new clothes or other things, and they want to collect material from me by calling me every few days. After all, who in the world throws away most everything and renews her stuff every couple of weeks to a month or so? Even if I were as rich as King Midas, can you imagine the work involved? Where would I find the time to write, then?

The second thing is, I wouldn’t buy the fancy flipflops that cost a fortune, which I couldn’t wear because they didn’t have good support. I bought them because hubby liked them and I didn’t say no. Well, the flipflops went to the above charity, and I am never shopping with hubby again for myself.

Now, how is this entry for snarkiness?

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