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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/930367-On-Venting
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#930367 added March 10, 2018 at 5:25pm
Restrictions: None
On Venting
Prompt: Do you ever have days when you know if you say what's really on your mind, you'll scare people away? Here's your opportunity to vent without consequence What's really on your mind?


Keeping thoughts to myself doesn’t mean I am keeping them a secret, but there are boundaries where people are concerned and no one should cross them. Aside from those boundaries, I don’t keep secrets about myself because secrets point to fear, and I fear nobody.

What I fear, if I fear, is hurting someone else’s self-confidence or belief system. Most people are fiery about their political views and religious beliefs or non-beliefs. Even though it is everyone’s legal right to express them without insulting the other person, some people are so militaristic that another person’s opinion, however politely expressed, they take as an affront. So, I won’t talk about religion or politics, period, but I don’t fear about scaring anyone away. I fear they’ll hurt themselves because they can’t stand someone else’s truth. Then, why should I talk about something that’s on my mind, something that bugs me, especially in a blog where the whole world can have access to?

Telling things without wanting to is succumbing to pressure. I don't take pressure well, and I am not afraid of scaring anyone away. Those who have decided to stay away from me are already staying away, I’m sure.

In addition, I don’t need to vent about anyone, but if I wanted to vent, I would vent about myself, about things like, why is it that, after I got older, I have less stamina or why am I forgetting stuff more and why am I, once in a while, using the wrong word instead of the intended one?

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/930367-On-Venting