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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/929743-Butterfly-Moments
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#929743 added March 1, 2018 at 11:09pm
Restrictions: None
Butterfly Moments
Prompt: "The butterfly counts not months but moments and has time enough." Rabindranath Tagore Write about butterflies and spring.


Who isn’t amazed at the short life of a butterfly, the winged insect that enjoys every moment of its 24 hours? But maybe mother nature is trying to tell us something through its butterflies.

Sometimes I try to pinpoint a special moment by photographing it, but I found out that those fleeting moments, though captured in photos, lose from the complete enjoyment and awareness of them. So, I have been keeping my photographing to a minimum because such moments are too precious to be distracted away from them.

Along a similar vein, I don’t think this quote refers to the shortness of life, but of making the most of every moment by showing the butterfly as an example.

In some cases, however, in an average life, special moments may be few and far in between; yet, it is up to us to make each moment special. This is what some teachings tell us that to take every moment as if it is the last and enjoy it for every moment has its value. Even when scrubbing the tiles or doing the dishes… *Wink* Having awareness of the present moment with our five senses, even the sixth one, we can make the most of the mundane activities. In other words, with such an understanding, we can get maximum value from every breath we take.

An attitude like that can lead us into a butterfly-moments-every-moment bliss and, as a result, may give us a sense of purpose and an added meaning to our lives to turn any season into spring.

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