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Rated: E · Book · Travel · #1779685
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#931347 added March 31, 2018 at 1:19pm
Restrictions: None
Bustin' It In The Bronx
Date: Week of March 19th

Locale:  The Bronx, New York City, New York

         This week found me in the Bronx, delivering a basic RF class.  For me, it was a first in a few  ways.  My first time in the Bronx.  My first time working in, or even being near, a 9-1-1 Call Center.  In my job, I found out long ago that a 9-1-1 Call Center is called a PSAC (Public Safety Answer Center).  i was here in January with the same students, so it was nice to see them all again.

         When I was there in January, I learned of a small area about 2 miles east of me called 'Little Italy', on Arthur Avenue in the Bronx.  Restaurants abound all around this area, and I just had to go see it, have dinner there.  I learned that I needed to spend a day there to experience the atmosphere and see/learn about the neighborhood.  The whole time I walked down Arthur Avenue, my mind was thinking "Godfather"!

         Class this week covered several subjects, each providing background on basic RF (Radio Frequency) theory.  It's a pretty basic class when it comes to RF knowledge, but I credit it with allowing me to learn as much as I do know about RF in general.  It's caused me to read up on people who were instrumental in the development of radios.  People like Nikola Tesla, Harry Nyquist, Thomas Edison, Heinrich Hertz, and many more.  I love teaching this class, the students and I end up in quite a few discussions on various topics.

         Wednesday was interesting, mainly because it started snowing Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning, and snowed all day Wednesday.  Since I didn't get a rental car this trip (I rarely get one when visiting NYC), I didn't go out anywhere.  Dinner was a to-go order a Applebee's, which only served to reaffirm my standard of not dining at national chain restaurants when traveling.  I did have an excellent Moscow Mule (Kentucky version, made with Bourbon instead of Vodka) at the hotel bar.  Turns out, the bartender there had never heard of a Kentucky Mule.  Didn't stop her from introducing them to another gentlemen the next night.  He ended up having three!

Noteworthy Restaurants:

         Zero Otto Nove          https://www.089bronx.com/#Menu  As I hinted at earlier in this post, it seems the Bronx is almost all Italian.  This place was recommended to me at the hotel; I wasn't disappointed.  Excellent food, I tried their Coniglio Alla Cacciatore (Rabbit Stew In Tomato Sauce with Fresh Rosemary), and a small appetizer, Brasato e PeperoniSecchi (Short ribs, sun dried peppers, arugula, shaved parmigiano reggiano, & spicy olive oil).  Both were excellent!

Photo's From Visit:

Sunrise In The Bronx, Tuesday, March 20th

In Closing
         I am home for the weekend, and will be in Schaumburg delivering a class next week.  Spring is here so I'm told.  So I wonder how it is that we're supposed to get 3-5" of snow tomorrow!  It's still far too cold, but not as bad as it could be.    Keep writing & Reviewing, and enjoy life!

Jim Dorrell

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