Fiḍál (Grace), 19 ‘Alá’ (Loftiness) 174 B.E. - Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Nineteenth Day of Fast
"All men have been created to carry forward an ever-advancing civilization."
Poem Written on the Nineteenth Day of Fast
The excellence
of our destiny is
proclaimed by the Glory of God,
the Manifestation
of the Almighty in this day.
Honour is reflected
in the way we pursue
that destiny.
Themes for Poems Written During the 19-Day Fast
 Virtues, Baha'i month, or days of week names for the theme used in Poems: Splendor " First Day of the 19-Day Fast"  , Glory " Second Day of Fast"  , Will " Third Day of Fast"  , Beauty " Motavational Monday: The Fourth Day of Fast"  , Knowledge " Fifth Day of Fast"  , Justice " Midweek Reflections on Justice"  , Grandeur " Thankful Thursday: Gratitude List"  , Light " Eighth Day of Fast"  , Mercy " Ninth Day of Fast"  , Words " Tenth Day of Fast"  , Power " Motivational Monday: Eleventh Day of Fast"  , Grace " Twelfth Day of Fast"  , Perfection " Midweek Reflections on Thirteenth Day Of Fast"  , forgiveness " Thankful Thursday the Fourthteenth Day of Fast"  , Questions " Fifteenth Day of Fast"  , Loftiness " Sixteenth Day of Fast"  , Speech " Seventeenth Day of Fast"  , Names " Motivational Monday: Eighteenth Day of Fast"  , and Honor " Nineteenth Day of Fast"  .
 Virtues Used: compassion " Silent Compassion"  , unity " Spheres of Influence"  , detachment " Detachment"  , and generosity " Fun Fact Friday: Food and Generosity"  .
 Baha'i month names for the themes to use in Poems: Might,Sovereignty, and Dominion.
 Week Day names for the themes to use in poems: Beauty, Perfection, , Majesty, Independence, and Glory.
 Virtues to Use: assertiveness, caring, cleanliness, commitment, confidence, consideration, cooperation, courage, courtesy, creativity, determination, diligence, enthusiasm, excellence, flexibility, friendliness, gentleness, helpfulness, honesty, honor, humility, idealism, integrity, joyfulness, justice, kindness, love, loyalty, moderation, modesty, orderliness, patience, peacefulness, perseverance, purposefulness, reliability, respect, responsibility, self-discipline, service, tact, thankfulness, tolerance, trust, trustworthiness, truthfulness, and understanding.
At sunset the year of 174 B.E. ends and 175 B.E. begins. I'm not sure what the coming year will hold; however, Baha'u'llah knows what's going to happen in the world and in my life. I'm still having difficulties with focus because of maladaptive daydreaming. The only thing I can do to overcome it is keep praying, meditating, and writing. As long as I'm focused on doing something, I don't have a problem with it. It's just when my mind is unfocused and wandering or when I'm worried about something. I'm sure that, with the help of Baha'u'llah, I can overcome this problem, but it isn't going to be easy. Nothing worthwhile is easy.
I placed my weekly goals into "Weekly Goals for 2024" , which I will edit each week with new goals. Since a New Year begins at sunset, I'm going to change the way I do the entries in this journal (again). I'll be using this journal for contemplations and thoughts on scripture readings, or other spiritual books I'm reading. I don't know if I will make daily entries or weekly entries. I'll decide about the entries on March 21, I doubt that the entries will be daily (I could change my mind about this).
Footnotes Quoted in The Baha'is page 5. |