The Saga of Prosperous Snow Continues |
Monday, January 8, 2018 Goals for the Week of January 8-12 Review a minimum of seven items during the week, with at least two by newbies. Submit to "I Write in 2018" and review one. Submit to "The Daily Poem" at least three times. Submit to "Invalid Item" . Begin item for "Project Write World" . Blog entries to blog. At least three entries to off site blog. Deal with any other stuff that comes up. The Motivational Monday prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" Musician David Bowie, born on this day in 1947, once said "All my big mistakes are when I try to second-guess or please an audience. My work is always stronger when I get very selfish about it." How true (or false) is this about your own writing? What's more important: pleasing yourself, or your audience? Second-Guessing Yourself The problem, isn't attempting to please an audience, it's second-guessing yourself. It's usually, 99.9% of the time, wisest to go with your first idea because that is usually the one your intuition, gut instinct, muse, the voice of your soul--whatever you want to call it--comes up with or suggests. Second=guessing yourself or anyone else is what causes a lot of the trouble in a person's life. I know we're told to think twice before we express our anger at another person, but this has very little to do with our creativity and intuition. Our creativity and intuition are spiritual attributes, which we can access with practice by listening to it rather than the voice of ego-related fear. To access the voice of intuition and creativity, a person needs to meditate. There are other actions which help us learn to attune ourselves to this voice. First, is prayer and reading the scriptures of your chosen spiritual path, Second, is listening to the voice, and noting the results. Did the voice save you from making a mistake? Did it encourage you to speak out against an injustice? Did it encourage you to share your spiritual path? These are only some of the questions a person needs to answer after either listening or ignoring the voice of intuition or of their soul. |