GOALS! Yeah, yeah. Y'all will probably find this boring. But this is my way to keep track of what I want to do here, so there! Last month I was nearly successful in completing all my goals. There were just a couple of bumps in the road: I technically only won 4.5 times at the Writer's Cramp and I never found the time to enter Thrice Prompted. sigh. So much to do and so little time! On the flip side, I entered a rant essay into "The 4 Controversies Contest" , a story at "Mumsy's 3 Day Yellow Celebration Contest" , an, um, drabble at "Invalid Item" , and a poem at "Word Pictures Contest" ! All-in-all, I'd consider February a successful month! Now, on to: March! This month I'm in charge of: "Character Flaws Contest" (Contest) "Daily Snapshot" (Activity) Alien Invasion! (Activity) "Invalid Item" (Contest) I also donated a package to "The Four Seasons Auction and Raffle" so I'll want to peek over every now and again and see how things are going. Writing Goals: Write a story for "Invalid Item" Write a script for "The Monthly Script Writing Contest" Enter "Invalid Item" Post a story and review every week at "I Write in 2018" Get at least one story into Thrice Prompted - cancelled? Enter the "Historical Fiction Short Story Contest" Blast a story into the "The Science Fiction Short Story Contest" Earn a badge at "Merit Badge Projects" Win at least 5 times at "The Writer's Cramp - Poetry Week!" Write a Dick Casey story for LJ! Read and report on 5 books at "52 in 52" Blog at least 3x a week! Personal Stuff Starting today, March 1, (most) of the family and I are jumping into The Whole30. The little kids will still get cheese (at least until it runs out) but Mathman, the three eldest kiddos, and myself will be trying to lesson the amount of inflammation in our bodies and improve our health via Whole30. I'll be using this blog to keep myself accountable. It's sooooo easy to slip and have a cup of hot cocoa or snack on a cheesestick or to just give up entirely. But! I need to take every precaution to keep my sciatica at bay and cutting the crap from my diet will probably help lose the stubborn poundage that Baby G helped me pack on, so onward we go into that dark night! Get the redheaded minions kids on a stricter schedule! This means I will have to get up earlier (ug) and drag them out of bed (double ug). But in the long run, I think it will be worth it. Especially if I'm going to have to cook breakfast this month (thanks to Whole30) instead of tossing cereal at their mouths! Get a coop built for the special ladies we're holding captive in the basement...I'm talking about our , folks. Sheesh! |