The Saga of Prosperous Snow Continues |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 The "Blogging Circle of Friends " prompt for Day 1939 Have fun with these words writing a blog entry, story or poem. integration, limited, sensitive, item, scream, withdraw The cries and screams of girls, The choices of uneducated women are limited, and their children, their families, suffers because they are disenfranchised. The success of the family, of the nation, and of civilization depends on the integration of women into every level of citizenship. Men need to understand, be sensitive to the fact that their wives are the first teachers of their sons, and to have strong sons they need educated women. In this century we cannot close our eyes to the plight of women and girls across the Earth; to do this is to withdraw into a shell of darkness, ignoring the needs of the nation and the world. The first item on the To Do List for the Twenty-First Century is to speak out against the injustices perpetrated against women on the local, national, and international levels. The "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise" prompt for Day 1542 "Saying nothing sometimes says the most." Emily Dickinson Do you agree? The only time silence, or "saying nothing" is appropriate is when you are confronted with grief (either your own or someone elses). In this situation, it is better to say nothing than to say something inappropriate or stupid. When confronted with an injustice, a person should not be silent. For too long women have been told to remain silent about the inappropriate conduct of their male, or even female, work associates and/or family members. We women have to speak up about the injustice suffered by ourselves and our sisters across the planet, because if we remain silent those injustices will continue. |