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When I wish not write, I come here. To relieve my thoughts. |
3, 2, 1 ....| I had to take a moment and dispel some energy, this is a day, I try with all I am. To be paitient, show empathy, compassion, While I forgive, and the more I forgive, it seems the worse the world is becoming. Between the "gimmies" and those who pray for mountains of gold, and naked virgins. Here, in Mattpoisette Massachusetts it is currently thirty four degrees, with a nineteen mile per hour wind blowing from the west. It is cold, and I am hungry and not in a good mood at all. Now, thanks largely in part, because the United States Government, The State of Rhode Island, and the mental issues of my own mom. Who is as I refer to a Malicious Manipulator. I found a temporary shelter, from the elements, I can contact my clients from here, however, I have my Twenty year old son here with me also. My son while I don't recall the medical terms. I need Only one for me, she knows who this is. Now, this is not a vote, this is up to the people. My ex fiance whom I had my sons with, was admitted to a hospital, for people with mind injuries. I have joint custody, the DCYF people didn't call me, I had a 2 bedroom condo, my two young sons, could have had their own bedroom. Not only did they not call me, to come save my young sons, and shelter them. The state has made the childrens Grand mother who is feeling ill, register her house as a foster home. Now, I have two young sons, missing and they should have been with me. Now, As I am homeless and rather cold. My Twenty year old son is with me, as he has no Id, or paperwork. I'm certain his mom kept it, and from me. I do have his Birth Certificate, and I took hin to find out what he needs to go back to his home. Now that the state has made his grand mother register as a foster home, I have a fifteen year old son, who also lives there. This is how the state made their grandmother register as a foster home. So My fifteen year old son, could remain in the house. No, with the Twenty year old son, we are told, anyone over the age of eighteen, living there, must have the proper paper work, be finger printed. Without all this, My twenty year old is now homeless. As for me, My own mother, had giving me shelter, and she was away in florida, Hence I hade the condo to myself, and I did take my twenty year old in. No, this woman, my birthmother, I picked her up from the airport, and her boyfriend. Not five minutes was she in the airport, she told me my son had to leave, knowing full well he had no where to go. As I didn't like what she was saying, she through me out also. This was 4/5 days ago. I have already lost everything, if you know anything about me, you would know why. The state, and the Government took everything, and Once, blamed "Poorly written laws", as the judge apologied to me, then sentaqnced me to ten years in prison. That's how I lost what I had saved from the recession of 2008, which if you understand money at all, again, the Government shut my business down. Several years later, took all I had left. Now, they took my youngest children, and as My Now Adult son, and I shiver in the freezing cold. We are hungry, and we are still luckier than the babiesand humans who will die in the next twenty four hours, from starvation over the last 30-61 days. I needed to write this down, as their is much more to remember, and I can't recall it [RIGHT NOW].... Oh, now, my own mother, I have video footage, of her destroying my work. She has called my employers in the past and tell them I did drugs, I was a drunk, and other terrible things. I had a couple different employers pull me aside and ask me what was going on. Well, that BVirth Mother of mine, is the very reason I am shivering, hungry, and much more missing from my life. But hey, she wants to know if I want to come over and eat some corn beef and cabbage. I will write more, I have to help my sons. I can't help myself. We need help, and ironically enough. I want to help you. All. If you understand, if you're aware, please, Help. Support comes in many ways, however, I need all forms of help, as do my sons. As for you, how is your community doing today? Please help us. Thank You. https://www.paypal.me/FrancisComeau |