I am going to attempt to plan my writing and other activities on a weekly basis. I know that all sorts of issues could raise their heads above the fog of the future, and cause interruptions or delays. If they do, I will deal with them as they come up. I just need to place my trust in God, and accept any delay or interruption in my weekly goal-plan as God's will. I know that, with prayer, everything will work out. I encountered a number of unexpected issues in the past twelve months that, with patience and the assistance of the Almighty, worked out for the best.

Review a total of 28 items a week. If I have a minimum amount each week, it is easier to keep track because I can just check the e-mail about the number of reviews I did each day. Also, I don't have to keep tack, in my mind or writing them down, as I do them. All I have to do is make a note of the day's total, and add each day's total to that of the day before.

Submit to a contest each week. I signed up for "
I Write in 2018"

, which begins on Monday, January 1, and ends on Sunday, December 30. That is 52 weeks of writing and submitting to one contest a week, and reviewing an item written by another "
I Write in 2018"

participant. The word count has to be 2000 words or less and the rating 18+ or less.

Finish reading the series God Speaks Again
by Kenneth E. Bowers. Once I have finished that series read the series The Purpose of Physical Reality
by John Hatcher. Attempt to find a poem idea in each article that I can use to write a poetic entry in "
My Life Is A Poem"


Clean off my computer desk and begin going through the storage boxes I have in my bedroom. I am not sure what is in those boxes, since I have not looked in them for the past two or three years. I do not want to have to lug them with me when I move again, or leave them for someone else to go through when I transcend into the next world.

Work on the stories, novels, and poems I need to rewrite or edit that are in my port.

Purchase a year's premium plus writing.com membership and create a website.

Finish books I have begun reading.